I Hate Kids

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"(Y/n) Could you please take care of Anne and Chloe from me?" Your aunt asked. You gave an awkward smile to her. Anne was 5 and Chloe was 8 months old. Of course you wanted to say yes because they were angles but today you were going to have a date night with Kuroha... 

At a fancy resturant... 


But you couldn't say no because your aunt needed to be somewhere and she was pregnent. "Uhh...." You rubbed the back of your head nervously "Suuurreee...." 

You knew you were going to regret this. 

Your aunt smiled at you. "Oh why thank you (Y/n). I can always count on you!" She said. She handed you little Chloe who was wrapped up in a little blanket and Anne hugged you tightly. "Yay big sister! Big sister!" Anne said hugging your leg. 'Big sister' is what Anne always called you...wonder how Kuroha would react? 

"C-Come on! Too my house!" You said. "Yay!!" Anne said with a bright smile. You took her hand and started to walk home. "Bye mommy!!" Anne shouted then hugged onto your arm. 

Anne was sitting on the floor playing with Littlest Pet Shops while Chloe was shaking a rattle and hugging stuffed animals. 

Carefully you picked up the phone and called Kuroha. "Hmm~? What's up (y/n)~? You never call me~.." He said with his dark voice. You laughed nervously. "W-Well...I was wondering...I mean- if it's okay..but I mean we can still..but I mean I was just wonder so we don't have to but-" "Just tell me~." He said cutting off your rant. You sighed.

Here we go.

Gotta tell him! 

Just say the words!

"I was wonder...if..." You bit your lip. "Yesss~? If you don't tell me I'll assume something~ and you don't want that do you~?" He asked in a teasing tone. Your face paled. 

Last time you didn't finish your sentence he 'assumed' you wanted a million kisses. 

"I was wonder if maybe you could just come over to my house!!!....err....I mean....instead of going to a crowded resturant..." Sweat dripped from your head as you said this. "Ooh~? Wanting to be alone with me~? Heh~. I'll be there.. but don't expect me to keep my hands off of you~~. See you then~~." As soon as he hung up your face flushed scarlet. "EEEHHHH!?!?! WHY DID I JUST DO THAT!?!?!?" You screamed. 

Anne looked up at you with an innocent look. "Big sister who coming over?" You sighed. "You'll see.." She puffed up her cheeks.

"But I wanna know now!" 


"Why not?" 

"Because patience is a virtue." 

"I don't even know wat virtue means!!" 

You smiled at her and rubbed her head. "Don't worry!" You said. 

*Time Skip :DD*

You gently slipped on your long socks. Kuroha had told you to wear a skirt because they looked cute on you so you wore one of your more shorter skirts hoping he'd be too 'distracted' to be mad. You heard a soft knock at the door. 

"Coming!!" You yelled. You stood up and walked to do the door. "AAH!!" You screamed as you slipped on a doll that had been lying on the floor. "I'M OKAY!!!!" You yelled quickly standing up. You rubbed your nose in pain and opened the door. 

Kuroha looked at you and smirked. "Aww~ did you h-" "Sissy who dat!" Anne asked coming up behind you. Kuroha froze slightly. "What......." He stared at Anne and Anne stared back. "SISSY HE SCAWY HE SCAWY!!!!" She yelled hiding behind you. 

You awkwardly laughed as Kuroha's confused stare turned to you in a fit of anger. "(Y/n)~~~~....." He said in an unhappy tone. "Did I say we could have a double date~~~?" He said with a slight growl. The grin on his face seemed forced. 

"Weeeellllllllllllll..." You said awkwardly. Kuroha shut the door behind himself and glared slightly at you. "Well what~~?" He asked as sweetly as possible. "Weeeellll you see I mean my aunt kinda sorta asked me to take care of Anne and Chloe and well-" "There's two of them..." Kuroha mumbled. 

Anne peaked out from behind you. "Chloe sweeping up stairs so you have to- have to be shh!" She said slightly shyly. Kuroha bent down to her level with a forced grin. "Oh really~? Because I don't care." He said dropping his smile and glaring at the girl. 

Anne squeaked and hid behind you more. "Sissy I don't like this person!!" She cried hugging onto your leg. Kuroha got back up and looked at you. "What's her name again?" He asked. "A-A-Anne.." You replied. He bent back down to Anne's level. "Anne~. Go check on...what's her face again~ She might need you~." He said. 

Anne gasped and nodded her head. "Okay!!" She let go of you and ran up the stairs as fast as her chubby little legs could carry her. 

A part of you was like 'Yay! Kuroha can't hurt her now!' While another part of you was like 'NOO!! Don't leave meeeeeee!!!' 

"(Y/n)~~." You gazed turned to up to Kuroha's. "Y-Y-Yes...." You questioned while wincing at his hash glare. "Do you know what I'm going to you when those two brats leave~~?" He said slowly circling you. You gulped. "N-N-No..." You said timidly. He leaned in closely to your ear. "Oh~? Well don't worry I'm not sure I can tell you right now~~ I don't want you to be fearing me all while we're having our date~." He said darkly. 

"W-Why don't you want them around Kuroha? T-They won't bother us..." You mumbled. "Hm~." He spun you around and hugged you close to his body. "Well one you'd be yelling at me for trying to steal kisses infront of those brats and two~." He hugged you closer. 

"I hate kids." 

A/N: *Yaaawwwwwnnnn* No spell check just me being tired and lazy -u-..... *Head is falling to the side from tirednessness* Eh! Anywho Fun Fact: There are enough candy hearts made each year to stretch from Valentine, Arizona to Rome, Italy, and back again. The number of these candy hearts produced is approximately 8 billion. There are approximately 50 million roses given on Valentine's Day around the world!!!! ((Took it from google :D)) That was more like 3 facts though...... ANYWHO!!! Fun Fact About Auther: Out of those 50 million roses given I got non of them! :D...I am so lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and since I did 3 normal facts I'll do 2 author facts so my other one isss...... The song that reminds me most of Kuroha's and Reader's relationship is - 


By Lady Gaga~ :D Andddddd you ^-^!?!?!?!?!? *Falls asleep*

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