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I...have no idea .3." But 500+ reads! Yay!! :D 


You kept feeling a tug at your arm. "Konoha!! You're gonna eat my arm off!" You said as Konoha nomed at you arm. 

You were both currently sitting on the couch and Konoha had randomly decided to start eating you arm..for whatever reason. 

"I'm hungry..." He whined as he chewed on your soft skin. You winced at his teeth biting your skin. "(Y/n)~~~." You glanced over to the other side and saw Kuroha smirking at you. He tilted your head up and leaned closer. You screeched and backed up. 

Konoha squeaked at your sudden movement but took the chance to wrap his arms around you and start noming your shoulder. "KAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!??!?!?!??!?!" You screeched as a deep blush spread across your face. 

"Ah! Konoha what a good idea!" Kuroha said with a smirk. Konoha, still trying to eat you, tilted his head innocently. "?" 

Kuroha took a hold of your hand and brought it up to his mouth. "KUROHA!! DON"T YOU DARE!!!" You screamed. He tilted his head with a grin. "I don't know what you're talking about~." He said. 

You quickly summoned up your strength and pushed Kuroha away with your foot. You pulled away from Konoha making him yelp and quickly, you got up and ran out the door. 

"Wait!!" "Nuuuuu..." Kuroha and Konoha yelled and quickly ran after you. You panicked. 'ohnoohnoohnoohnohnohonohnohnohno!!' You thought and gulped. Unfortunately for you, your legs decided they hated you and you tripped. 

You hands ran across the concrete and you felt the burning sensation take over your skin. Konoha and Kuroha caught up to you at this point and you heard a little gasp from Konoha. "Oh nu! Are you okay (y/n)-chan?" He asked worriedly. Kuroha grinned. "Aww did the little pet get hurt~?" 

"S-Shut up!" You said letting your hair cover your face. Blood dripped down your face and you sat up looking at your scraped up hands. The palms were starting to bubbled up with the crimson blood. You felt the strong urge to cry but you refused to. 

"Huh? (Y/n)-chan your knee has red stuff dripping out from it.." Konoha mumbled and sat down in front of you. I looked up at Konoha, trying not to cry as your lip quivered. 

Kuroha grinned and sat down beside Konoha. "So cute~. You can cry pet~. We won't judge~." He said taking a hold of the back of your leg. You tensed up. "Kuroha what are you doing...?" You asked timidly. He smirked at you. "We've gotta clean up this blood don't we~?" He muttered. 

You almost cried when you felt Kuroha's tongue run across the layer of bloody and peeled skin on your knee. Your nerves reacted in an unpleasant way making pain shoot up from the roots to your brain telling you "SODIJFOWEUHFSUNOFI THAT HURTS!!!!!!!!!" You screamed. You shot your hands down to your sides.

Big mistake. 

The scratch marks on your hands burned telling you to move. You screeched again and brought your hands up. "O-ow..." You muttered, closing your eyes. "My, my what a reaction~." Kuroha said, smirking at your pain. You blinked away the tears but almost let out a sob when Kuroha slowly licked your wound again. "Mmm~. You blood is so bitter~." Kuroha said licking his lips. 

"Oh no!" Konoha cried moving over to you. He gently wrapped his hands around your waist and hugged you close, pressing his cheek against your face. You tensed up and blushed slightly. 

Suddenly Konoha picked you up bridal style. "Eh~? Konoha I was playing.." Kuroha muttered and stood up. Konoha was silent as he carried you back to the house. You took note of the fact that he was really tall and you could see EVERYTHING!!! 

*Time Skip*

Konoha gently placed a bandaid on your forehead and kissed it with a smile. "Mary said kissing wounds make them feel better!" He said innocently. Your face turned bright red. "Aw~. Not fair~." Kuroha said suddenly, gripping your chin. He pulled you closer and kissed you lips gently. "!!!" You blushed profusely and tensed up.

Konoha tilted his head. "I thought you were suppose to kiss the wound.." He mumbled. Kuroha pulled away with a grin. "It helps more if you kiss the lips~." He said with a smirk. "Oh...okay!" You felt Konoha's warm hand on your cheek and he gently tilted your head over. "!?!" He gently placed his lips on yours. "?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?" 

He pulled away and smiled at you. "Feel better soon (y/n)-chan!" He said cutely. You covered your red face. 

Out of the corner of your eye you saw Kuroha smirk darkly. "Hey Konoha~. Did you know that she'd feel better faster the more you kiss her~?" You jerked your head over at Kuroha with a shocked expression. 

"Really?" Konoha asked innocently. Kuroha nodded his head. "Of course~. I wouldn't lie~." He grinned. "We should kiss her a lot then right?" Konoha asked. Kuroha smirked. "Yep~! Over and over and over and over again~." He said wrapping his arms around your waist. You tensed up. 'ohnoohnohnohnohnohnohnohnohnooooo' You thought. Konoha wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You closed your eyes and tensed up, sensing their faces coming closer and closer... 

A/N - I thinkkkkkk I might do 1-3 more chapters D: Cuz....I haz no ideas... wah.. 

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