Cake By The Ocean~

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:D CAKE BY THE OCEAN!!! **Warning** Song has profanity in it so <.< >.> Look out~((Song not mine)) ^^~


You were shoving clothes in a (f/c) suitcase. You, and your family, were going to the Caribbean so you had to pack all your clothes for two weeks. "Hurry up (Y/n)!!" You sibling squealed like a baby. You rolled your eyes and quickly sat on your suitcase and zipped it shut. "Done! Oh just a second!" You said and slammed the door with your foot. "WAHH!?!? FINE THEN!!" You sibling said and ran away. 

You picked up your phone and called Kuroha. You gulped because you forgot to tell him're not sure how he'll react. 

"Yes, (Y/n)~? What is it~? You rarely call me~." Kuroha's voice from the other line said sweetly. You gulped. "'s kinda a funny story!" 

"Hm~? Pet, you know I hate your stalling~. Just tell me~." He said. You pressed your lips firmly together. "O-Okay..." You stuttered. "So uh....I'mgoingtobegoneforawhileandIforgottotellyousoyou'reprobablymadatmebutpleasedon'tbebecauseit'snotmyfaultI'llbeattheCaribbeanbye!!" You said quickly. "Wait- wah? (Y/N)-!!!!" You quickly hung up and grabbed your stuff. "LET'S GO!!!" You yelled and shoved your family in the car. 

You sighed in relief when the car started. You plugged in your headphones to ignore your sibling's squeals in excitement. It was going to be a loooonnnggg ride.. 

**The Next Day**

You stripped out of your clothes and put on your swim suit. It was quite a bit tighter than you remembered it used to be... especially in one certain area.. 

All well! No way were you going to be another 100$ swim suit! 

You quickly ran down to the beach. You flipflops filled up with the sand as you trudged along. You sibling stumbled along behind you. Your parents set down a towel and a giant umbrella just to watch and relax. You had already put on sunscreen so you didn't need to worry about that. 

You ran to the shore and let the water sweep at your feet. It was cool and felt good because of how hot it was. You were just about to step in when a voice suddenly caught your attention. 

"(Y/n)-chan~!!!!" You looked over and your eyes widened. 

It was one of your old friends, Shiro. "Shiro!!!!" You squealed and ran over to him. He was just as you remember him. White hair, blue eyes, cat ears, cat tail, oh yeah I forgot to mention he's a neko~.

You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tight. "I missed you!!!" You said. A blush spread across the male's face. "I-I missed you too! Very much (y/n)-chan! Nya~." He wrapped his arms around you as well as his tail around your waist. You giggled and smiled at him. "How's my favorite little neko~?" You asked, poking his nose. 

His blush increased slightly. "Favorite? I'm your only neko! Right? RIGHT?!? Nya~!!" He said with a slightly worried look. You giggled. "Of course you are silly! I'm just kidding!" He sighed in relief. "That's good..."

**Shiro's Pov**

My body is still tingling from when (Y/n)-chan hugged me. It made me feel so happy that she remember me! And she's grown quite a lot! She's very very pretty now!!! Not that she ever wasn't... 

My tail swayed as I glanced over at her swimsuit. 'CUUUUUTTTEEEEE~!!!!!!!!!" She was currently yelling at her sibling so she was standing to her side. The way the swimsuit fit her body made me want to- 

I shook my head. '(Y/n)-chan wouldn't like it if I thought about her like that..' I thought

**2nd Person**

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