Early Halloween Special!!

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A/N this month Im going to try and finish one of my fanfics and get my new idea up and running!! I hope you guys like this special ^~^

You were currently rushing to get on your makeup. You decided this year you were going to dress up as a maid but according to Kuroha you couldn't just be a maid.. You had to be a sexy one... You didn't really want to be a sexy one in fact you'd prefer to be cute but.. What Kuroha wants is what Kuroha gets.

You gently and lightly did your eyeshadow and looked in the mirror. A sigh escaped your lips. "I have more dignity than this.." You mumbled and walked out of the bathroom.

You were excited for the costume party however! One of the popular kids at school is hosting it and he, being the guy he is, invited everyone so he'd look even more popular. Of course everyone is going because it's better than giving candy to little kids or scaring the hell out of them with dumb fake blood.. Nah... That was a middle schooler thing.. This is high school kids. They're too embarrassed to admit they do that!

You wondered if you'd win a prize for being the sexiest maid. Highly unlikely but it'd make your day better..


You quickly ran or attempted to run to the door in your heels. A sigh escaped your lips and you opened the door. Expecting to see Kuroha it shocked you when you saw a 12 year old boy... Dressed like some vampire or something..

"Trick o- DAAAMNNN!! NICE TITS!!" He screamed. Your eye twitched. You forgot to turn the stupid porch light off.. God help you.

"Get lost kid." You mumbled dully. This kid was already giving you a headache.

"Yeah.. Get lost in your bed if you know what I mean!!" He said with a wink. You swear the 12 year olds in the generation are worse than your generation.

"Look kid I'm not interested in you. In fact if I were you I'd turn and run." You muttered taking a glance behind him.

"Why would I do tha-"

"Because if you don't move I'll kill you~."

The boy spun around only for him to see the demented looking face of Kuroha. The kid gulped. He quickly bulted around Kuroha screaming some sort of apology along with "YOU FREAK!" Or something along the lines of that..

Kuroha grinned and then glanced back at you. "Don't you look sexy~" he purred.

You pouted. "Why didn't YOU wear a costume!" You said taking a glance at his attire. It was the normal black outfit he always wore..

"Because we're not going to that stupid costume party~" He said gently shutting the door behind him. You gave him a questioning yet concerning look.

"Then... Where are we going?" You asked.

Suddenly Kuroha pushed you up against the wall. You let out a loud yelp in surprise. Kuroha leaned closer and gently whispered in your ear. "Oh~. We're not going anywhere sweetie~."

Your face turned beat red as he roughtly pressed his lips against yours. "MMMPPHH!!!" You squealed. You felt his cold lips grin up against yours as he took ahold of the back of your thigh with one hand and raised it up higher. You tried to shift away but that only made Kuroha grab your wrists in one hand and held them above your head. His other hand gently rubbed your thigh up... And down.. You felt his cold hand slowly run up your skirt.

Kuroha broke the kiss letting you start squeaking in discomfort. You of course tried to get your leg away but that only made him pinch your thigh.

"K-KUROHA!!" You yelled. "C-C-Cut it out!!" You tried to move.

"Ah, ah, ahh~. You're not going anywhere little toy~." He said seductively. He, while still holding your wrists, took ahold of your hair. "I want to hear you moan my name~." He purred and forced your head up lightly. You yelped.

Kuroha moved down to the crook of your neck and slowly dragged his tongue up.

"NNn- S-S-Stop!" You yelped as his tongue slid higher and higher. Once he got to your jawline he moved back down and pressed his lips firmly on your neck making you cry out lightly. He sucked roughly on your skin and lightly nipped at it. His hand rubbed your thigh more rough. You could barely handle this anymore.

Kuroha suddenly let go of your thigh and gently reached behind your back carefully unzipping the top half of the maids dress. You practically screamed as he pulled it down exposing your bra. He grinned.

"What's wrong~?" He asked reaching his hand back over and taking ahold of one of your breast. "Don't like me seeing that pretty body of yours cupcake~? Aren't you shy~." He purred lightly squeezing your breast.

"A-Ah-! N-no- Kuro- AH!" You yelped as he started nipping and biting your neck, slowly trailing lower. You squirmed trying to break free but that only made him bite you harder. His hand rubbed your breast roughly as he trailed his tongue around your neck. He suddenly pulled away and let go of your breast. He took ahold of your chin and kissed you deeply. Your face was all red and you were ready to just about faint. He pulled away and made you look into his eyes.

"If you're having a hard time dealing with me now then you'll have a looonnggg night darling~"

A/N ((Don't worry Cake by the Ocean isn't over yet infact im working on it probably as you're reading this C: unless you're from the future and it's already out... Anyways Happy Halloween stay safe!! I know it's early for this but oh well deal with it! I might get part 3 of CBTO done tomorrow or soon. Be expecting it though see ya my great readers~ bye))

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