Kitty Part 2!

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A/N: Idc if you guys didn't want it cuz I did >3> I really liked how Kitty turned out it was cute and givin me da shivers >.<!! :3 Please enjoy :D 

Kuroha had straddled you on his lap so that you couldn't leave. Him being him wouldn't let you leave no matter what you said.

So now here you were...watching a movie together. It was a horror movie and you liked them only...they scared the crap out of you.. So whenever there was a jump scare you'd tense up and shrivel into Kuroha's chest like a scared kitten.

Kuroha gently petted your head and looked over at you. "Are you scared~?" He asked brushing some hair from your face. "E-Eh? N-N-No! Of course not!" You said with a pout. "Aww so you just want to cuddle me~? I'll gladly accept the offer~." He said wrapping his arms around your stomach and pulling you closer. "Eeeeeeehhh!!! Nooo!" You started to wiggle slightly because your confort was very important to you!

"Ehh? Bad Kitty that hurts!" Kuroha said wincing at your legs kicking his. Gently he moved you closer and bit down on your the cat one..the real one...

"AAAAAAAAEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" You screeched. Your ears were extremely sensitive and Kuroha was taking advantage of that. He nibbled gently on your ear making you freeze up.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,stop,stop,stop,stop,Stop,STop,STOp,STOP!!!" You screamed. He pulled away and looked at you. "Hm~? Did I hear you say keep going~?" He said with a grin as your face turned ashen. "Nononononononono-" "Shh~. It's okay Kitty~. I should've nibbled on your neck instead~." He then teasing moved closer to your neck. "AHH!!! Nonononononononnonononononononononononono!!!!" You tried to wiggle away from his grasp.

Kuroha tilted his head and smirked against your skin. "Ah~? Are you suuuuurree~?" He said teasingly as he brushed his lips against your neck making you freeze up once more. "I'msureI'msureI'msureI'msureI'msureI'msureI'msureI'msure!!!" You said hoping he wouldn't. "Aww~ You're no fun~." He whined and pulled away from your neck.

Suddenly you were whorled around. "Eh!?" Your eyes widened when you realized Kuroha was ontop of you and your back was pressed against the couch. "E-EH!?!" "Since you didn't want me to nibble on you I guess I have no other choice than to kiss you and kiss you and kiss you and kiss you~ over and over again~. You'd like that wouldn't you~?" He asked leaning closer to your face.

While you're now unable to say a thing you just sat in silence and shook your head 'no'. The only sound you could make was a soft high-pitched whining noise.

Kuroha leaned closer.


And closer.

"Well too bad Kitty~."

He pressed his cool lips against yours. You omitted the high-pitched whining noise as he pressed harder against your lips. He pulled away for that much needed air and then came back for another. He did this about five more times before finally quitting. While you whined in protest very very very loudly.

"Ahh~ You're so fun to play with~." He said with a playful grin. You were still screeching. "(Y/n)~" You stopped screeched and froze. "W-What?" You asked. He smirked. "Well if you want me to stop~.. Then you'll have to kiss me back~~" He leaned closer making you wiggle more.

"Nonononononononononono!!!!" You tried pushing Kuroha's face away with your hands. You tried wiggling out from under him.

Quickly he grabbed your arms and pinned them against the couch. "Ah~ ah~ ahhh~." He held you still and leaned in. "Darling Kitty you won't leave me until I get what I want~."

He leaned in and kissed you and when he pulled away he went back for another and another and another. Eventually you gave up fighting back and lightly kissed back. When he pulled away a pleased grin was plastered on his face. "Aww why thank you Kitty~

I'll be sure to do this with you more often~." 

A/N: Fun Fact :D: Beetles taste like apples, wasps like pine nuts, and worms like fried bacon!! Fun Fact about Author: The weirdest thing I've eaten is crocodile :D What about you? :3

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