Chapter 17

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     Eggsy POV

     "Bella, are you ready?" I yelled from the kitchen. Roxy and Merlin were waiting in the living room while I made a cream cheese bagel for Bell.
     "Yep!" She walks in looking beautiful as always.
     I hand her the bagel and she thanks me before we settle in the living room.
     "Okay, first order of business." Merlin speaks. "You guys will be walking in downtown Worcester when you come across a fortune teller shop and you walk in while starting to mess with the displays. Just act like teenagers would and don't forget your accents."
We all nod.
"We've got outfits for you guys, actually. I don't know why, but George insisted on making 'stylish' outfits as he would put it. Here's yours, Roxy." He hands a bag to Roxy.
     "And yours, Eggsy." He hands a box to me.
      "And yours, Bell. Go get changed." A nice bag for Bell.
     My outfit was surprisingly very comfortable. I was expecting some big thing like one of those suits, but a teen wouldn't wear that I suppose:

 I was expecting some big thing like one of those suits, but a teen wouldn't wear that I suppose:

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    Roxy then walked out with a skirt on. Roxy really wasn't the one to wear pink, but it looked good on her:

 Roxy really wasn't the one to wear pink, but it looked good on her:

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     And then Bella. She looked stunning. An outfit so normal looked so amazing on her.

     "Looking good, guys

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     "Looking good, guys." Merlin smiled.
     "Feeling good, Merlin." I smirked, repeating the words from when I saved the world.
"Okay, let's go."
     As we walked around Worcester we realized it was actually a very nice city.
     "Do you think that's the shop?" Bella whispered to me. We all had our respective glasses on.
     "Well, it says Fortuna so I'm guessing it is." I responded.
     "No need for the sass, Mr.Unwin."
     "Yeah, yeah." I smiled down at her before gesturing towards both Roxy and Bell to follow me towards the shop. "Don't forget the accents."
      "Look at this hat!" Roxy laughed when we arrived in the shop.
     "That'd fit you well, Eggsy." Bella laughed.
     "Yeah, you'd look wicked smart." Roxy winked at us.
     "Can I help you guys?" A man walked up to us with his hands folded and his eyes showing no emotion.
     "Nope, just looking around. Are you the owner?" I asked.
     "Yes, that is me. Created this marvelous shop back in the 60's."
    "Yeah? That's impressive. Now, is there an actual fortune teller here?"
    "Course, right in the back. $5 per person."
    I handed him $15 and he led us back to the fortune teller.
    "Have a seat. She will see one person at a time." He left us rather quickly after opening a curtain that separated us from the fortune teller.
     "You go first, Roxy." I told her. She nodded and made her way into the booth before the curtain shut.
     "This is an interesting place, don't you think?" I whispered to Bella.
    "Yeah, especially when you know it's run by secret agents who threatened us." Bell replied.
     "I'm sensing some hostility, Bell."
     "I'm just nervous, Eggsy."
     "There's nothing to be worried about, princess. Everything will be fine."
     Roxy quickly exited the booth and motioned for Bella to go in.
    "How'd it go?" I asked her.
     "Pretty average. The normal things happened like reading my palm and choosing a card that would determine my fate. Oh! And can't forget that she suspected us being in deep trouble in the very near future." Roxy answered sarcastically.
     "Why are you guys so hostile today?"
     Roxy furrowed her eyebrows.
     "Nevermind. Were those her exact words?"
    "Yea, but she could be wrong. She could just be a cheap fortune teller, but I'll find it odd if such a big agency had such a sucky fortune teller."
"You're right! What if she can see right through us?"
"I doubt that. She'll just be able to tell our fates, not who we actually are."
"And what would that be?" A voice said from behind us. It was the man.
"What do you mean?" Roxy asked trying to sound confused.
     "Who are you guys 'really'?"
     "Okay fine. We're a couple. But, it's awkward because Bella likes Eggsy. We don't want Bella knowing yet. She's sensitive."
     My heart flutters at the thought of Bella actually liking me and wanting to be with me.
     "Oh, well your secret is safe with me. But, if I do say so, I thought Eggsy and Bella were dating. Eggsy seemed quite fond of her. My mistake." The man speaks although I don't think he believed us quite yet.
     He was right about me being fond of Bell.
     He leaves the room as Bella walks out of the booth. She gestures for me to go in with a smile and she takes my seat.
     The fortune teller told me to sit and shut the curtain.
     "What is your name, young man?"
     "Eggsy, I sense the feeling of love from your demeanor. Is there anyone in your life whom you find close to you?"
     "Well, I wish she was close to me, but I've been unlucky."
     "Fear not for that girl will be with you in short time. She will be your strongest relationship and you will find true love. Although her ending may be gruesome, your time together will be well spent."
     "Wait, what do you mean 'gruesome'?" I panicked no matter how much I loved the idea of loving Bell, I can't have her die of preventable causes.
     "Her ending may be gruesome. It can be changed, I promise you that. I just recommend that you take care of her. Protect her and keep her close. Love will come first and a possible ending next."
     "A preventable ending?"
     "Okay, good." I sighed.
     "Hold out your palm." She reached her hands out so she could see mine.
     "Such soft hands for hands covered in calluses."
     "Uh, yeah, I guess."
     "What is it you do?"
     "I'm a construction worker."
     "You aren't telling the truth."
     "Well, I'd rather keep my occupation classified, thank you."
     "Fine, fine. I see you being exposed sometime soon. Exposed as in a secret getting out."
     My eyes widen and I start to worry.
     "I'd be careful of that. A major secret that could change your life."
     I pull my hands away.
     "That's it for now, thank you." I tried my best at smiling.
     "Okay. Be careful. Keep her and that secret close. That secret could be the cause of her gruesome death."

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now