Chapter 1

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Bella POV

My hands feel frozen as I walk through the town at night, looking for an open place that might have a telephone so I could call my mum to pick me up. My phone's dead and I haven't got a clue where I am.
I come across a fancy-looking shop with suits and shoes displayed in the front window. 'Kingsman' it says. If a place like this doesn't have a telephone, I don't think any place will.
"We're closed." An old man says while sewing what looks like a navy blazer.
"Um, I've actually had a question to ask. It's kinda important."
"Yes?" He finally looks up, eyes widening for some reason.
"Do you have a phone I could use? I need to call my mum."
"Yes, of course!" He rushes to grab the telephone and hands it to me. "Take your time."
"Thank you, so much." I smile before taking the handle and dialing my mum's number.
"Yes?" She answers the phone sounding tired.
"Mum? It's Bella."
     "Bell? Why're you calling from an odd number?"
     "My phone died and I'm lost. Do you mind picking me up?"
     "Course. Where are you using the phone now?"
     "Um, a tailoring shop called 'Kingsman'."
     "Yeah, it's called 'Kingsman'. It's a pretty fancy place, mum."
     The man sewing the blazer chuckles to himself before stitching a button in.
     "Okay, just don't talk to the people there okay, honey? I'm on my way."
     "Okay? Thanks."
      I hang up the phone, thanking the man.
     "Bella is it?"
     "Where you from Bella?"
      "Um, I'm from London."
     "Ah, not too far from here."
      "No, I guess not. I don't really know where I am to be honest."
     The man was going to respond when another man came out of the first dressing room. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed I was in the room.
     "Who's this, George?"
     "This is Bella. Bella, this is Merlin."
     I reach my hand out to shake hands with Merlin and he gladly returns the gesture.
     He looks puzzled to see me here and I don't know whether to be offended or to think that this place doesn't get people a lot.
     "Well, thanks for the phone, I appreciate it. I'll just wait outside for my mum." I smile a thanks to who I assume is George.
     "No, no. You said you're from London, your mom will take at least 20 more minutes and it's freezing out there. Stay inside where it's warm." George insisted.
     "Please, it's alright, really. Go ahead and take your jacket off. We'll just be working on the suits." Merlin, who doesn't seem to know what he's doing, stands next to George with a needle in his hand. He's just watching me, not doing anything.
     I take off my jacket and scarf, resting it on the chair behind me before sitting down. My necklace, that I usually keep under my shirt, hung from my neck. It was an odd necklace, kinda looks like a sideways 'K'. My mum gave it to me when I was younger and told me to call the number on the back of it if I was ever in trouble. It wasn't the prettiest necklace so I kept it under my shirt.
     I push it underneath and Merlin smirks, knowingly.
     "That's a pretty necklace you've got there." He speaks.
      "Hm?" I furrow my eyebrows and he gestures to the golden chain around my neck. "Oh, it's alright. My mother gave it to me. Said it may help me one day."
     "Well, your mother has got an excellent taste."
"She didn't buy it, she said. Someone gave it to her."
"It was probably your Uncle Harry."
I snap my head up, eyes wide. "How do you know him?"
"I know a lot of things. I also know that you happen to be extremely intel-"
"Bell, let's go, shall we? Dinner will be cold enough as it is." My mum barges through the door looking frantic.
"Good evening, Mrs.Hart." Merlin nods.
"Hi. Let's go, Bell."
I put on my coat and scarf before turning towards the two men. "Thanks George, Merlin." I smile and walk out the word, my mum staying behind for some reason.
I get in the car and look out the window towards my mum who has started to talk to Merlin. It didn't feel like a friendly chat to be honest.
     She walks out of the tailor shop with an annoyed look on her face.
     "What was that about, mum?" I asked once she started the car up.
    "Nothin' you need to worry about."
     "They knew about Uncle Harry and the necklace you gave me. How?"
     "I don't know, Bell. Your uncle knew a lot of people, maybe that man was one of them."
     "It seemed like you knew him. And why would Harry talk about his niece to work colleagues? I thought Uncle Harry was an officer?"
    "Of some sort. Listen, Bell, those men don't matter. Don't worry about it." She smiles a reassuring smile.
     "Okay, but if you're hiding something, I'll be very upset."
     "And upset you shall be."

     A/N: I'm so excited for this book! I've been reading Kingsman fanfiction and decided I'd try it myself. My previous fanfic (which I'll still be updating) about Mithzan is doing okay. I don't really like Max anymore, I actually don't know how I liked him in the first place, but anyway! I'll be updating that fanfic as well as this one. I've got ideas for this one!!! Vote, share, and comment please! Peace ✌🏻️

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now