Chapter 4

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I stood there, frozen in awe, not knowing what was going on. There was a boy about my age, and an older woman whom I assume was his mom. Then my mother walked in from the kitchen. "Oh (Name) You're home! Wonderful. Say hi to our new neighbors sweety." What. New. Neighbors. That was the secret? Well I feel stupid now. I thought the secret would be something major, but it was something irrelevant. But still. What? Why do they have to be our new neighbors? I looked out the window. There was a big moving truck across the street. I was so anxious on getting home to find out the secret, that I didn't even see that. "Hello (Name)!!" The boy's mom cried, hugging me tightly. This was weird. "Hi.." I said back weakly."(Name) Why don't you two go up stairs and us adults stay down here." Before I could protest, my mom was already pushing the boy and I up the stairs. Now the boy and I were in my room alone.

"Hey." I said avoiding eye contact with him. "Hey." he replied. That was the first time I heard his voice. I pressed my lips together. "What's your name?" I can't believe I asked that. It's like I'm talking to a kindergartener. I'm already embaressing myself in front of a stranger. "Greyson." I nodded. "I'm (Name)." We sat in silence for a couple minutes. Then I caught him looking around my room. Looking at my pictures. This was the most awkward moment of my life. It's pretty weird having a guy check out a girl's room. Not like I have anything girly stuff or something, it just gives me an uncomfortable feeling. Then his eye's landed on the picture of my unknown best friend and I as a baby. He walked over and picked it up. I was about to grab it from him when he asked "Where did you get this photo?" I was surprised he asked. Why would he care? I shrugged. It wasn't his buisiness, and I didn't know where my mom got the photo myself. "Why?" I asked. He reached into his pocket and took something out. It was a photo. The same photo. "Why do you have the same photo as me?" "Why do YOU have the same photo as ME!?!" He asked. We were both silent. Mom had some explaining to do.

"MOM WHO IS THIS GUY AND WHY DOES HE HAVE THE SAME PHOTO AS ME!?!" I shouted. "(Name) please calm down and I will explain. Lets all go sit on the couch and talk." I walked over and sat down. This oughta be good. Then I paused. I looked at Greyson, and my mouth dropped. "Mom...Is he--" "Yes" She replied. "Mom, what is she talking about?" Greyson asked his mom. She sighed. "First of all, I want to ask something. (Name), do you remember me?" I blinked two times. "Should I?" Awkward silence. Then my mother spoke up. "Okay. (Name), Greyson, I'm going to explain this to the both of you. (Name), This is Carter. My best friend, ever since I was born. Practically sisters." I looked at this Carter woman. "Okay. (name), you got it correct. Greyson..Is your best friend in the photo." Greyson and I looked at one another. So this was the secret. "Why didn't you tell me?!? It wasn't that big of a deal." "Yes it was." Her voice became stern. I sat up more. That was the voice I've never heard. "Mom, why didn't you tell me either?" Greyson asked. Carter just shook her head. "Greyson, it was so hard being separated from Ally. The feeling killed me. Not being able to see OR talk to her. I couldn't talk to her because it was too risky. You or (Name) would have heard the conversation and want to know who it was. Lying would make things worse. Ally and I also miss each other. So we'd want to call each other a lot more and it'd be a bad idea. So this is why we kept you guys a secret from each other. We didn't want you miserable the next 13 years." This was interesting. I just had to tell Zac and Cammie about this. Wait. I got up and faced Greyson. I looked at mom first. "MOM. IS THIS WHO I THINK IT IS?!?" She nodded. "Yes that's you're best friend." I shook my head. "NO. IS THIS G?!?!" Greyson stared at me. My mother and Carter were trying to find words to say, but nothing came out. "So all these years, I couldn't find out any information about, about 'G', aka him," I said pointing at Greyson. "So I wouldn't find out who he really was? And he couldn't find out about me? I can't believe you kept my best friend a secret all these years. I could've handled it. I'm FIFTEEN." My mother stood up. She raised her voice. "(Name), I realize you are upset about this and I understand. But you're fifteen NOW. Back then you were younger and probably could not handle it. It would kill me seeing you miserable everyday 'cause you can't see you're best friend whom you've know since you were in diapers." Her voice softened. "And I'm sorry. But you know now." I sighed. I frowned a little and apologized back. "No. I'm the one who should be sorry. I guess I should be happy and excited that I'm reunited with my best friend. Not yelling and blaming you 'cause you never told me. I suppose it could've been worse."

Okay. So Greyson and I eventually worked things out. We ended up pretty careless of one another at first, but now that's not the case. And we don't have to go through that thing where we interrogate one another since we haven't seen each other in so long. We know a lot about each other anyways. Greyson and I are going to school together now. Ha, I had to beg the secretary to have Greyson and I have the same classes together. She gave in eventually.

Oh... I just remembered Zac and Cammie. I never told them anything yet. Looks like they're making a new friend tomorrow. Worst case senerio all three of them hate the guts out of each other.

Author's Note:Yeah yeah yeah I understand this was probably a bore too.

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