Chapter 26

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"No (Name) doesn't like white chocolate as much as milk chocolate." I heard as 4 figures stepped into the room, stopping, realizing I was awake. Flower bouquets, boxes of chocolates, a stuffed teddy bear, and jaws fell to the ground.

The biggest smile formed on my face. "CAMMIE!! ZACK!! GREYSON!!" I enthusiastically shouted, regretting it right after, when the pain kicked in.

My smile disappeared, and my eyes trailed to the bruises, cuts, scratches, and similar white bandages and band aids I had. Just noticing the fourth figure, it was a police officer.

No one spoke. It was dead silent. Wanting to know what happened, I spoke.

"May I please have some answers?"


I saw Cammie's mouth open, and then close, no words coming out of them.

"(Name), y-your awake?" her voice trembled. Ok so they didn't want me to wake up? How fabulous. Such caring people. Note the sarcasm.

"Wide and alert." I reply flatly, still slightly pissed. Moments pass by, silence echoing through the room. Annoyed, I was about to say something before Zack beat me to it. "Should we tell her? Or wait?" There was concern in his voice. What were they hiding from me?

I still haven't stopped wondering about the police officer too. What is he doing here?

"That's officer Benson." Greyson said, answering my unspoken question. I raised an eyebrow. That still doesn't answer my question.

"Hello (Name)," He stepped forward. "As Greyson said, I'm officer Benson. But just call me William. I am here to talk to everyone," He gestured to my three friends, my parents, and the nurse. "About you."

I nodded, still not exactly taking in his point. He told everyone to sit down, him sitting right in front of me. "How are you feeling (Name)?" I thought about my answer before replying.

"Pained and curious." My throat and head hurt, but whatever. This seemed more important to me. I heard him chuckle at my reply, returning a crooked grin. "Ok let me just get to the point. Basically you were set up, and you almost died," He got quiet at that last part.

"When we inspected the scene we found the note, from the person who was behind all this. You must already know, but if not it was-"

"Natalia." I whispered, fear flashing across my eyes, remembering what the note said.

Have a nice life (Name).

The picture of the note was glued to my mind, like it was the most fascinating picture in the world.

"Natalia." I repeated, not hiding the anger in my voice this time. I clenched my fists, letting out a low growl. That b*tch. That immature, stupid, selfish, backstabbing--

"Yes (Name). Don't worry. You are most likely to never see her again. She is being charged with attempt of murder, kidnapping, and a few other things."

Kidnapping? She never kidnapped me. "Your friend Tina," He started. Oh yeah, Tina. The one who locked me in the room.

"She was blackmailed." Everyone had intense gazes. My mother was looking quite uncomfortable.

"Natalia, kidnapped her brother, and threatened to kill him if Tina did not do as she asked." I gasped at this. Being the violent, physco-path she already is, I really didn't think she'd do something like that. Then again, like I said before, you really don't know anyone anymore these days. You can't really trust anyone.

I've learned a lot about friendship over the past years. It doesn't matter how long you've known someone. That doesn't make them a better friend. It matters that when there are those certain people who aren't around, it makes you sad. When they're there, they make you happy. You make memories with them. They're the people you look at when the teacher says you can work in partners or groups. They're the people you need to see and talk to every single day. They are you're true friends.

"I know," William sighed shaking his head. "She was really crazy. Going through all that for revenge. KILLING someone for revenge. Now that's just not right. Usually when teenagers get revenge, they usually just cheat on the other's boyfriend or girlfriend."

Laughing filled the room from us four teens, along with adding "Soo true." in sync to his statement.

"Concluding everything, you're safe. She's gone, far away. It's over."

Those two words replayed in my head.

It's over.

The war is over.

A smile slowly formed on my face, as I let out a sigh of relief. It's over. Then one question popped up.

"Hey what about Jake? Does he have anything to do with this?"

"Oh yeah." Zack got up walking over to me. "That's over too. He said he wouldn't go that far and kill someone, and he said he's sorry. He put everything behind him."

Wow. The sun is finally peeking out from the clouds. The storm is gone, for now.

I put on my thinking face, figuring what I want to ask first.

"What happened to you guys? Your bruises, cuts etc. What happened when I was out?"

I heard my dad chuckle. "Typical (Name). Wanting to know everything."

I flash him an innocent smile, tilting my head to the side. Then I looked back to Cam, Grey, and Zack.

"Well, in short words we saved you and one by one fell unconcious." Those thirteen words left me in shock, and that was in short words like Cammie just said. Zack and Greyson just give an amazing smile, but I saw that pink shade one their cheeks.

"Remind me after to kill you guys with a hug later on ok?"

"We save you but you decide to kill us?" Zack teased. That guy.

I can't believe they all saved me, I'm going to ask for the full story eventually though.

"You have some brave, amazing friends. If you were in there just a few more minutes, you would've died for sure." I grimaced at the thought, but he's right. My friends are amazing. They risks their lives for mine.

Greyson stood beside my bed. "We're glad you're awake (Name)." He said, staring into my eyes, giving me a smile that would make any girl's knees weaken. "And just on time too. You're birthday is in a week or so."

F*ck. What? He's kidding right?

The dance was the last Friday of April, I think it was the twenty-seventh.

"What's today's date?"

"May sixth."

My birthday is May fourteenth.

"I've been out for 9 days?" I ask not being able to meet anyone's eyes.

"Well sweetheart you really inhaled a lot of that smoke. You also suffocated from the lack of oxygen, not forgetting about that incredible heat you were in. And you were in the explosion! That especially harmed you. You think you look bad now? Oh dear (Name) you were a lot worse before. You had AsphyxiaAlso, something else comes to mind. When we found you, you were wearing a jacket. Why? Doesn't that make you even hotter?" The nurse asks. I forgot she was even in the room.

Oh. The jacket. "I'll explain later." Then a thought comes to me.

"Where, and I seriously mean WHERE in the world did Natalia get Acetone Peroxide." She truly frightens me now. William scrunches his eyebrows together and looks at the ceiling, thinking. "I don't know really. But it's not too hard to get. You can even make it. Of course, to do that you'd have to be careful. One wrong move, you die." Wow, remind me never to learn more about explosives so I can stay away from them.

There was a couple minutes of silence, silence I was getting tired of. Then some realization comes to me again. My birthday is in eight days. Will I be feeling better? No. The question is will I be out of here.

"When can I leave?" I ask emotionlessly, not talking to anyone in particular.

"We think you might be able to leave on you're birthday, maybe sooner, but I'm not sure."

Great. And it's my sixteenth birthday too.


Hoped you liked the chapter, but I'm not sure it was very entertaining. I'm sorry. :/

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