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*WARNING* A BIT CREEPY :D Just a bit ^^""" 

"Do you remember that day?" You asked and stared at him with a sigh. "Sometimes I don't like remembering..."

*Flash Back*

All you could hear was loud ringing in your ears. Nothing else. Everything was black and you can't remember what happened. "(Y/N!!! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!" You heard the voice of your friends calling. Slowly you started to open your eyes. "S-Seto...?" You questioned.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay!?" He questioned. You sat up and looked around. You saw everyone's face except..."Where's Konoha?" You questioned. "(Y-Y/n)..." Suddenly a loud psychopathic laughter rang out from behind you. Your face turned ashen and slowly you glanced over.

Your heart thumped against your chest and your throat felt tight. Someone who looked like Konoha but much...


less innocent...

much more..


Your pupils dilated with fear. "W-Who-" The Konoha-look-alike cut you off. "Finally awake are we~?" He grinned at you and you scooted back. "Why do you look so afraid (y/n)~? It's me~. Konoha~." He walked a bit closer.

Suddenly I heard Kido yell something and run toward him. The look alike's eyes looked over at her and then with a flick of her wrist she was flown across the room. I gasped. "KIDO!!!!!!!" Kano yelled.

As Kido slammed against something glass the shatter echoed in my ears. Everything around me felt like it had faded and the ringing in my ears came back.

"(Y/n)~." A voice whispered. You blinked a couple of times then say bright yellow eyes staring into yours. "AHHHHH!!!!!" You screamed and scooted away quickly. The look alike grinned at you. "I'll come back for you (y/n)~. But in the meantime.." His gaze turned to Momo.

'I've got to get help!' You thought. The look alike's back was turned to you so you took this chance to find a place to run and hide even if it's just for a little bit.

Quickly you got up and ran on your tiptoes to a hiding spot. The sound of gunshots and screams rang out through the building making your breathing become heavy.

You slid behind the closest thing you could see. Carefully you took out your phone and started to dial the police.

"What's your emergency?" A male asked on the other side of the phone. More gunshots were heard in the background as well as screams in both pain and horror. "Y-Yes! H-Hello please help me! He's killing him help them help me please!!" You said frantically.

"Miss, please calm down! Where are you?" He asked

"I-I don't know...I-I-I can't remember!"

"Don't worry miss we'll find you. What's your name?" His voice was calm and soothing making you feel only a bit safer.

"My name is-"

"(Y/n)~~ Where'd you run off to love~~?" You sucked in your breath. He's coming...

"Miss are you still there?" The operator asked. You breathed slightly. "" You whispered.

"(Y/n)~ Where did you go~? Come out come out~." You could tell he was getting closer to you. You could see his shadow nearing. You put a hand over your mouth to make your breathing less loud but it didn't help much.

"Ahaa~ I can't wait to catch you (y/n)~. I'll have so much fun with you~. You'll get the special treatment darling~." He said stalking closer.

You cowered closer in the corner. Your heart was thumping so loudly it felt as if it wanted to flee from your chest. You could hear his footsteps closing in despite the feeling of your ears being plugged. Adrenalin was coursing through your veins and sweat felt as if it was dripping from your eyes..unless those were your tears.

"Come out (y/n)~ and maybe I'll go easy on you~." You could see him creeping around the corner. "I see you~." His yellow eyes stared right at you. Your heart thumped against your chest. He motioned with his finger for you to come closer. "Come here cutie~." He said. You shook your head 'no' out of fear.

Suddenly you were pulled to your feet making you drop your phone. "AH!!!" You were pushed from your hiding spot and out into the open. There you saw the most horrifying thing of all...

Your friends all laid there....dead.....nonmoving... their eyes were wide open with fear and there mouths formed an 'o' shape...All of them had the same expression..

I'm afraid...

I'm scared...

I'm shocked that this would happen...

We weren't suppose to die.

You opened your mouth the unleash a scream of hell but a hand wrapped tightly around your mouth. "Ah ah ahh~. You're only aloud to scream when I tell you to~." He said pulling you into his chest. You gripped his arms and pulled hoping he'd let you free.

"Hmm~....What should I do with you first~." He said turning you around to face him. Now facing him you couldn't scream anymore out of fear. Gently he took your chin and tilted it up. "Look at those plump lips~. I'd love to take a bite out of those~~." He said leaning closer. Your body tensed as his icy cold breath brushed against yours.

"But~.." He said. As his lips moved they lightly brushed against yours. It felt as if he was taking oxygen from you so you couldn't breath. "That neck of yours looks juicy as well~." His words made a shiver crawl up your spine with sharp talons and razor sharp teeth.

The male gripped your hair roughly and pressed his mouth onto yours. "MMPH!!!" Your eyes dilated and your hands shot up to his chest to attempt to push him away. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pressed harder onto your mouth.

It felt as if ice was being pressed against your mouth yet after a few seconds it burned. "M-M-MMPH!!!" Tears started to form in your eyes as it felt as if he was burning your lips off. He slowly pulled away and stared into your eyes. "My, my, my I'm being to like you more and more (y/n)~."

He then placed a hand over your eyes and held you still. "I think you need a little nap~ don't you sweetheart~." He then whispered sinisterly in your ear as darkness started to consume you

"Just remember you belong to me~." 

*End of Flash Back*

Kuroha smirked. 
"Of course I could I forget~?" He said. 

A/N: :D............I'm sorry I'm creepy ^-^""" Fun Fact!:  What is called a "French kiss" in the English-speaking world is known as an "English kiss" in France. Fun Fact about Author: I've never kissed anyone and has been single allllllll my life :D...........................................................................................................................................................................................and you? ^-^... 

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