Chapter 5

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     Bella POV

     Merlin walks into the room with his tablet again, ringing a blow-horn. You would think, with how much high-tech shit they have, they would have a better alarm.
     "Wake up, recruits. We've got some training to do." Merlin smiles, didn't seem too genuine though. "Get dressed into your uniforms and meet in the front of the HQ."
     He walks out without another word and leaves us to get changed. Maggie was polite enough to hold a bed sheet over me so no one would see me and I did the same for her.
     Once we were outside, Merlin was there AGAIN with his tablet. Another boy, Eggsy I think it was, was sitting on one of the steps and wasn't looking nearly as fancy as he did the night before. He had a SnapBack on, white t-shirt, dirty jeans, white trainers, and an oversized jacket. Doesn't look like he's meant to be here at all.
     "Alright, recruits, you will run 15 laps around this mansion, no pauses. You'll get 10 minutes." Merlin spoke and I almost got of breath then. "Start in 3, 2, 1....go."
     Everyone bolted while I paced myself into a jog. Eggsy's eyes were on me and I swear I was about to tear them out.
     I was on my 15th and final jog, everyone else nearly out of breath and on their 10th. Pacing myself did pay off and I was bolting at this point.
     "Well done, Bell." Merlin looked at his watch. "6 minutes. Go take a seat while we wait for the others." He looked at me warily.
     I sat on the same step as Eggsy, just on the opposite side. Clearly Eggsy didn't get the hint and scooted down next to me.
     "I'm Eggsy." He smiled, reaching out his hand. "What's your name?"
     I declined his gesture. "That is something you don't need to know, I'm afraid."
     "And why don't I need to know it?"
     "Because it's not important."
     "How can the name of a gorgeous girl not be important?"
     "If you think that is important, you need to reorganize your priorities."
     "My priorities are organized, thank you. I just happen to think it's important at the time being."
     "Well then, when this time is over, the name won't matter. No big deal."
     "If it's not a big deal, why not tell me?"
     "Oh for fuck's sake, who cares about my name, Eggsy? Just leave me alone."
     "I'm so-"
     "Leave the poor girl alone, Eggsy." Merlin spoke.
     "Yeah, leave the poor girl alone." I smirked before walking farther down the staircase and sitting on another step, leaving Eggsy with his brows furrowed and a frown on his face.
    "Recruits, this is your next task. Teamwork is extremely important to the Kingsman and if you don't use it now, you won't use it in the future and therefore, you are useless to the Kingsman." Merlin nodded on. "So, to practice and strengthen bonds, you will each pick a puppy." Merlin pulls off a towel from a line of dogs. "You will name it, care for it, and train it. This will create a bond so strong that you'd want to protect it with all your life. Go ahead and choose a puppy." He steps out of the way.
     I stayed back until only one puppy remained, a Husky. I don't see why people would discard a Husky, they're excellent dogs and awesome partners.
     I grabbed a leash and brought him back with me. The name I chose was Toby and I could tell by the bright toothy grin he has that we'd be great friends.
     Merlin went down the row asking for the names of the puppies. I heard names that felt really buff and strong. When they got down to me and I said Toby, Mike (the idiot) chuckled to himself. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with Toby? You named your dog Tank.
     Eggsy seemed to not like Mike either because every time Mike talked, Eggsy would glare daggers at him. I guess we can agree on something after all.
"Hey, I'm sorry that I kept on bugging you back there. But, I still don't see why I can't know your name." Eggsy walks in stride with me while I walk down to the bunk.
"I just don't see how you need to know. I could be gone tomorrow. No need to know my name."
"Okay. Well, for what it's worth, you'll definitely last longer than those pricks that think they're too good."
"Ha, thanks."
"Are they giving you a hard time? Because I can straighten them out for you."
"No, that's not necessary. I'll get over it like a normal person."
"Well, whatever your name is, you are far from normal. You're in fucking Kingsman HQ!"
"Kingsman : where I'm supposed to act dignified and poised. Beating someone up isn't in the definition."
"Well, it's part of the job. And I would gladly do it for you. They don't give you enough credit, all they do is complain."
"I've been here two days, Eggsy. It's fine."
Eggsy tried to say something, but was interrupted by Merlin.
"Eggsy, get in here now." Merlin demands.
"Okay, dad." Eggsy rolls his eyes before sending a wink my way and goes after Merlin.
Eggsy POV
"What's so different about her that I can't fucking hangout with her? She's just a recruit, Merlin. I don't see the problem."
"Of course you wouldn't see the problem."
     "What the fuck's that supposed to mean?"
     "Look," Merlin stops in his tracks and turns to face me. "we don't want you to affect her training. Imagine getting sent home because you weren't paying attention. That'd bug the fuck out of you wouldn't it? So let her be."
     "I can't see how I could distract her. What's her name anyway?"
     "Bella. Bella Hart."
     "Wait, so you're telling me that that girl is related to Harry?"
     "Fucking hell. This wasn't what I was expecting."
     "Yes, so now stay away from her."
     "This doesn't change anything, Merlin. If anything, it brings us closer together. We both lost someone we care for, the same person. So now we have something to talk about."
      "You're really gonna talk about your dead mentor and her dead uncle."
     "Stay the fuck away from her, Eggsy. If you don't, you're suspended from being on this part of the HQ until the recruitment is finished. You hear me?"
     "Yes, sir."
      Like I would fucking listen to him.

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