Lies Part 2!

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(Bff's/n) clapped her ((It has to be female because Kuroha will get angry if it's not :p))  hands together. "Oh I see! He asked you on a date and now you two are dating! And awwww you shared your fist kiss~!!!!!! Cute~!!!!!" She cried as she fangirled. 

"Uh....W-W-" Kuroha cut you off. "What the hell do you want and what business do you have with my pet?" He questioned, hugging you closer. 

(Bff's/n) looked surprised for a second but quickly she smiled. "Well actually I was going to get by bag because I left it here...then I saw (y/n) and I was so happy because she's such a good friend and so kawaii!!! I knew when she got that note in her locker it would be fate~!!" She turned her back to you and Kuroha and started fangirling even more. 

Kuroha looked down at you with a slightly menacing look. "What note~? You never told me about any note, love~." He grinned darkly at you, making you gulp. 

"E-Er....w-w-well I mean i-it wasn't really anything important er..I mean..well.." (Bff's/n) interrupted you. 

"You're really good at writing notes to a person you like!!!" She said suddenly turning her attention to Kuroha. 

"..." He stayed silent. 

"I mean the way you asked (y/n) to meet you in the back of the school was just soooo thought out and- oh I must go! Don't let anyone see you! Bye bye (y/n) and her new boyfriend!!!" She yelled running while away screaming and squealing like an idiot. 

"...." It was silent for a couple of seconds. 

"..." Really awkward silences. 

"(Y/n)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~." Kuroha said, breaking the silence. You gulped again. "Y-Y-Yes?" Your voice wavered out of the fear you felt as you stared into Kuroha's cold eyes. 

"Is that why you were so late~~?" He asked, pressing you back up against a wall. "U-Uh....w-well I-" He cut you off. "Ah~. So that's how it is~? My little pet lied to me~??" 

'I'm going to kill (Bff's/n)...' You thought. 

"I wonder why my little pet would lie to her master~~?? (Y/n)~~ what do you think I should do about this~? Hmm~?" He asked leaning closer to your face. You shook in your skin. "E-E-Err....I-I-I don't know....uh....j-just k-know...I-i-i-i-I'm s-s-s-sorry..?" You said pressing you back more against the wall, hoping you'd just sink into the wall. 

Kuroha grinned and tilted your head up. "Someone needs a punishment~ don't they~?" He said leaning closer. "E-ehh!? N-n-no!! Please no..." Kuroha just smirked at you and ignored your protests. He leaned in closer and bit onto your neck. 

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You screamed and wiggled slightly, but Kuroha kept you from really going anywhere. 

He released and then bit on another spot on your neck, but harder. "OWWEEEEEEEHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP STOP STOP STOP!!!!!" You screeched. He pulled away slightly. "What's wrong (y/n)~~? I thought you liked being a naughty girl~?" He tilted your head up more and kissed you lips. "MMPH!!!!" 

You shouldn't have went behind the school because of a stupid letter!! And (Bff's/n) should've kept her trap shut!!!!!!!

Kuroha nipped at your bottom lip with his sharp teeth. But you managed to get a hand free. Taking advantage of this you quickly pushed him back slightly and slapped him in the face. 

Kuroha stumbled back slightly and his head was turned to the side from the force. His hair covered his face and his shoulders were tense. 

Your eyes widened when you realized what you did...

 You just slapped a murderer dead in the face...

 You gulped. "K-K-Kuroha...I-I-I-!" You stopped trying to talk when you saw his shoulders shaking. You gasped when you noticed he was...laughing. 

Kuroha held a hand up to his face and turned towards you. He had a wide grin and sanity was practically gone in his eyes. "Hehe~ Oh (Y/n)~~~~~ you never cease to amaze me~~~~~~." He licked his lips. "Sometimes you just make me want to tear you to shreds~~~~ but what's the fun in that~~? Playing with you is much more fun~~~." 

You screeched when his cold hand pressed against your neck. Kuroha leaned close to your ear. "You've got me excited you naughty little girl~~. At first I was only playing with you because you lied to me~~~. I was going to stop after our little kiss~. But because of what you did~~ I don't think I'll ever be able to stop~~." He said and grinned darkly. 

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