Chapter 7

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I stood in front of the theater, waiting for Jake while watching steam come out of my mouth as I breathed. It was chilly tonight. I took my phone out to check the time. 6:18. We were supposed to meet at 6.

I was about to start heading home when he sent me a text:

"(Name) I'm so sorry I can explain. There was an emergency with my pet dog Darren. He got hit by a car when I was heading out to meet you. I promise I will make it up to you. See you in school."

Wow. That's pretty tragic. I didn't even know he had a dog. The "Date" is cancled I guess. I turned around and walked a few steps until I heard "Oh, hey (Name). What are you doing?"

It was Greyson. "Oh I was going to see a movie with Jake remember?" He hesitated before nodding. "Where is he?" I sighed. "His dog got hit by a car." "Ah. I see..."

I was about to ask him why he was here when he askes "Hey, um you want to catch a movie while we're here?" I thought about it. I don't have anything better to do, and I wanted to watch The Hunger Games (Idk I picked a random popular movie). "Okay. I don't see why not."


"I loved that movie. I can't wait for the next to come out." "I know it was awesome. But there wasn't as much blood as I expected though." Greyson said. I gave him a weird look. "What is it with guys and movies with blood?" He just shrugged.

We stood outside the theater staring at the sky. "C'mon (Name). Can I walk you home?" I start laughing. "What's so funny?" "Greyson we go home the same way. Your house is right across the street from mine remember?" He looks slightly disappointed and says "Oh. Well lets go then." I wonder what that was about.

I say goodnight to Greyson and head up to my room when my phone starts ringing. Cammie.

"Hello?" "Soo (Name) How was your date with Jake?" I pause. "Well..He couldn't make it--" "He ditched you!? I'm going to kill him tomorrow no matter how good looking he--" "No Cammie. He had a pet emergency. His dog Darren got hit by a car." I hear silence on the line. "Cammie? You still there?" "He has a pet dog? I didn't know that." "I know me either. But whatever we'll talk about it tomorrow. I'll call Greyson and Zac and we'll meet together at the 'Simple Smoothies'." I hang up before she says anything else and dial Greyson's number.

"Oh hey (Name)." "Hey Greyson. Me and Cam were planning to meet up at 'Simple Smoothies' tomorrow around the afternoon. Want to come?" Well. He's actually supposed to come. "Yeah sure." "Great. Now I have to call Zac." "Oh its okay I'll call him." he offers. I smile. "Thanks Greyson."

I hang up and slump down on my bed. I open the locket around my neck and stare at the picture. Greyson and I were so...Tiny. We were so young. We didn't talk or communicate for 3 years until I started doing penpal. We kept in touch ever since. We just didn't know we really were to each other.

I took pretty good care of the locket. I've had it for 13 years. It's still pretty shiny and all. I really didn't expect to ever see my best friend again. But here we are now.

I lie down on my bed. I don't know what else waits ahead of me in life, but I just know Greyson and I will be friends for a long time. So will Zac and Cam.

Author's Note: I know boooring D:

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