Abby's Story

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*Abby's Pov.*
Middle school.

That's where I met her. First floor by my locker. Not saying it was the most romantic place to meet your soul ma- I mean best friend but it was a start.

Her locker was next to mine. As soon as I laid my eyes on her I was.. Confused.

Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was down in its natural messy form. She wore an oversized sweater that looked kinda itchy but also kinda soft.. She had a few spots here and there.

Not quite perfect but not quite ugly either. But my heart... It was beating so fast and my cheeks were heating up. Why? This only happened one time when a boy in elementary school kissed my cheek on Valentine's day and my whole face turned red and I squealed.

But it was different this time. It was a girl- and not just that- a girl I didn't know. So when she turned to be and gave me a questioning look I just stared back with a confused look as well cause... I didn't know why I was staring either.

After that my brutal best friend zone began. It didn't help that I never told (Y/n) I liked girls. For all she knew I only liked boys. Which was only half true....

I tried dropping hints that I liked her but to be honest when it comes to love (Y/n) is a total dunce. After four whole years and she STILL hasn't noticed.

Oh well. I'll tell her eventually.. That is if I can get this stupid Kuroha out of the way! Who does he think he is? With his "I'm soooo cool" ness!! UGH!

Ill admit he is kinda cut-


My face turned slightly red when I remembered the whole "IVE SEEN HER LEWD TOO" thing.. Ughh...

Suddenly I bumped into someone. I let out a yelp and quickly apologized. I opened up my eyes.

"YOU!!!" I yelled! I pointed an accusing finger at Kuroha! My enemy but also the person I had a little crush on- GODDAMNIT ABB-

He rolled his eyes, his arms stretched lazily behind his head. "Watch it." He muttered.

I glared. How dare he act as if we were not at war! "HEY!! You're supposed to be a GENTLEMAN!! Besides (Y/n) isn't into freaks like you!" I said with a triumphant smirk.

But my smile was quickly copied by the enemy...

"Isn't her type huh? Funny. If you knew her type you'd think she'd have fallen for you by now~." He said and walked past me. I froze slightly and glanced back at him.

"What exactly is THAT supposed to mean?!" I asked with a little growl.

Slowly, to my horror, he pulled out a little device.. A device that was literally the death of me.. The words that were played back at me made my heart beat 100 times faster.

"I...I love you!!!"

The male didn't even look back at me. Slowly he put his hands in his pockets and as he walked away he said "That's what I mean."

I stared at the direction he went and felt my body collapse under me. What the hell????

How did he... HOW DID HE GET THAT?!?!

When he left he didn't slip the recorded there or something because... Because he knew if he was there he'd be in the way of me telling my secrets- but how?? How did he know?!

I felt a cold wet tear run from my eye. "Kuroha..." I whispered. "KUROHA YOU IDIOT!!!!"

*Third Person*
Kuroha chuckled. Humans are so easily manipulated.. He had to keep from turning around to see the stupid face Abby made when she realized everything.

How sad~.

Kuroha wondered how long he could keep his little act up.. He didn't like having to act as if he wasn't your boyfriend. He wanted to prove everyone he owned you.

He slipped the spare key in the front door and opened it. He closed the door behind him and walked up to your room.

Difficult Love~ (Kuroha X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now