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A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while! Also slight profanity warning :o!!

You ran down the sidewalk with my (f/c) heels clacking against the cold concrete. You looked around at the stores and shops hoping one was open. 

It was a cold winter evening and an ice storm had just started to kick in. You were much too far from your home so you had to find some place to hide until hopefully it passes. 

The frosty cold air trailed against your now pale skin. ((If it was already pale then now PALER skin :3)) Your hands were cupped to your chest and your shoulders were tense and held high to your neck. The heat from your body seemed to be whisked away by the frosty wind. Your coat was much too thin and didn't provide much protection against the harsh winter winds. So basically you where a helpless little kitten trapped in a ice storm. Great. 

You ran across the sidewalk trying to pry open doors or knock at the window hoping someone, anyone will open up to you. Suddenly you remembered that Kuroha's house was not far from here. ((I know he doesn't really have a house but he still has his murderous tendencies and psychopathic...persona!?)) You ran across the street and to through the park. 

As you were making your was though the park your ankle twisted and you fell. ¨AHHKKK!!!!!¨ You shriked as you fell. Instead of having nice soft grass to land on you had ice needles. So when they brushed against your cheeks small little cuts formed on them. Carefully you picked yourself up and started to run again. Hopefully Kuroha won't be mad to see his little 'slave' in an ice storm with cuts on her face... 

You saw the house in sight. Your body shook and your lips had turned blue. Your pace had become slow and your legs shook and wobbled. You couldn't keep steady. You opened the old rusted gate slowly with a shaky hand. The wood screamed in protest. You slowly with shaky knees reached towards the door. Your hands which were now practically ice reached out to the doorbell. Your hands shook so much and went so slowly you could barely touch it. 

'DING-DONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!' The bell rang. ¨WHO THE HELL IS OUT DURING THIS KIND OF WEATHER!!!!!¨ Kuroha yelled as you heard him march to the door. He usually didn't like company especially on days like these. He slowly started to open the door. ¨Yeeeaa~- (y/n)!?¨ Kuroha's voice turned from his normal insane one to confused. ¨What..are you doing here?¨ He stared at you.  You looked up at him with a small smile. ¨H-H-H-Hello...K-K-Kuroha....¨ You whispered. Your voice wavered from your body shaking. 

Kuroha pulled you in and closed the door behind him. He turned to your shaking form and crossed his arms. ¨Hmm....Why aren't you home..¨ He mumbled staring at you. You looked up at him before your legs gave out and you fell to your knees. ¨I-I-I..g-got s-stuck in t-the s-s-torm...a-and..¨ Kuroha cut you off by towering over you. A smirk was plastered on his face as he stared down at you. ¨Well, well I wouldn't say I mind you crawling to me for help~.¨ He grinned down at you as you stared up at him. 

Kuroha gripped your arm and pulled you into his chest. He held your waist so you wouldn't fall over while the other arm wrapped around your back. ¨You know this storm could last for a week~ so you'll just have to stay here until I say you can leave~.¨He buried his head into your neck. ¨Ehh? So cold~...¨ He mumbled.  

He dragged you over to the fireplace and sat you down in front of it. ¨I'll be right back don't freeze~.¨ He said. He stepped away from you and walked up the stairs. 

You raised your cold hands to the fire. They stopped shaking but your lips were still blue and your teeth still shattered. 

Kuroha came back with a thick, fluffy blanket. ¨Don't say I don't take care of you slave~¨ He said carefully wrapping the blanket around you. The soft fluff of the blanket brushed against your body. A feeling of comfort rose in your chest as you pulled the blanket closer to your form. 

Kuroha sat down beside you and scooted closer. ¨I hope ice storms will happen often~.¨ He wrapped a hand around your back. ¨I'd like it if you came running to me for help more often~.¨ He buried his face into the crook of your neck. ¨You're so cold~.. I'll be happy to warm you up~.¨ 

A/N: 1. AAAAAHHH I feel awkward writing this but it's fun toooooooooo 2. Sorry for late updates school hates me :l 

Ideas I need ideas!! That's why Im having troubles update! That and school! Please give me your ideas and ill see what I can do :3

Examples: Birthday, You almost died?, You're sick?, He's sick if thats even possible?, You lie, He gets jelly >;3!!!??? Heeeeeeeelllllp .u. Please tell me! 

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