I Don't Have A Good Title!

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"OOFF!!!!" You faceplanted to the ground. You let out a loud groan. You currently trying to roller skate with your younger sibling but it's been so long since you've gone that you've forgotten how to.

Your younger brother laughed at you. "You suckkkk!!!" He said childishly. You growled. You swore if you weren't on these stupid roller skates you'd-

You felt a sudden sharp pain spike up from your hand. You yelped in surprise as you realized someone just ran over your hand. You quickly brought your hand to your chest and groaned once again.

"Sorry!!!" Someone yelled, but kept skating further away. You mumbled some profanities under your breath and quickly stood up. It really did hurt so freaking much! You sighed and slowly skated off the court. It took a while to get to the exit but you managed to.

You took off the skates and walked to the restroom to put some cold water on your bruised hand.

You turned on the faucet and let the cold water rush down onto your hands. You grimaced slightly at the pain and from the cold. Suddenly the power went out. Your eyes widened as you jumped in surprise. Quickly, you dried off your hands and turned on your phone light. You walked out of the restroom and noticed...no one was there anymore. You panicked.

"(Brothers/name)?!" You called and walked out to the skating rink. "Hello?" You walked to the middle and turned in a circle. "Is anyone there?" A sudden wave of dread passed over you. Where did everyone go? Was this a prank? What's happening??!

"(B/n)!! Where are yo-" A hand suddenly clasped over your mouth. You let out a squeal in your throat as the cold hand pulled you from behind towards their body.

"Shh~. You shouldn't speak so loudly~." Your eyes widened. You reconized that voice! That was most deffently Kuroha. As usual..

Kuroha wrapped an arm around your body and hugged you close. "Just enjoy the silence~." he whispered. Your eye twitched in annoyance. He was doing it again! He was trying to distract you from the real problem at hand!

"Where is my brother..." You mumbled, despite his hand that was placed loosely on your mouth. Kuroha sighed.

"You ruined itttt...." He mumbled. He suddenly grabbed you and pulled you around to face him. You yelped and glared.

"Wha-" Kuroha didn't let you get out your sentence. He decided kiss you was more important than your freedom of speech. He pulled away and as you're about to speak again he kiss you once more. You growled slightly as a blush spread across your face. You pulled your self away.

"Kuroha!" You growled. "I'm serious where. Is. My. Brother?!" Kuroha glared slightly at you and grabbed your wrist, pulling you back towards him.

"Don't worry about him~." Kuroha purred and ran a hand through your hair. "You should worry about what I'm going to do with you next~!"

Your face paled. "Wait- what? K-Kuroha?!" Kuroha dragged you back to the restrooms and pushed your back against the counter. He placed his hands on your waist and placed his hands under your shirt.

Your face exploded with color. "Hey-! Cut it o-out!!" You uttered in a slightly dark tone. Kuroha of course ignored you and being the prideful male he is, only smirked and slid his cold hands up higher.

"Kuroha!!!" You tried to push his hands away. "Just tell me where my brother is will you?" You were getting annoyed. Kuroha wanted to play but you were in no mood for his games.

Kuroha leaned closer and nipped your lips gently. "Come on pet~. You know I hate it when you deny me~." He roughly kissed your neck making you let out a slight yelp in discomfort.

"Kuroha-! I'm s-serious!! Stop it right now!!!" You said trying to be brave. Kuroha suddenly bit your neck and pulled on the skin. You cried out in pain as your sensitive skin was stretched and pulled on by Kuroha's sharp teeth.

He pulled away, letting go of your skin. He leaned into your ear and whispered in a seductive tone "You better just stay quiet and let me do what I want~."

*Time Skip~*

A deep blush was on your face as you slipped your shirt back on. "Don't do t-that again..." You mumbled as you glared at the floor. Kuroha was sitting on the counter. He smirked down at you.

"You know you enjoyed my time with you~." He said with a dark grin. You death glared up at him.

"Where. Is. My. Brother?" You asked. Kuroha simply pointed to the door. You glanced over and tilted your head. Slowly you rose to your feet and walked over the door, opening it. You gasped.

Everything was back to normal. The lights were on, the skaters were back, and there was your brother with a pout on his face because he had fallen. You glanced back in the restroom to say something to Kuroha but he was gone.

"But...how- where?" You were so confused as to what the hell just happened. You glared at the ground as an angry blush colored your cheeks. "That damn bastard." You growled angrily. "Ill get you back for this..." You knew he could he here despite you not being able to see him. He always hears you. And nothing will ever change that.

With a sigh you walked out of the restroom to go back to skating once again.

A/N Sorry for the errors. Wattpad glitched out and wont show me what I messed up on and I'm too lazy to check the words. So here you go! You get whatcha get! ^-^

Difficult Love~ (Kuroha X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now