Chapter 30

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They all smiled and nodded altogether, not letting go of the plate. I never got the chance to question them though, because something ended up all over my face, and I heard laughter. I wiped the cake off my eyes, seeing people with cameras all around me. Three people specifically, were laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"You bastards." I tried to scold them, but ended up smiling and doubling over as well.


"It was the second time something creamy ended up on my face 'cause of you guys, just saying." I finally wiped the last bit off my face, thankful barely any of it got in my hair. That would've been sticky and extremely uncomfortable.

"Yeah but your face though! It was priceless, and more than half the people at the party had taken pics or recorded everything. Surely no one will forget about that moment." Zack snickered, still looking through the photos of it all. I manage a small smile. I definitely won't be forgetting.

A loud roar erupts and I thrust my head in the direction, furrowing my eyebrows.

"OH MY GOD!!!! DAD!!!" I ran full speed over to him and jumped into his arms, ignoring some of the pain that was still there. That didn't matter. He made it.

"Hey kiddo. You didn't think I'd actually miss your birthday did you?" I hug him tight, and then pull away, my eyes back to what made the loud roar.

"ITS A RANGE ROVER!!!!" I ran over to the silver car and hugged it  - or well tried to. It was so beautiful, but to be really honest my excitement would've still been the same if only my dad showed up. I loved him and barely saw him. For all I know, after the party he'd be gone in the blink of an eye, and he was more important.

"Is this for me?" I ask, not even bothering to hide my excitement. I had always wanted a range rover because for some reason I thought it was cute. Like, I don't know it reminded me of something appealing.

"Well, it was for your mom...but since its your birthday sure." I punched his shoulder and pulled him in for another hug. He patted my back and I let out a sigh of relief.

"This car is awesome. Aw I want a range rover when its my birthday too!" Cammie gawked beside me. It was our dream car.

"(Name), come over here." I recognized Greyson's voice and turned to face him, holding his hand out for me. He lead me to a granite bench and we sat down. He stared out into the trees, completely relaxed. I stared out too, and then saw that time has passed, and the stars were peaking out.

"Just wait for it."

I glance at him, confused, and then turn my head back to the trees. After a few seconds, they all of a sudden start twinkling. A few lamps are lit, and all the trees were illuminating. I don't know how, because I didn't see any wires or anything, like the ones that were usually on Christmas trees. The sight was breath taking, and it was probably impossible to wipe the smile off my face. The light breeze blew and it cooled us off from the rare night time humidity.

Greyson squeezed my hand and put his arm around me.

"Here's your gift." He said, holding out a small box. I take it and gently open it. My face instantly brightens and I give a soft laugh.

"You don't like it?" He asks, looking disappointed. I go wide eyed and reply right away. "No! Its just that," I reach for the heart-shaped locket I always wore around my neck, holding for him to see.

"Its nice that we're still...together all these years. We were still best friends, and we just didn't know." I now put the locket next to Greyson's gift, which was also a heart-shaped locket, but newer and it was a bit more of a fancy shape. It also had a few diamonds encircling it. The locket twinkled along with our surroundings itself.

"This really makes me smile. Because you gave me this one," I hold up the old locket. "When we were two. And then," I hold up the new one. "14 years later we're still friends. Not many last this long."

I open the new locket, a picture of two teens in view. "The pictures in both lockets prove everything. The old one contains the baby picture, and this one contains the present day." I quietly say.

"Look on the back." He whispers to me. I turn the heart over, spotting the words that were engraved;

'Together, forever.'

He takes the locket out of my hands and stands up. I move my hair to the side while he places it around my neck, and fastens it.

I see him take out his blackberry phone to look at something, probably to check the time. After pocketing it, he pulls me up in front of him, and wraps his arms around me. I held his hands, while we stood there swaying back and forth, memorizing every bit of the scenery.

"Run into the light get out of your own way, not afraid to fight believing what you say. I'll hold on 'til the night..." I heard Greyson sing softly against my ear. I smiled as he continued.

"Hanging by a thread I'm not scared to let go, thoughts inside your head that creep up to get you.

I believe this is right so I'll hold on til the night..."

"Since when do you sing?" I ask teasingly looking up at him.

"Since you. You're the inspiration to my music." Looking into his eyes, I saw that he was serious. I didn't exactly know how to reply to that, except wow. I feel really-

"Look up at the sky, we don't want to miss it." He broke my thoughts and I snapped my head up to look at the sky. I waited and waited, until the first explosion rang, and the colorful lights burst throughout the sky.

At first, I was really terrified of the fireworks. It reminded me of the explosion of when I was trapped in the room. Then he held onto me tighter, and spoke softly into my ear. "It's okay. I'm right here. Just wait for it."

I kept my gaze on the sky, and there it was. "Happy Birthday (Name)" was in the sky for about five seconds before it disappeared. My jaw seemed a lot heavier.

"That did not just happen!" I shouted at Greyson, who contained a lopsided grin on his face.

"You bet it did." I looked back into the sky, and saw the regular flower and star shaped lights in the sky again.

"How did you do it...?" He seemed to ponder about it before answering. "Well you see, my friend has this cousin who's father has a brother who's son..."

I raised an eyebrow at the cheesy ramble I often heard on comedy shows. He smirked back and we stood there, embracing one another.

The world seem to have stopped rotating, or my heart has stopped beating. One of this seems to happen when I'm staring into Greyson's hypnotic eyes.

"Happy Birthday (Name)"

We closed the distance between us, oblivious to everything around us. The only thing we could her was the music of the fireworks in the backround. Literally, which I found ironic.

Everything was perfect though. The setting, time, person, I wouldn't be surprised if all the guests at the party were with their special someone, sitting under a tree, doing their thing.

We finally pulled away, me resting my face on his chest while he held me in his arms.

"It certainly is." I mutter against his shirt.



Urgh sorry it's so boring guys. And yeah it took long to upload too -_- but i'm working/planning 2 new stories, which aren't Greyson fan fics sadly.....I hope you'll give them a Chance (Lol get it? Chance? cause I do Greyson CHANCE fan fics? Lool.....) and if you're not interested you don't have to read them. They'll be romance and one of them should be up soon. OH AND I JUST WANT TO SAY THIS IS ENDING SOON!!! SO SAD :'(.

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