High School Horrors Pt. 2

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A/N Your friends name is Abby:3

You awkwardly sat between Kuroha and Abby. They both had their hands intertwind with yours and wouldn't stop glaring at eachother. You let out a sigh.

"Abby! Ill be right back I need to speak with Kuroha!" You said and quickly let go of her hand. She looked up at you.

"Oh- okay!!" She said cheerfully. She glanced over at Kuroha. "DoN't YoU dArE hUrT hEr." She said in a menacing tone, before walking out of the room.

As soon as she left and was down the hall you put down your fake smile and stood up, glaring down at Kuroha. "WHAT THE HELL?!" You questioned.

Kuroha only grinned at you. "Whats wrong my toy? Wanted some alone time with me? Hm~?" Your face heated up and you death glared him.

"No. I'm wondering why you're at MY school?!" You growled.

Kuroha suddenly pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around you.

"Do you honestly think I'm going to trust you after you lied to me? I've gotta watch your every single move from now on~." He said, his lips up against your ear.

You gulped and started to squirm slightly. "Do you have any idea how bothersome you'll be?" You muttered with slight annoyance.

"My pet did I hear you right? Did you call your master bothersome~?" He asked in a sweet yet menacing tone.

You rolled your eyes. "I'm not scared of y-yo- ACK!!" You yelped ask you felt a cold hand slowly climb up your shirt. Kuroha's other hand gripped the back of your neck.

Before you could even blink an eye all of the sudden you were pushed off of Kuroha and you were on the floor. You opened your eyes and looked up.

You had to bite your lip to contain yourself from laughing but Abby was "violently" hitting Kuroha on the head with a book while he just sat their with a bored stare.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH (Y/n)-CHAN LIKE THAT!!!" She pouted and continued to hit him. She threw the book to the side and walked to you and held her hand out. "Are you okay?" She asked.

You rolled your eyes and took her hand. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay, my hero~." You said jokingly.

She giggled back then shot Kuroha a glare. 'Why did the teacher have to partner us up with him?' She thought.

You grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and both stared at Kuroha and Abby. "We need to actually get some work done!" You said. "So please..no more messing around.." You gave a glare at Kuroha. He simply smirked back at you.

"So...what are we gonna do for this project?" You asked.

Abby started jumping up and down. "I know!! I know!!!" She said. "What if we did one on 'How to catch a pervert and put them into jail'!!" She said cheerfully.

You rolled your eyes. This was gonna be a long, long, lonnnnnggggggggg day..

Difficult Love~ (Kuroha X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now