Chapter 1

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UPDATED AUTHOR'S NOTE 10/8/12: This story has many spelling and grammar errors. It also includes incorrect layouts. SLOWLY BEING EDITED.


Author's Note: If you liked my other story "Found (The Fictional Story Of Greyson Chance)" then you'll like this one too. This one is actually a little more of a fan fiction then the other story, but it's still a story so you'll have to wait until the Greyson part comes up. I promise to try my best to make the story satisfying. Thanks if you're reading :D (P.S. This is also fictional. I will not be using any family or friends of Greyson in this. It's all made up.)

~Reunited In Years~

"Carter, this is beautiful." Ally said to her best friend Carter, holding up a golden heart shaped locket. Ally and Carter were both married and 26 years old. They have been friends ever since they were born. Literally. They have the same birthday, but Carter is 12 seconds older.

"You're welcome Ally, I hope (Name) likes it. Little Grey Grey picked himself." Carter replied looking at two 2 year old babies. Ally Laughed.

"No way!"

"Yes way! We were walking past a jewelry store in the mall when he pointed to it! So I bought it for (Name) and thought it'd look adorable on her." Ally teared up a little. She loved her best friend. Their friendship was strong.

They both looked at the two clueless babies playing with each other. The babies were laughing and enjoying themselves. Carter took a deep breath. "Ally, I need to tell you something." Ally slightly frowned. She gulped. "What is it Carter?"

"I, I'm moving out of the state." There was silence between the both of them. They hugged one another. Ally sighed. "I'm going to miss you so much. Call me everyday." she said wiping her tears.

"I'll call you three times a day." Carter replied. She grabbed her camera and took two photos of Ally and her. Then she snapped two more of the two babies playing. She took a another deep sigh and took one last look at the babies before saying "We leave tomorrow."

Carter handed Ally one of each picture she took. Both ladies put their heads down in silence and held hands. Two best friends being separated was not easy.

*13 years later*

(Name)'s Point Of View

"(Name)? Why do I smell something burning?" My mom yelled. Oops. I ran into the kitchen and turned the stove off. Then I threw some burnt pancakes into the sink. "Remind me to never let you cook  without an adult." My mom said laughing, walking in. I leaned against the counter.

"Mom, I can cook. I just can't cook pancakes for some reason." I said while grabbing bread and Nutella. I sat down and made my Nutella sand which. My sand which that I'm pretty sure could not burn since I wasn't toasting the bread. I was getting ready for school this morning. It was Monday sadly. I live with my mom, and my dad whom is now at work. I'm also an only child. I took a bite of my sand which and headed up the stairs.

Every morning, I send my pen pal an Email. Yes. Pen pal. I've been doing this since Kindergarten. My Kindergarten teacher said we had to find an anonymous pen pal with help and permission from our parents. My mom found me one. The thing about this assignment was that we were not supposed to know anything really specific about our pen pal. No name. Just the first letter. No age, no location, but gender yes. My pen pal is a boy. And I call him G since that's the beginning of his first name. Over the years, my mom told me for some reason that I still wasn't allowed to find out any specific information about G. Weirdly he wasn't allowed to know anything about me either. I obeyed that rule 'cause if I didn't, our way of contacting each other would be over. Obviously I'm not aloud to have his number to call him...So yeah. Let's just say we know a lot about each other and we've become best friends over the years. General things though. Color, food, etc. People still make fun of me 'cause I still talk to my pen pal from kindergarten. But I don't really care. We were great friends and always talked (not literally talked). One time, I was about to give up emailing him, but my mom started acting strange and begged me not to. So I didn't. I didn't want to anyways. But her acting strange left me curious for a while. I sat down on my laptop and typed:

"Morning G. Wish me luck today. There's fitness testing at school. So I'm going to have to run a million laps and I won't survive. I'm not going to focus on not whimpering though, I'm going to focus on not dying. Email ya later ;)"

I sent the message. I opened my desk drawer and took out a golden heart shaped locket. I put it around my neck and headed to school. "Bye mom!" "Bye sweetie!" she yelled.


Finally at school. I headed towards my locker and grabbed my books. "Aye sweet thang how ya doing?" Zac said winking and me. I just giggled. He liked using Zack's line from "The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody" Zac was one of my best friends. He had a crush on me. But I told him it was never going to happen. I only like him as a best friend. He's not giving up though.

"You can't deny our love." He said. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Whatever Zac." I stuffed my books, and my clothes for Phys Ed in my backpack. Then a thought came up.

 "Hey Zac, where's Cameron?" Cameron was my girl bestie. But I usually called her by her nickname Cammie, or Cam. "Beats me. Didn't she say she was heading to English really early to check out Jake?" I nodded. Jake was the hottie of the school I guess. Most of the girls are desperate for him, but I'm one of them that aren't interested.

"Makes sense now. Leggo." Yeah. I said "Leggo." I like Justin Bieber. Random.

Zac and I had Algebra first. This is going to be a long day. I mean, I like school, but I hate homework and work. Later on there's also English, French, Science, and more. Ugh. Phys Ed is last period though. I have it with Zac and Cameron. Besides work, school isn't bad.

Seven periods later the bell rung. Finally. I grabbed my books and headed out of French class towards the gym. "Avoir un nom de belle journée." My teacher said as I rushed passed. He said "Have a nice day (Name)."

"Merci vous aussi." I replied ("Thanks you too").

"(Name) wait up!" I turned around. Cammie. "Hey." We walked in the girl's locker room. "How was stalking Jake eh?" I asked. She just smiled. "Wonderful. He is so great at speaking English." I cocked an eyebrow. She just stared at me. I sighed and shook my head.

Cameron and I changed into our gym clothes and met up with Zac. "Aye there you are Cammie. (Name) was looking for you this morning."

"Yes. I know that now. Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome." He smirked. Zac and Cammie do this all the time. It becomes normal. All of a sudden, we heard a loud whistle. "Listen up! You all got 5 minutes to run as many laps as you can! If I see you aren't trying, you're going to spend time with me at a REAL gym. GO!!" I took one last look at my friends, and then ran like my life depended on it.

"Guys are you okay? C'mon it was only 5 minutes." Zac asked opening his water bottle. He chugged the whole thing down and grabbed another one. Cammie and I were panting and coughing, down on our knees.

"Zac I can taste blood in my throat." I replied. I drank down as much water as I could. This was one of the worst feelings in the world. At least now school was pretty much over, and I won't have to do this again, until next year.

"Listen you three. You did pretty well. You all ran more than a mile, and don't have to spend any time with me at a gym." The teacher said. We all sighed in relief. I grabbed all my things and headed home with my friends.

Author's Note: I'm sorry the beginning was so boring :\ It actually does get interesting starting with the next chapter. Thanks for reading. :) <3

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