Chapter 21

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I buried my face into my knees and started sobbing a little. This is what she meant by "Have a nice life." Natalia is going to take it away from me. She's really forcing it right there. It's not like a murdered someone in her family, and now she wants me to die? I seriously did nothing to her. This is bullsh*t.

Acetone peroxide. She left that in here for me. It's a highly explosive powder, and it has the bleach-like odor. It's very, very unstable. Acetone peroxide is susceptible to heat, friction, and shock. Oh my god. That explains why she turned the temperatures so high. Acetone is more controllable under 10 degrees celsius, and it's beyond that in here. And worst of all, I can't touch it. It's likely to blow. Yeah, it's that sensitive. Even if I drop something and cause a loud racket, boom. Probably blows.

We learned all of this in science class, and I'm actually really glad I payed attention...There is one way to make it a little safer though. Water. It's not easily soluble when it's wet. But Natalia knows that and there is obviously no water in here. I looked already, since I was thirsty.

This is so unnecessary. I don't deserve to die. I can't die. I never graduated, or went off to college, or got my drivers license. There's a lot I didn't do yet, and I'm going to die in an explosion because of something stupid?

It's not fair. This was supposed to be a great night. Instead, I'm probably going to blow in pieces. And it just had to be right after Greyson and I become boyfriend and girlfriend.

I'm an idiot right now. Everything is driving me crazy. Instead of ranting I should thinking of a way I could actually survive. Well if-

"EVERYBODY JUST HAVE A GOOD TIME!!!" The song Party Rock Anthem interupted me from my thoughts. I jerked my head up staring at the vent. Oh yeah the dance was right in the other room! It was about 9 or 10 feet from the ground, and I was about 5'6". I listed my pros and cons in my head about the vent and music.

Pro: I could climb my way out of here through the vent like in tv shows in movies

Con: The vent is just a little smaller than I could fit. Even if I could, the music was deafning and I'd die of suffocation because of the heat

Con: The music is really loud, causing some vibration, which could make the powder explode any second

Pro: If a song wasn't as playing as loud, maybe I could shout through the vents and someone would here

Con: Impossible to reach. I could climb on the racks, but they aren't sturdy and could tip over, cause a ruckus, and Boom. That's just one way things could go bad. There's a bunch more

Ok then. I seriously don't have anything good planned. I could also just wait for someone to come and help eventually, sitting calmly being careful of the powder, but the heat. It gets hotter by the minute in here and that would make the explosion occur too. Damn. Natalia seriously thought of everything.

I don't think I could break any walls or doors to get out either. No tools, and a big commotion.

I just went straight to conclusions. There was no way I could get out, safely anyways.

The only thing I could do now was try and survive the explosion....

Author's Note: I know I take forever to update now. I slack. Sorry I'll try harder -.- Also sorry for any mistakes throughout this whole story. I'd also like to say I tried to make the info as accurate as possible. Not all this (about acetone peroxide) is true. Yeah just don't believe anything here for real life purposes. It's just a story. :)

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