Chapter 8

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     Eggsy POV

     "I'm gonna fucking tear Mike apart." I growled, pacing around the control room after the recruits left. Merlin and I are the only ones left.
     "I would LOVE to do that, but he is a recruit. We can't do anything yet because he may be a future Kingsman and a Kingsman doesn't harm an other Kingsman." Merlin reasoned.
"Bella can beat that jackass, easily. And, Mike has hurt Bella! We should be able to hurt him!"
"You've already done that, Eggsy."
"It's not enough!"
"I get it, Eggsy. Let's head back. They've only got one more test left, shooting the dog."
I didn't shoot my dog, J.B., but Harry insisted on me being a Kingsman and me killing Valentine and saving the world proved it. I'm just not sure Bell can harm her dog, she loves it too much.
Bella POV
I entered a really fancy room with Toby by my side as requested. Merlin is sitting in one of the chairs and gestures for me to sit in the one next to him.
"This is your final challenge, Bell, and I have a feeling it's going to be the most challenging for you." Merlin said, no emotion on his face.
He pulls out a gun and faces it towards me. I gasp with my eyes widening. Is he gonna fucking shoot me?
He hands me the gun instead. "Shoot the dog."
I'd rather have him shoot me.
I don't move and Merlin looks at me expectantly.
"Shoot the dog, Bella."
I sigh before turning the gun towards Toby, his bright blue eyes looking at me with adoration. Like, he loves me and is proud I'm his owner. If I shoot him, I betray him. I can't betray him.
Still, my gun is facing towards him and it starts to wobble around. My head starts to shake and I lower my gun.
"I can't. I'm sorry." I choke out. I can't believe I even thought about shooting him.
I hand the gun back to Merlin and he looks at me disappointed.
Mike shot his dog. Fucking dick.
"I'm sorry, Bell, but I expected more."
"You said the bond between the dog and I is the type of bond the Kingsman have. You basically just asked me to shoot another Kingsman, I'm not one to turn on a teammate, Merlin."
"Sir it is to you. What if a Kingsman turned on the agency?"
"I'd kill that 'Kingsman', but, last time I checked, this dog hasn't done anything wrong, sir." I narrowed my eyes at him at the end.
"Pack your things, Bell. -"
"It's Miss Bell to you."
"Pack your fucking bags, Bell, and go home. Harry would be disappointed."
I looked at Toby and my heart melted, he was too cute.
"Come on, Toby! Let's go home! Let's go home!" I cooed while opening the door and Toby jumps out, excited to leave.
"Bye, sir." I slammed the door.
Toby is right by my side, where he belongs, when I knock on the door of my mum and I's apartment.
"Oh, honey! Did you go to Kingsman?" My mum rushed up to hug me and give me a kiss.
"Yes, I didn't make it. I was so close, too." I pouted, yet I didn't regret my decision on not shooting Toby. Even if I shot him in the leg, I'd be so furious with myself that I caused him pain. He's my best friend.
"Oh, that's okay, baby. I'm very proud of you. Uncle Harry would be proud."
I laughed. "Merlin said he'd be disappointed."
"Merlin's the one disappointed, not Harry. Merlin's just mad his recruit didn't do what he said."
"I figured."
"Is this your dog?" Mum asked.
"Yep, my pride and joy. His name is Toby."
"I knew you've always wanted a dog named Toby. Harry had a dog, Mr.Pickel. He shot him. I'm proud of you for not shooting your dog."
"Harry shot his dog?!"
"In the leg, and then he cared for it for 11 years until it died of old age."
"I would hate myself if I hurt Toby."
"It's okay. Now, how about food?"
     A/N this is short, I know, but I just got back to school after Christmas break and I had a fuck ton of homework along with a wicked migraine and basketball practice for 2 hours. So, I will try to update tomorrow, hopefully with less homework and no migraine. What would you guys like to see in this big? Sorry again! Comment! Share! Like! Follow! Peace✌🏻️

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