Chapter 24

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     Bella POV
      Eggsy slowly shifted himself in front of me with an arm outstretched.
     "Take it easy, man." Eggsy spoke calmly.
     "Don't fucking tell me what to do, fucker. Why the fuck are you down here? Killing those other shits not enough for you?" The man spits.
"We're just looking around."
The man scoffs and readjusts his gun so it's more centered.
     "That your girlyfriend?" He smiles a sickening smile.
     "Don't fucking touch her." Eggsy growls immediately stiffening.
     "What did I say about you telling me what to do?" The man says as he steps closer. "I'm afraid I've found your weakness, Mr.Unwin. You'd do anything to protect this bird wouldn't you?"
"She's not a 'bird', she's a woman that deserves a lot of respect. She doesn't need pet names that you disgraceful men like to give to women."
"That's cute."
As the man steps closer, I slowly bring my arm behind my back and hold onto the handle of the gun tucked into my jeans.
The man loads his gun and that's my cue.
I swiftly pull the gun out and shoot at the man's legs and arms so he wouldn't be able to move nor would he be able to shoot us.
As he falls to the ground in pain, I walk up to him with the gun aimed at his face.
"How's this for a bird?" I shoot him square in the forehead.
Everything was silent until Eggsy's laughter interrupted it.
"You really are a fucking legend!" He bends over in laughter. "Oh my gosh, wait till I tell Harry. Oh my goodness."
As he swiped a tear from his eye, I reached for the man and grabbed his hand, looking at his thumb for a number.
"Eggsy, this guy has a number too."
"What is it?" Eggsy takes control of himself and makes his way towards me.
"#2. He must've had a high ranking then."
"A high ranked man and we just killed him. They must want us. Imagine if we kill #1. That'd get them really angry."
"Should we take both bodies to everyone?"
"Yeah, why not. You take the woman, I'll take the man."
"What? Don't think I can carry the man?"
"Go ahead, carry the man." Eggsy gestures to the lifeless body.
"No, I can't carry him." I mumbled while suddenly finding the ground interesting.
"Thought so." He smirked and we carried the bodies back to the other agents.
     "I'm sure we could find a way into Fortuna's system and find out if these numbers are a way to identify the agents kinda like how Valentine had microchips implanted into his allies' head." Merlin said after looking over the numbers on the bodies we brought up.
     "We could've gotten into Fortuna's system before." I spoke. "It would've been easier."
     "Well, I'd like to know the threat first, Bell. Sorry for any inconvenience."
     "You've certainly got some sass today, Merlin."
      He gave me a look.
      "I like it. Keep up the good work." I laughed and sat down on the couch and laying my head back.
     "But, until we do find out what these numbers mean, we need to stay low. We've got enough information." Merlin nodded. "Good work, Eggsy and Bell."
      We smiled. I personally thought we made a great team even with the kissing. By the smile on Eggsy's face, I knew he felt the same way although I'm sure he'd like a lot more kissing.
     Eggsy took a seat next to me before wrapping an arm around my shoulder. He looked down at me while I looked up at him and he smiled while kissing my temple.
     "You're a great Kingsman." He whispered so no one would hear.
     "I know." I giggled and leant up the kiss him.
     My man.

A/N sorry I didn't update the past two nights. I had basketball practice, homework, basketball game (we won 29-15), more homework, and the Patriots game (we won, duh! We're off to the Super Bowl!!!!!!).
     So I'm sorry about that and hope you enjoy the book. this is short because I have school on the morning and I'm really tired and ready for bed. Thanks for the support on the book! Remember, Like! Comment! Follow! Share! Peace✌🏻️

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