Lies Part 3!!!!

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A/n You're welcome :D Warning - Profanity though I don't think that's really a problem considering your senpai is probably Kuroha... ouo.. 

And slightly sexualized content but I mean...what can you really expect?


You gulped as you stared up at Kuroha. It was like sanity had been drained from him.. 

"L-Let go!" You said as you placed your hands on his wrists. He grinned darkly at you. "Ah (y/n)~ you're such a bitch~." He said digging his nails into your neck.

"K-Kuroha! T-that hurts!!" You screamed as you clawed at his arms. "Hush~ or someone might hear you~." He said, kissing your lips in a rough manor. You tried to move away making Kuroha pull back. He frowned slightly but then grinned. "If you keep moving like this I might just have to tie you up in my basement ~."

Your face paled and you quickly stopped moving. He smirked and quickly went to steal your lips once more. You squealed slightly but tried to move as less as possible...believe me that was quite hard.

You felt Kuroha's sharp fangs suddenly bite down on your bottom lip. You gasped but then paled even more when you felt his tongue enter your mouth.

Nope nope nope nope nope

You shut your eyes tightly and started to push on his chest. Screaming noises escaped your throat as the wet muscle moved around in you mouth.

"Hey!? L-Leave (y

) alone!" Someone yelled.

Kuroha opened his eyes and looked slightly irritated. He pulled away leaving a string of saliva that connects your and his mouth.

He looked over and glares. "What do you want."

Your eyes widened.

It was that guy who had asked you to meet him behind the school... Awkward.

The guy flinched under Kuroha's glare. "I-I think you should l-let miss (y/n) go..." He muttered.

Kuroha glared darkly at the male."I don't listen to other people~." He said looking back at you and kissing your lips once again. You shut your eyes tightly. "MMPH!!!"

The other male frowned. 'I have to help (y/n)...' He thought. He clenched his teeth.

He shut his eyes tightly. "HEY!!!" He yelled and opened his eyes. "I said leave her alone!!" He ran towards you and Kuroha and pushed him aside.

Kuroha wasn't expecting such an attack from someone like that guy so he stumbled slightly. The male grabbed your hand and started running off with you.

Your eyes widened. 'What the hell?!?' you thought.

Of course you guys didnt get far because some snakes crawled up your legs making you trip. As much as you thought snakes were cute you didn't think so when they were crawling up your legs.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You screamed. The male spun around and tried to help you but some snakes hissed a warning at him.

You tried to push the snakes off of your legs.

Kuroha walked closer and stared down at you with a demonic look. You looked up and gulped at his sickening sweet smile. "(Y/n)~." he said, reaching down and pulling you to your feet. "You know how much I hate it when you run away from meee~." He said as he wrapped an arm around your waist.

The snakes fell off your legs and instead focused their attention on the male. He stepped back slightly then looked up at you. "I'll be back for you (y/n).." He muttered and quickly ran away.

"What a wimp~." Kuroha said and snuggled into your neck. You squeaked as his hair tickled your neck. He suddenly pushed you up against a tree and because it had started to get dark you could see his eyes glow slightly.

"Aww~ look at that cute face you're making~. That pitiful face makes me want to eat you up~." He said moving closer to your neck. You freezed up. "K-Kuroha! I-its cold! W-we should go somewhere else!" You said, hoping it would distract him.

Kuroha grabbed your wrists and then whispered darkly into you're ear. "You mean the bed~?"

Your eyes widened and quickly you started struggling. "I DONT MEAN THAT!!! I DONT MEAN THAT AT ALL!!" Kuroha smirked. "Are you sure~? You know you don't need to act so proper around me~. I know you're a naughty girl~." He said then started kissing your neck.

"IM SURE IM SURE IM SURE!!!!!" You screamed and tried to wiggle away. You felt him smirk against your flesh. "Okay..I'll listen for now~. Just make sure I don't get bored of you, pet or I might just have to eat you up~."

He bit on your neck and sucked at the skin slightly. You froze.

His tongue trailed up your neck making you screech slightly. He stopped then started kissing your jaw line. "K-Kuroha! S-Stop!" You said pushing on his chest slightly.

He grinned. "You say the cutest things~. Oh how I love having you around~." He whispered.

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