Chapter 14

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I heard voices. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around my room. "Oh hey you're awake." Greyson says. He was sitting at my desk. Cam sat on my bean bag chair, and Zac was lying on the ground. They all had a textbook in front of them. They must be doing homework.

"Your body still hurt (Name)?" asks Cammie. I shrug. "It got a little better." I turn to Zac. "Zac where were you? You know after the--" I stopped short. I looked hard at his face and saw the purple bruise on his right cheek.

"Zac what happened?"

"......Uh.....I punched Jake."


"Yeah....And then he punched me back. But surprisingly I didn't get in trouble." I glared at him. He just gives me a cheeky smile. "Don't worry I'm fine." This guy is unbelievable. My best friends are unpredictable. I worry about them most of the time.

I got up from the bed and walked over to him slowly. Then I hug him. I pull away and slap his head hard.

"Ow what was that for?"

"Zac...You're an idiot. THINGS COULD'VE BEEN WORSE. HE COULD HAVE YOU IN THE HOSPITAL. JAKE REALLY DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO LOSE NOW." He just sits there smirking. "Aw you're worried about me. It's okay a kiss will make everything better." Ugh. I hear Cam and Greyson chuckle. "What are you guys laughing at!" I snap. They both go dead silent. Oh no. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be rude. Guys I'm really sorry. Everything's been tough. I can't even explain."

I sit back down on my bed. Wow. Great job (Name). I'm such a monster. My attitude is making things worse. "It's okay (Name). We understand how you feel. Things have been terrible." Cam says, but I can tell my little outburst was still haunting her.

"Yeah, I can tell." I mumble. I grab my textbook and pencil out of my bag and say "Let's do work. Then we'll talk about other thing's after."


I get bored eventually and play with my heart locket. I keep staring at the picture of Greyson and I from when we were little. "Can you believe that was us?" I look up, seeing Greyson. I give a small laugh. "Yeah. We looked so different. We didn't even recognize ourself." I take a piece of blank white paper, and put it on top of the textbook leaning on my thighs. I'm going to draw a pic of Zac, Cam, Greyson, and I. I'm not the best drawer, but I can probably manage.

"So what do you think Jake and Natalia are going to do?" Asks Zac. I just shrug. "I really don't know. They both want revenge on me? Well I don't get why Jake wants revenge though since he actually deserved getting punished."

"True. Hey did you know they're both banned from the Dance we're having this week?" I lift an eyebrow, and take turns looking at all of them. "I'm not sure if that's good. Natalia loves dances more than anything. So does Jake. They're going to go hardcore on figuring out a way to get me back now." Natalia was always the girly girl. She loves makeup, dressing up, etc. Jake loved seeing all the beautiful girls and dressing up himself. What a loser.

"Remember? Everyone's going to make sure you're safe?" I sighed. "Oh yeah." I make light strokes on my paper, for Zac's delicate hair. I hold it up and take a good look at it, comparing it to the real Zac. Not bad.

"You know, it was actually one of the student's idea to watch out for you." I look up from my paper, surprised. "Yea, that's how much people like and care about you." Wow. Just wow.

I continue on my drawing when I hear Cammie say eagerly, "So what do we do with Jake and Natalia? I want to hear the plan." I don't look up from my drawing. "Nothing." Out of the corner of my eye, I see them all jerk their heads toward me.


"Nothing," I repeated. A sly grin formed on my face.

"Nothing at all."

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