A Change of Events

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Err maybe second favorite?
Okay ;-;
You couldn't believe this was happening... Your psycho boyfriend and psycho best friend were both sitting on either side of you, glaring at eachother.

"You two..." You muttered. "You're acting like an old married couple..." You said.

Abby's face turned bright red and she dug her face into your hair. "(Y/N)-CHIIII DON'T SAY THAT!!" She whisper yelled.

You rolled your eyes. 'Ooohh so she's going for the "you're my lover but also my rival" kinda thing...great.'

Kuroha scoffed and simply intertwined his hand with yours. He suddenly smirked.

"Abby~ it doesn't really matter how much time you've spent with (Y/n)~." He took your hand up to his mouth and said "because I'm the only one who's seen (y/n) lewd~."

Now it was your turn to blush. "WAI- WHA?!?"

Abby glared and stood up in anger. "WELL IVE SEEN (Y/N)-CHI LEWD TO-" Her face turned red and she clutched her hands over her mouth.

Your mouth dropped. "You did whatttt?!?!?!!??"

Abby shook her head as if saying "I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY THAT I SWEAR" but she couldn't actually be cause her embarrassment was too high.

Kuroha wrapped an arm around your waist and gave a mocking wink at Abby. "I win~."

You stood up. "O-okay anywho we need to get started on our pro-"

"Tomorrow." Kuroha said stretching his arms above his head.

You blinked. "Tomorrow? W-what do you mean to-"

"I mean I'm busy right now~." He said cutting you off. You gave him a confused look. "Aww~ (y/n) don't look so saddd~ I'll come back later when we're alone~." He purred.

You crossed your arms. "Yeah whatever."

After Kuroha left you were slightly confused. You would've thought Kuroha would try to keep out doing Abby in everything... Guess he got bored. Again.

You turned to Abby only to see her blushing like an idiot still. You smirked.

"Hello~ earth to Abby~." You cooed and poked her arm. She still looked dazed so you blew into her ear making her squeal and pull away.

"(Y-y-y/n)-chi?!?!?!" She gasped.

You laughed. "You should've seen your face!! Anyways..." You nudged her side. "I don't think trying to one up Kuroha will make him like you..." You said.

Abby blushed and nodded. "Y-yeah...but..." She closed her eyes. "But why...?"

You tilted your head. "Why what...?"

She opened her eyes and turned to look you dead on with a pout. "WE JUST MET HIM WHY DID HE SAY HES SEEN YOU LEWD?!?!"

You sucked in some breath. 'Oh SHIT'
But quickly you came back at her with "WELL WHY DID YOU SAY YOU SAW ME LEWD AS WELL HUH?!!"

Abby's face turned pure red again. "W-well I-"

"Abbyyyyy" you whined.

She shook her fists and pouted more. "THATS NON OF YOUR BUSINESS!!" She said.

You rolled your eyes knowing she wasn't gonna give up a valid answer. "Whatever lets just work on this project." You said

Abby sat down next to you and nodded her head. "Right~!" She chirped.

--Time Skip Brought To you By Cake-Sniffers ;)-- ((if you know what I'm talking about I love you))

You had fallen asleep while working on your project. Abby glanced over at you and blushed. Its true she did like Kuroha he was cute but..

She shook her head. 'Boys boys boys boys boys~~~~~~!' She hummed. She bit her lip. 'Boys boys and maybe one girlllll'

She slapped her head against the table. "Stop it Abby!" She whispered to herself.

Abby looked at the time and decided it would be time to go home. She got a blanket and wrapped it around you sleeping form.

She walked to the door and glanced back at you. "Goodnight (Y/n).." She whispered. "I-...I love you!!" She said louder but quickly ran out of the room as if she had actually said it while you were awake.

However what both girls didn't know was a certain someone who had placed a recorded under the table when both girls were distracted.

Oh how quickly events can change.

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