Chapter 22

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Okay. I tried to remember what else we had learned about acetone peroxide that day. Most terrorist used it since it was so unstable blah blah blah....Uh very explosive I got that too. Uh it has no nitrogen in it which is another reason why terrorist used it. The explosive easliy got past scanners to detect nitrogen explosives so yeah. Uhm...It's shock sensitive.

So far I've thought of nothing useful. C'mon there's gotta be something Mr. Rodrigues (Science or Chemistry teacher) taught that could help me. I closed my eyes thinking harder.

I GOT IT!! I didn't learn this from the acetone peroxide lesson, but the lesson about explosives. Mr. Rodrigues said that bombsuits protect people handling explosives. And bombsuits are made of plastic, foam, metal plates and other stuff.

I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to cover myself in objects and stuff like that. I'm going to cover myself in many layers as I can, because if the thing explodes, the things covering me will take more of the damage. I could even CAREFULLY move stuff in the room to be infront of me, for more protecting, excluding bleach, windex, and other liquids like that that could make the explosion stronger....

TIME TO GET TO WORK BECAUSE TIME IS SOMETHING I LACK. I'm also surprised and sad no one had found me. I feel so important....

Ok I swiftly moved around the room gathering things to cover my body, that would be useful. Plastic trashbags. Even though it's like the thinnest plastic on Earth, it's better than nothing. Plus, the room had tons of it. So I packed them together to make a thick layer, surprisingly about five inches.

I looked to my left and saw a bucket of sponges. I hesitated, but I grabbed them and stuffed it inside the trash bag. I could keep stuffing it. It's like my own bombsuit.

About 5 minutes later, my trashbag protection gear was neatly stuffed with sponges, plastic gloves, foam that I found from cardboard boxes (I neatly folded the boxes and stuffed those in too) and some other stuff. I tried to look around for other things but I started weakening. The air had become very stuffy and it was hard to breathe. Not much time left, whether the thing exploded or not. Then something caught my eye.

OH MY F****CK!!!!!! A JACKET!!!! I know what you're thinking. 'What the heck? A jacket?' Well it's not just any jacket. It's a Kevlar jacket!! Kevlar is also something people use to make bombsuits. Kevlar is especially a great material.

I took the jacket off the hook, also finding a pair of Kevlar gloves. Awesome, I thought. I layed those down, walking over to quietly clear one of the shelves of the metal rack. I took the things off, then I somehow took the metal shelf off the rack.

Metal can protect you too. I knew that by common sense.

I did that to a few more shelves when I decided I had no energy left. Literally. It was time.

I gathered everything, and pulled them over to a corner right next to the door. It was a good idea to already be against the wall, so if the explosion was strong, I wouldn't be blown back into the wall. I sat down putting the jacket, and saving the gloves for last. It felt cool at first, but now I was even hotter.

I layed the garbage bag blanket on top of me, leaving a little air to the side. I turned my head almost facing the door, but then I moved the blanket to set up the metal shelves right on top of that.

I guess I am done. All I gotta do was wait, whether for the explosion, or someone to let me out.

Now I was really suffocating. Too. Hard. To. Breathe. Now.

Is this protection going to work? Nope. Am I going to die? Absolutely.

I sighed and closed my eyes, crying freely. I thought about all my happy memories that I got to live, all those wonderful times with my friends and family.

Friends and family. I cried a little harder. I never even got to say goodbye to them. I never--

Interrupting me from my thoughts, there went the explosion.


Author's Note: Gasp!! :O. Omg could this be the last chapter? Should I just leave it like that? Like 'The end (Name) just dies' and thats all? NO WAY. That's too sad. Lol and I'm pretty sure some of you want romance with Greygrey and (Name). Also this is more of a story than fanfic, just saying. 

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