I Know Everything

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You were freaking out. Your sister (sister's/name) decided it was a 'good idea' to come an visit you. The problem was she is a insidious and a maudlin person. If you looked up her name in the dictionary it would say 'a narcissist'. You being you HATED people like her but you where her little sister so somehow SHE got to tell you what to do. 

Usually you wouldn't be freaking out about it so much but this time...Kuroha would be there..and Kuroha doesn't really like other people. For all you know..the next time you could see your sister is in a morgue.

You paced back and forth. (S/n) would be here any minute now and she would take over your whole closet. You rubbed your head. "Ugghhh this is so stressful!" You mumbled. 

 Suddenly you heard the phone ring. You glanced over and picked it up without even caring. "Helloooo.." You mumbled. "Hey (y/n)!!" It was Mary. You perked up slightly. Mary was one of your secret close friends. "Oh! Hello Mary!" You said smiling as if she was right in front of you. "Hey..so I was wondering if....maybe...you wanted to....uh...hangout sometime today!" She asked. Your smile dropped from you face. "Oh......sorry...my sister is coming over today..and...I mean...Don't get me wrong I'd love to hang out with you more than (s/n) but...." You trailed off slightly. "Oh......n-no it's okay! Maybe some other time yes!?" She said. You could hear the hope in her voice. "Of course Mary!" You said with a smile that lit up your face. "Oh! Really!? O-Okay! Well...see you later....uh bye bye!" You said your goodbye as well and hung up. 

Your heart started to beat faster but you didn't know why. There was and angst or a acrimony in the air. It was like everything was going wrong or like you had forgot something extremely important but you didn't know what it was. 

But that's when it hit you. 

Kuroha said he was coming over today....

Your eyes dilated in fear. "AH!! NO NO NO WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!!?? OHHHH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OOOHHH NOOOO!!!!!" You walked back and forth pulling at your hair. Your stress levels increased. "What am I going to do, what am I going to do, what am I going to do, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!!!!" You held your head. They where both coming soon and you couldn't just tell them not to come. 

Kuroha would put you in a choke hold and rant to you about how you can't tell him what to do while saying it sweetly yet bitterly. 

While as (s/n) is well...her. 

You ran to the kitchen and looked around for maybe a cabinet where no one will find you in. You looked over at the counter and saw a little thermometer sitting there. 

"Mommy I think I'm sick!" Your 5 year old self walked into the kitchen dragging a teddy bear behind you. You mom put her hand on her hips. "Oh really?" She said. You nodded. "See mommy da heater thingy says it!" You said holding up the thermometer to her. She looked at it. "Oh my you have a 104 fever! You need an ice bath!" She said. Your face turned ashen. "N-No mommy I'm fine!!!!" You ran away.

That was it! You could fake it so Kuroha would still come and your sister would ditch because she's too much of a narcissist to come and having the risk of getting sick. 


"Hah...sorry sis....I guess...*cough* you'll have to come next year..." You mumbled into the phone. "EEEHHH!!!?!?! YEAH OKAY!!! I won't get sick from talking to you on the phone right!? Oh no I'm feeling faint. Oh no oh no! Bye!" She hung up. You grinned "Yes!" 

Just then the door opened. You froze. 'Oh right he's still coming..' You though and quickly put down the phone. You turned to face Kuroha's snake-like yellow eyes. "Hmm~? Who was that~?" He asked making his way over to you. You gulped slightly. "Ohh....just the electrician company..." You mumbled. 

Kuroha's snaked his arms around you ((A/N: Snaked haha get it!!! :D........................I'll go home.)) and pulled you closer. "I don't believe you~." He whispered in your ear. "W-Well...t-that's your p-problem!" You muttered trying to act tough. He grinned at you. "Oh~? I was just assuming it was your sister..what was her name again~? (S/n) was it? I mean she was coming over today wasn't she~?" You eyes widened at his statement. "H-H-How-!" "Hush~." He pulled you on the couch and rested you on his lap. 

You wriggled in Kuroha's grasp. "H-Hey I wanna know how!" You said. "Hm~?" He looked up at you. His hand touched you knee making you jump slightly. "I lot's of stuff about you~." He said moving his hand up and down on your leg. You face turned from ashen to pure red. "E-Ehh!?" He smirked. "I know your fears~, you dreams~, you enemies and your friends~." His hand that was resting on you side slip up. It moved up your shoulder and your neck to your cheek. He pulled you in closer to his face making you heat up even more. "I even know about Mary~." You gulped at this. "H-How!" You asked staring at him. "I can't tell you how...but..." He tilted his head slightly. "..I can tell you this~...." His voice lowered as he leaned closer to your lips. 

"I know everything about you~." He closed the gap. 

(AlN~) Hope you all liked it :DDD It was really fun to make...I guess!! Also fun fact: Otters sleep while holding hands!! Awwwwww >w<!! And Fact about Me~!: When I'm nerves I pinch my neck or twittle (don't know if that's even a word) with my hair :3 What do you do? :DDDD 

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