Chapter 31

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Everything was perfect though. The setting, time, person, I wouldn't be surprised if all the guests at the party were with their special someone, sitting under a tree, doing their thing.

We finally pulled away, me resting my face on his chest while he held me in his arms.

"It certainly is." I mutter against his shirt.


"Are we actually doing work on the last day of school..." I groan as the teacher lectured on about blah blah blah. It's finally the end of June, and in a matter of minutes I'll be out of this place enjoying summer vacation with my friends. We're planning on going camping, and the rest of the summer...we'll just wing it.

Of course, Greyson and I have been-

The flying ball of paper stopped me from my thoughts and I looked around startled. I saw Greyson giving me a wink and I rolled my eyes. What is it with him and throwing objects at me? Yesterday it was a pencil, just to also mention it nearly poked me in the eye...Of course, instead of passing notes like a normal person, he throws it across the room.

I quietly flattened out the crumpled ball of paper and read what he wrote;

"I'm soo bored. Anyways Zack, Cammie, and I are going to the roller rink after school. You're going."

I grab my pen and scribble down "Oh yeah sure don't even bother asking if I have things to do after school..." Then I crumple it back up and toss it back to him.

Not even a minute later the ball comes back hitting me in the face. I sigh and repeat my actions again.

"I know you don't have plans 'cause I asked you if you were free yesterday. Double date."

Right. I forgot about that. Cammie and Zack had started dating after my birthday. Remember there was that moment where everything was perfect and I said everyone mine as well be lip locking with someone? Yeah those two got caught up in the moment and did. Then they started secretly dating and we didn't find out until a few weeks ago. I felt slightly betrayed that she didn't tell me, but I excepted her excuse. Something about 'not knowing anything for sure' and 'it was too weird'. Well they got that right. They were the two I least expected to get together, with all their bickering and differences. But like the saying goes, "opposites attract".

The bell rung catching my attention. Oops let me repeat that. The LAST BELL TO EVER RING UNTIL NEXT FALL rung. Everyone stood up cheering and throwing random things in the air. I shot up from my chair so fast that it fell back. Crumpling our conversation up, I tossed it in the bin and fled the classroom, Greyson hot on my heels.

When we spotted Zack and Cam running down the corridors toward us, Greyson grabbed my hand and shot his pointer finger into the air. "Let's get out of here!"

He lead us through the double doors and we soaked in the sunlight. Freedom.

"Off to the roller rink we go!" Zack shouted climbing into the drivers seat of his car. Greyson and I climbed in the back. When I looked out the window, I finally saw the flock of students leaving the school.

See you next fall, I silently said in my head to the high school.


"Roller skates or roller blades?" The man behind the counter asked. "Roller blades for me please." I say raising a hand. I can't roller skate for some reason. I fall every time.

"Me too." Greyson said. "Same here." Zack added motioning to him and Cammie. Okay so we all had problems with actual roller skates. I can't even stand in them, what a fail.

After the man handed us our sizes and we buckled them on, I entwined my fingers in Greyson's and pulled him into the dark rink. It was really cool. The rink looked like you were in outer space. There were neon planets and stars on the walls. Everything was illuminating. Looking down at my white v-neck, I saw that it was glowing.

Greyson and skate side by side, swinging our hands without a care in the world. Our skates glide smoothly on the shiny wooden floor.

"Don't fall Cammie!" I shout to her from across the floor. She turns and looks at me, loses her balance and falls. Zack starts to help her up, and I start giggling, knowing that would happen. After all I learned it the hard way.

"C'mon." Greyson leads me along and I skate behind him. "S'cuse me!!" I yell to a couple holding hands. They lift their hands up, still connected. Greyson and I come closer together and duck, passing through their archway.

"I've always wanted to do that." He says smiling at me. I return it and remember something we used to do a few times we came here. Slowing down, I grab the hem of the back of his shirt tightly with one hand.

"Oh this." Greyson chuckles. I slightly bend my knees, and he starts skating with me trailing right behind. I was like his little tail. I didn't have to skate, he was pulling us both along, and this was always fun.


"It sure will, since I'll spend most of it with you." Greyson said, planting a kiss on my lips. I smile shyly as he puts his arm around me. I put my arm around his waist, also givng him a side hug. He was so sweet.

Two hours later, we finally decide that our legs are numb and we head out to eat. We all agreed on pizza, so that's where we headed off to.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at Prince Pizza. We decided on just getting plain cheese pizza, with a side of fries and soda.

After stuffing ourselves with food, our stomachs couldn't take anymore.

"So what are we going to do this summer?" I ask, not really coming up with much.

"Well, we will go camping. Then maybe we could go swimming, catch a movie, have a barbeque, go to the beach, sit in the house and eat ice cream..." Cammie trailed off. I shrug. It didn't really matter. I just didn't want to be bored. I wanted this summer to be special at the same time too. Spending it with my friends I've known since forever.

I wanted it to be unforgetable.



Omg this chapter was just awful I'm so sorry. It's short and boring. Again really sorry. I had writers block and didn't know what to do in this one. It was meant to be a filler chapter anyways. It prepares for something coming up. This story will be ending in about 4 chapters. And I've got about 2-3 stories planned out. The one called Break or Heal will be up before this story ends. :'(

School starts tomorrow -_-

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