Uhm A Name In Which I Have Non! :D

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*A year or two ago*

Your heart was pounding against your chest as you stared at Kuroha. "What is it, pet~?" He asked lifting up your chin. You blushed and looked away. "N-Nothing...it's just that..." Kuroha grinned and rubbed his cold hands against your hot face. "Aww~. Pet you look so cute~." He remarked. This only made your face become even redder. "C-Cut it out Kuroha....you're embarrassing me.." You muttered looking back at him. Kuroha leaned in closer to your face. "That's just what I wanted~." 

"Kuroha....you're so....evil.." You said. Kuroha grinned and moved his hands from your face and instead around your waist. "Hm~? If being evil means I want to eat you up so badly then I'm more than evil~." You felt paralyzed for a moment. 

"Aww~. Little pet you forgot how to breath again~. Here I'll help you~." He said, leaning closer to your face. You felt your lips slowly began to lock with his.

Your eyes snapped open and you sat up from your bed. "...................................WHAT KIND OF A DREAM WAS THAT!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" You screamed. Your hands shot to your face and you shook your head back and forth. "WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY!!! I-I"M NOT A PERVERT!!!!! I-I"D NEVER BE IN SUCH A RELATIONSHIP W-WITH THAT CREEP!!!"

You froze for a moment and felt your hot cheeks. Your heart was pounding against your chest. 'I-I don't like Kuroha....h-he's the one who killed my friends!!! But....even..so....why do I feel so-' You shook your head. "THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I'D EVER FALL FOR THAT SADISTIC NO DIRTY GOOD FOR NOTHING LYING JERK!!!!" 

You threw yourself out of bed and marched in anger to get yourself ready for the day. You glared at yourself when you were brushing your teeth, you glared at your sibling/s when they said 'good morning' to you. You even glared darkly at your parents when they offered to make pancakes today. 

"I'm. Going. Out." You growled and walked out the front door. "WAIT!!! (Y/n)!! You forgot your shoes!!" Your mother called. You turned around and gave her a death glare. "I don't care." You muttered and kept walking. "WELL AT LEAST CARRY THEM!!!" She said throwing them to you. 

"Tch. Fine." Not wanting to talk or have her yell at you any longer, you picked up the boots/flats/heels/uhwhatevertypeofshoeyouwant and walked away barefooted. But not barehanded because you had the shoes in your hand. 

As you walked down the street you glared at anyone who gave you a weird look. Everyone kept avoiding you though because the aura you were giving off. You glanced over and pieced a barking dog with your glare but because you were walking you bumped into someone. 

You stumbed backwards and fell to the ground with a hard 'thud'. You quickly stood up and rubbed your butt. "Hey! Watch i-" You looked up and froze. "K-Kuroha?!" 

Kuroha looked down at you with a smirk. "Hello there pet~." He said with a sly smirk. The name made a shiver shoot up your spine and a light very faint blush spread across your face. 

"D-Don't call me that!!" You growled. His smirk widened into grin. "What's wrong pet~? Don't like your cute little nickname~?" 

You glared up at Kuroha and pulled out your pocket knife. "Never refer to me as your pet!" You said bravely. His grin widened. "So you want to fight with me~? Okay~. But don't cry when you lose~. I won't even use a weapon~." 

You glared darkly and ran towards him. Even you knew you didn't have much of a chance but you needed to take your anger out on someone. 

You slashed your blade at Kuroha but he moved out of the way with ease. You quickly turned and threw your leg up to kick him but he caught it with a swift move of his hand. "Come on~! You can do better than that~. If you lose I get a prize~." 

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