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Kuroha was currently walking around the shops with a bored expression on my face. You were at school and Kuroha had nothing to do. 

"Mew!" Kuroha looked over and saw a little stray kitty wanting attention. "Mew!" It purred and rubbed it's gray fluffy fur against him. He looked down at the creature and stared. "Hm?" He slightly kicked the fluff ball away. It yelped and then walked back and crawled around his legs. 

Kuroha looked at the cute airs and tail along with the face that it was begging for attention. And then you though of you. 

With your (h/c) hair framing your face. Your innocent (e/c) eyes. How you hated being cuddled and kissed even just a little. But what if there was a way to change that? 

Kuroha thought a moment. What if he could make you just like a cat? One that demands his endless attention. 

He looked into the shops and grinned at his new idea. He can't wait to see your cute face when he puts his plan into action. 

You where currently just now getting off of school. As you where walking out of school Kuroha was there waiting as usual. As you walked up to him he grinned. "Hello kitten~." He said with a smirk. You rose a brow at this new name. "Hello Kuroha..." You mumbled giving him a questioning look. "Come on now~. I have something for you back at home~." He said grabbing your hand and dragging you along. "O-Oh...kay?" 

As soon as you got to his house Kuroha shoved you inside. "Ah!" You stumbled slightly and glanced back at him. "O-Okay you're acting weird!" You said. "Just open the bag~." He said locking the door. "What bag- oh." You looked over at the looked to be just bought bag. As reached your hand inside you felt something soft. "Hm?" You tipped the bag over and dumped everything out. "E-Eh!?!?!?"

Your face started to heat up as you saw the fluffy cat ears, tail and collar. Kuroha walked up behind you and whispered softly into your ear "Wouldn't you just look so cute in that, kitty~~." Your face started to heat up more. "E-E-Ehhhhh!?!!?!?!?! W-What do you mean!?!? Wh-Why!!!" He ignored your rant and picked up the (f/c) collar. "E-EH!?" 

As Kuroha started to put the collar around your neck you thought about how Kuroha called you 'pet' all the time. You knew he liked it when you called him 'master' but this was a bit extreme!

You felt the ears being placed on your head and the tail- "AH!" You moved away and rubbed your butt while glaring at Kuroha with a heated red face. "H-Hey!" Kuroha grinned and shrugged. "Oops~. Guess you don't want to wear the tail~...But" he walked closer to you."Those ears and collar alone really makes me want to kiss you~." You moved back. "H-Heh you're kidding r-right?" You backed into a wall as Kuroha placed his hands on either side of your head, trapping you. "Of course I'm not kitty~." He leaned closer trying to snatch your lips. "EEEEEEHHHHHHKK!!!" You screeched while closing you eyes. 

Kuroha smirked. "'re so cute~." He grabbed your hands and pulled you onto the couch making you sit on his lap. "E-Eh!?" You opened you eyes and stared at Kuroha. He started to gently rub behind your ear with a smirk on his face. Your face was on fire right now. 

Without notice Kuroha pulled your head closer and locked his cold lips with yours. "........" Processing...processing..."!!!!MMPH!!!!!" You felt as if your face could melt off at any second now. Your throat felt tight and your stomach turned. You put a hand on Kuroha's chest and gently pushed on it. As you were freaking out Kuroha was moving his lips against yours gently. He carefully pulled away from you and smirked. "Aww did I catch you off guard~?" He asked mockingly. You covered your face in embarrassment. He chuckled at your reaction and gently brushed a strand of your hair.

 "You sent your mom a text saying you'll be sleeping over at someone's house~." Kuroha said. "Eh?" You looked up with a still reddened face. "N-No I didn't!" You said. Kuroha pulled out your phone from his pocket and showed you. "Hm~? Why of course you did~." He said showing you the text that you didn't send. Nor did you give him your phone! "K-K-Kuroha!!" You screeched. "And since you don't have a time limit this time..." Kuroha said as he set down your phone. "I'll kiss you all I want~." He cupped your cheeks. "W-Wait Kur- MMPH!!" You where cut off by Kuroha pulling you closer, locking lips with you. He pulled back gently and stared into your eyes. 

"Oh how I do love you Kitty~." 

A/N: *is currently sitting with a red face trying not to scream because of how cute this turned out* ouo".... F-Fun Fact: McDonalds calls frequent buyers of their food "heavy users." XD Fun Fact About Author: In only 2 years of practice I've gotten very good at drawing :D and you? 

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