Chapter 13

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"(Name) Let's go sweety!" I woke up confused. Oh right. Natalia played with me like a rag doll. Cam is sound asleep next to me, which is weird because I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be at classes. I start to get up when pain hits me. "Here let me help you dear."

I just realized my mom was here. It took a while though, since I fell asleep. "Wait mom." I pick up one of the pillows and smack Cammie with it. "Cam get to class or you'll have mad work after school."

She groans saying "Mmm Just a few more minutes. I see you later." I roll my eyes and head off with my mom.

When I get into the car, I see my dad in the driver's seat. "Oh hey dad. Aren't you supposed to be at work?" He starts the ignition when my mom shuts her door. "Well, I heard my little girl got hurt so I just had to leave work....And," He turns around and faces me. But then he looks down. I follow his gaze and see a suitcase. I sigh.

"Buisiness trip?"

"Yes. I'm not very happy about it either, especially when my daughter is hurt, but I have to go. You know I love my two girls."

"Yea," I whisper. "I know you do."


My mom and I are back at home after dropping my dad off at the airport. I slowly slump down on the couch and stare at the ceiling.

"Cookie?" My mom said holding one out. I gave a small laugh and took the cookie. I'm probably never going to grow up.

I chewed slowly, and remained silent. "You okay kiddo?"


"Well, yea I know...all of that," She referred to the injuries. "But I'm talking about other, things too."

I sighed. "Things get so boring around here with just you, me and dad sometimes. It makes it even harder now that dad is on his buisiness trip. And look what happened to me today. It doesnt make anything better at all. Things have been tough. I lost two good friends. Cam is not handling any of this well. It makes me feel worse seeing her so hurt. Zac and Greyson...I don't even know about them. I just know they feel...worthless watching me and Cammie like this. Sure they helped and calmed things down a bit...But I really don't know what else they can do to help. They've done their best. They're wonderful friends. I don't want them like me. They're probably targets now. I don't know what to do anymore."

My mom thought hard. I lie on the couch in silent, angry with pretty much everything in the world. I tried to think things out, but I got nothing really.

"Don't do anything." I turned my head. "Huh?"

"Don't do anything at all. Just leave it alone and it'll disappear. Trust me. What's the point of Natalia bothering you more if you just act like you dont care? She'll get bored eventually. They're like rumors. It's a big deal for a few days, then it all disappears and no one cares anymore, because it's old." I thought about this. "You might be right...Now that I think about it, I'm not sure I want to do anything at all. I think I've done enough. Its mostly my actions that lead to all this. But something that bothers me is that Natalia is going to get revenge on me...."

"No. No one is going to let that happen. Believe me...I just know. Natalia has to remain at least a 50 foot radius from you. And all the students and teachers are watching out for you. I'm certain. I talked to your principal." Wow, this doesn't make me feel any better. It's like being stalked. And now people have to watch me. I'm not sure anyone wants to do that. They'll be annoyed or something. 'Ugh why do we have to watch out for her she's fine.' Things like that.

I got up carefully, from the couch and started heading upstairs for a nap. "Oh, and your principal says you don't have to go to school tomorrow. She says you're excused." Cool. But I might just seem like a coward or weakling if I stay home. I'm not. I'm pretty sure I can go to school even when I've been slammed and slapped. I'm not going down without a fight. But my strategy is just different from any other.

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