Chapter 25

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(Greyson's POV)

"Promise me Greyson."

I squeezed her tight, closing my eyes, feeling lightheaded.

"I promise." Were my last words. There was no reply from either of us.

We had both finally fell unconcious.


╰☆╮(Name)'s Point Of View╰☆╮

Am I dead? I am dead aren't I? Is this how heaven feels? I found myself galloping through a field of beautiful flowers, feeling like everything is perfect. The sun shines bright, and I'm lying in the flowers, moving my hands and legs in an up and down motion, making angels. I'm smiling, and laughing as a butterfly lands in my hand, crawling around, figuring out if I was going to harm it or not. I could see it was very cautious.

It was a very beautiful butterfly. It's wings were a redish orangish color, blended together very nicely, looking like a gorgeous piece of artwork.

Making sure it was still there, I started walking off throughout the field of flowers. Where? It didn't matter. I felt free.

I also felt something I haven't felt in a while before I was dead. I felt happy. Worrie-free.

Checking on the butterfly again, it flew off. It's so one of a kind, I thought.

But when the butterfly flew off though, I didn't see it fly off into the endless sky. What I did see was that it got bigger. And bigger, and bigger. I was confused.

Then I saw it. The fire. The butterfly and it's wings had turned into a tretcherous fire. The flowers were burning, and everything around me filled with smoke. I wasn't happy now. I was terrified.

I didn't know what to do now. There's fire in heaven? What the heck?

Letting tears run down my face, I was frustrated. It was a horrible feeling of déjà vu. I don't know why though. It would've been better if I was out right now. I wouldn't have to see this. I wouldn't have to suffer more than I did now.

Closing my eyes, I let out a cry as the fire wall closed in on me. Then, it was gone. Just disappeared.

I found myself fluttering my eyes open, squinting at the bright light, taking in my vision.

I tried to sit up, but that only lead to me wincing in pain. Hearing heavy breathing, I take a look around, but only coming to the conclusion that it was me. I was panting, my skin covered in sweat.

It was just a dream. But it felt so real. Too real.

All of a sudden, I felt my throat burning. It stung. I tried to swallow, but that made me want to scream, only I couldn't.

Then it hit me. I was alive. I am alive.

Of course, I thought, mentally facepalming myself. Usually when you die, your whole life flashes by before you. That didn't happen with me. I didn't see all the moments of my life.

I could've died. But I didn't. D-Did someone save me?

I took a look at my surroundings, acknowledging I was in a hospital room. Wow, I'm slow.

I closed my eyes, relaxing, trying to refresh my memory, trying to remember everything that happened.

Storage room, bomb, dance, fire, smoke, Greyson.

It wasn't a dream. It was real. It did happen. I slightly remembered it.

I sat in the corner of the storage room, piled under some supplies. It was silent, and I was about to think of all my great memories, until there was an explosion. My head was thrust back against the wall, knocking me out.

At some point, I somehow slowly lifted one eyelid, seeing smoke and fire all around the room. Gasping at the sight in fear, I inhaled the smoke, choking, tears stinging my eyes, and passed out again.

It was all a blurr after that. I was out. There was one moment, when I felt Greyson hugging me, and he promised me he would never leave me. That promise meant a lot of things. He wouldn't leave me as my best friend, he wouldn't leave me, as in getting separated, and others.

I saw the door open. A nurse and my parents came in, talking to each other, freezing when they realized I was awake.

"(Name)!!" My mother burst into tears. I saw happiness and relief flash over my dad's eyes.

They were about to hug me when they stopped halfway. They backed away slowly. "Probably not a good idea."

Scrunching my eyebrows together, slightly disappointed about not getting any hugs, my eyes trailed down to my hands. I'm just looking at them now.

My fingers on both hands had several band aids. A white bandage covered my right arm from my wrist to slightly above the elbow. Another one covered my other arm mid lower/upper arm. Moving a blanket that was on my body, I saw a lot more band aids and white bandages covering them. Bringing my hands slowly up to my face, I felt around. There was a bandage wrapped around my whole forehead, and one square patch band aid on my left cheek. And lastly, one rectangular patch right on my throat.

What the f*ck. If you didn't know that it was me, I would've just been easily mistaken for a mummy. I gave the three adults in my room the What-On-Earth-Happened expression. They just looked uncomfortable and fidgety.

"No (Name) doesn't like white chocolate as much as milk chocolate." I heard as 4 figures stepped into the room, stopping, realizing I was awake. Flower bouquets, boxes of chocolates, a stuffed teddy bear, and jaws fell to the ground.

The biggest smile formed on my face. "CAMMIE!! ZACK!! GREYSON!!" I enthusiastically shouted, regretting it right after, when the pain kicked in.

My smile disappeared, and my eyes trailed to their bruises, cuts, scratches, and similar white bandages and band aids I had. Just noticing the fourth figure, it was a police officer.

No one spoke. It was dead silent. Wanting to know what happened, I spoke.

"May I please have some answers?"


Yay (name) didn't die. Phew. That would've seriously been aweful. And sorry I updated a little later. I lost track of everything.

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