Chapter 32

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You know how usually on the last day of school you say "This is going to be an awesome summer!" and then the next thing you know there's only a week left before school and you're just like "WHAT THE F#CK HAPPENED TO SUMMER!?"? Yeah that's how I feel right now.

"How is it possible that summer is already over?" I asked Cammie. She lazily slumped her head back on the lawn chair and groaned. "I don't know, but it's not fair."

"Tell me about it." We've had fun all summer. It just ended so soon.

We had gone camping, and it was amazing. It was a two hour ride, but we passed the time quickly with music and games.

Our site was close to the lake so we went swimming often, and we had barbecues there. We also did the regular camping stuff. S'mores, stories, campfire, etc.

My favorite? Climbing the trees. It was scary, but really fun and adventurous. They were sturdy enough that you could sit high above the ground, and not worry about falling, if you were careful. Usually right before a sunset, we would all climb up there and lean back on the trunk, relaxing while watching. There would be a small breeze whirling through the summer air, leaving a peaceful atmosphere around you.

The rest of the months, we hung out with one another as much as possible. Going to the carnival, amusement parks, beaches, there was so much that went on. The good thing was that it replayed over and over in my mind so easily. It really was a memorable summer. But it's not over yet. There's still 6 days left before our junior year of high school, and I bet we could fit a ton of things within those 144 hours. There can be more great things to remember.

It was past 3 o'clock in the afternoon while Cammie and I lay in my backyard on lawn chairs, basking in the sun. It had been a long day, and we were continuing to finish off our unhealthy homemade ice cream sundaes that had already halfway melted.

Greyson's voice rung throughout the air and I turned to look at my phone. Turns out he had a strong passion for singing, and I had recorded his amazing voice for my ring tone.


"Hey (Name), what's up?" He asks through the phone. I look at Cammie stifling her laughter, to the ice cream, and back to her.

"Nothing, just hanging with Cammie." I say, giggling a bit myself.

"Well, I really need to talk to you, so I'm heading over in about ten minutes. Is that okay?" I frown at his seriousness, and my heart started beating faster, wondering what he would tell me. Uneasiness started washing over me as I replied back, "Sure."

I hang up and look back to Cammie, who shrugged. "I guess I'll go now." I noticed the remorseful look on her face and questioned it.

"Is there something you know that you know, but I don't?"

"I'll see you tomorrow." She nibbles on her bottom lip nervously and gives me and extremely tight hug. I decided to drop it. I'd find out eventually when I see her tomorrow.

After bidding her goodbye, I headed inside, upstairs to my room. Looking down at my clothes, I decided to change into something a little nicer. I ended up slipping on a baby blue sleeveless silk top, and white denim shorts with some sandals.

"(Name) you up there?" Greyson shouted from downstairs. Just on time, I thought to myself.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back, my feet pounding down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I shot him a smile and stood on my toes, planting a kiss on his cheek.


"Hey." We stood there in the foyer; me sitting on the steps of the stairs, and Greyson leaning back on the door with his arms crossed.

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