Cake By The Ocean Pt 2!!

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A/n ((To the tune of I love rock and roll)) I love Shiro-san he makes perverts look like normals! I love Shiro-san! something...something..something....Something! **hint hint wink wink**

You were currently in the bath house, washing off the ocean water. Your swim suit was still on because you wanted to get the salty water off it as well. 

You were still extremely traumatized from what happened with Shiro and you but you've been lucky enough to not have seen him in 2 days. Though not with Kuroha. He's been trying to make you blush as much as possible. He's french kissed you, kissed your neck, pinned you against the wall, threw you on the bed and wouldn't let you go until you begged for him to let you leave. 

You let the hot water run down your back as you stood there. 'I kinda wanna go home now..' You thought, staring at the drain that sucked all the extra water into the pipes going who-knows-where. You were completely lost in thought and failed to noticed someone walking into the bath house. 

You had your back turned from the curtain so you didn't notice a certain white-haired neko stalk in. That is until he said "(Y/n)-chan has been avoiding me, nya~." You quickly spun around. 

"S-Shiro!? W-What are y-you doing here?" You asked, stepping back slightly. He grinned at you and looked you up and down. But once he did a pout formed on his lips. 

"(Y/n)'re not naked...." He mumbled and crossed his arms. A deep blush spread across your face and you shivered as you were quite uncomfortable. Shiro walked close and grinned darkly. "But that can easily be changed~." He suddenly wrapped his arms under your arms and locked them behind your back, pulling you closer to his chest. You were unhappy because all you wanted was a nice relaxing shower!

"Shiro! Let go of me!" You growled and tried to pull yourself away.

"Why would I let such a beautiful thing go ~?" He purred, literally, and rubbed his head against yours. You puffed up your cheeks.

"What happened to you Shiro!? You used to be cute but now you're just plain creepy!" You yelled an tried to tear your arms away. "You're also depriving me of my relaxation!" You said angrily. Shiro froze for a moment and looked down at you with wide eyes.

"E-eh? W-why are you yelling at me? And why do you sound angrily with me (Y/n)-Chan?" He asked with a worried expression. You blinked before giving him a dark look.

"Well you are the one squishing my boobs against your chest which by the way....HURTS!!!!" You wiggled in his grasp making Shiro tighten his grip.

"But- but (Y/n)-Chan loves me like I love her right? A-and we're going to get married someday and have lots of babies. Right? Nya?" He said snuggling into your chest. You rolled your eyes. 'Poor Shiro is a hopeless romantic... That's probably why he keeps attacking me...' You thought but suddenly gasped when you felt Shiro bite your collar bone.

"S-SHIRO!!! LAY OFF WILL YOU?!?!" You screamed and pushed the neko away. He stumbled back and smiled at you. "(Y/n)-chan's a bad kitten~! Nya!" He said suddenly trying to pounce on you.

"Ah!!" You quickly dodged the attack and ran out of the bath house. You ignored Shiro's shouts for you to come back and quickly pulled the door open. Your feet ran across the dry hot sand as you glanced behind you to see if he was still coming. 

"Oufff!!" You bumped into someone and stumbled back. You looked up and saw Kuroha, grinning down at you. You quickly hugged him and inched behind him. "Don't let him get me!" You said, hugging onto his arm. He gave you a slightly confused look but quickly smirked as usual. 

"Aww~. What's wrong dear pet~?" He asked, glancing back at you. You gripped onto his arm and glared slightly a certain form coming closer. 

"He- he-! HE KISSED ME!!!" You yelled pointing at Shiro. "And! And he tried to do dirty stuff to me!! He's a perverted neko I tell you!!" You muttered, hugging Kuroha's arm tightly for protection. His eyes turned from you to Shiro and glared at the neko. When Shiro stopped running he looked at you and frowned. 

"(Y/n)-chan let's keep playing..." He mumbled and crossed his arms with a pout. His tail seemed to sway in disappointment. A shiver crawled down your spine. 

"Kurohhaaaaaaaaa save meeee!! He's scaring meeeee!" You whined and hid your face in Kuroha's back. He glanced back at you with a creepy smile. 

"Just sit tight my queen~. I'll take care of him~. But don't look~." He said and set you down on the sand. You felt a snake slither up your arm and on your shoulder. You glanced at it and stared into it's red eyes. Kuroha smiled at you and then turned to Shiro with a death glare. You didn't listen or watch the fight however. Because the snake seemed to induce you into a trance. You felt another snake snuggle against your cheek. You glanced over at the snake, not really noticing the yelps in pain. Suddenly you were pulled to your feet. 

"Come now pet~. You should go wash off the sand~." Kuroha said, brushing a strand of wet hair out of your face. You looked behind him and saw no signs of Shiro. You looked back up at Kuroha. 

"Where did he go?" You asked looking up at Kuroha. "He's not coming back r-right?!" You questioned in a worried tone. 

"Tch. Scaredy cat ran away~." He said and suddenly snuggled into your neck. "If he ever bothers you again I'll kill him for you~." He said, grinning against your neck. You shivered slightly. 

"Y-you don't have to go that far..." You mumbled. Kuroha looked up at you and suddenly pressed his lips up against you. You tensed up. ".....................................MMMMPPH!!!!" You should've know he was going to do that! He licked the bottom of your lip and nipped at it. He pulled away and stared down at you. 

"Little pet you'll have to pay me back because someone else decided to steal your kisses that belong to me~." He said with a devilish grin. You gulped. 'Well....there goes my vacation...' You thought. 

**Again! To be Continued~~~~~~~!!!!!! ACK MY WRIST POPPED x-x**

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