Chapter 16

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I was surprised at the reflection I saw in the mirror. "You look beautiful." Cammie cooed. There I stood, in a silver sparkly tank top with a layered skirt, a black outer jacket and heels. It was kind of perfect for me. Nice and not girly at the same time. My hair was straightened. Cam wore a girly pink dress that looked beautiful when she twirled, and her hair was curled. We were both pretty much opposite.

She had worked on the both of us all afternoon for the dance. I wanted this night to be wonderful, for all of my friends. After all we've been through so far, everything sucked. This is our break. Our night to have fun, and not worry about anything.

My phone beeped on my dresser. I walked over and checked the text message. "Who is it?" "Greyson. Him and Zac are downstairs."


"Oh you all look so beautiful! And handsome." My mom commented as Cammie and I walked came down the stairs. I take a look at the two boys. "Woah no one said it was a sexy dance." I joke.

"Well it must be if you are going." Greyson replies smirking. We crack out loud, even my mom. "Okay okay I get it. You all look extremely attractive. Now get in for a picture." We all do a bunch of weird poses, making ourselves uncontrollably laugh. Oh I can't wait for tonight. This is our first special event of all four of us. Then I realized something.

"Guys where are your dates?" Zac smiled. "Oh we're meeting our dates at the dance. Seems stupid I know, but they understood since we were all best friends, we would go together."

"You guys are amazing. I can't even explain. Lets go." Cam and I grab our little handbags and head out with the guys.


"They did awesome with the decorating." Greyson says in awe. "Yea, our school has always been the best at that." I reply. "Ooh look it's Mitchell!!" She shrieks tugging on my jacket.

"He looks fiine." Cam runs off to him. Zac spots Mandy and heads off too. "(Name), I'm still going to sneak a dance with you though." He winks and turns around again.

I look at Greyson, waiting for him to find his date and go off. "I don't have a date...." I stare in shock. Why does he not have a date? I saw many girls walk up to him and ask.

"Why not?" He just shrugs. Well, ok then. I still think you deserve to have a good night though.

To be really honest, I wanted to dance with Greyson so badly. I wanted to be his girlfriend so badly, but he probably doesn't feel that way and it'll probably ruin our friendship.

I say hi to some of my friends and their dates. Even though Greyson is not mine, and I don't have anyone tonight, I somewhat manage to have fun. My gaze turns to the dance floor and I try so hard not to laugh my head off. Zac and Mandy were having maybe too much fun dancing. They didn't care if they did weird moves. They were laughing and having a great time no matter what. Same thing for Cammie. That's great. My friends were enjoying themselves. I even thought I saw Greyson dancing with a few girls a while ago, making me slightly jealous, but also making me happy.

I started to head towards the food table for some fruit punch, but a hand touched my shoulder. When I turned around I didn't see anything. I just felt a pair of lips land against mine.

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