Chapter 7

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     Eggsy POV

     "Fucking hell, Merlin. Is this really necessary?" I grumbled while catching up with Merlin.
     "I fucking told you to stay away from her and you didn't. You are disobeying orders, Gary. Y-"
     "Don't call me Gary."
     "I'll call you whatever the fuck I want because I'm your boss. This isn't some joke. That girl could be a Kingsman and we don't need your dick ruining it."
     "You think I'm doing this for sex? I'm just interested in the girl, Merlin. I'm not in it for a relationship, I want a friendship."
     "That girl is a wonderful young woman, you may want a friendship now, but it will turn into a relationship and then you'll be in the hospital with a kid in your arms."
      "What's so bad with that turn out?"
     Merlin sighs before continuing, "Just wait until her training is over. If she makes it, you can have a shot with her. If she doesn't, you stay away from her."
      "No promises, Merl."
     "I didn't think so. This stubborn trait is very useful, but it can also destroy you. Be careful, Eggsy."
     With that, he leaves me standing in the middle of a hallway wondering if she's really worth it.
     Bella POV

     "You guys are going to a party tonight." Merlin tells us as we all sit in chairs in our bunk. "And you each have a target." We are given envelopes with a picture of a woman. "You are to win her over and I do mean that in a clean way, Mr.Bloom."
      "Shouldn't be a problem." Mike smirks, holding out his picture of the woman. I have the same one. And so does Maggie.
     "Good luck, recruits."
     I walk into the party with my blonde hair waved over my shoulders and my bangs swept to the side. I have on a short red dress with the breast and shoulder area laced and tight, the rest is plain red and it's loose down to my mid-thighs. My shoes are black heels, only a strap around my toes and my ankle keeping them on my feet. My makeup is a natural eye makeup with bright red lip-stick. I think I look pretty well for a Kingsman, well, almost-Kingsman.
     Mike walks past me with a smile on his face before taking a seat next to our target. Maggie was already there.
     "Hi, there." I smile, sitting next to Mike. "What's your name?" 
      "Tracy, what's yours?" She smiles back.
     "Jaque, short for Jaquolyne."
     "That's a pretty name."
     "Thanks." I take a sip of the champagne that was given to me when I walked in. Seems like everyone else got it too.
     "This champagne tastes rank. You'd think a fancy place like this would have better drinks." I spoke, making a disgusted face.
      "Exactly what I said!" Tracy exclaimed.
     "You have the prettiest eyes." Mike gawked.
     "Oh, please. Don't fall for that trick, Tracy. It's a mind game boys play." Maggie interferes.
     Mike tries to respond, but Tracy interrupts him.
     "I'm gonna go find a better drink. Catch up with you guys in a minute?"
      Tracy walks off and one of the waiters walks towards us with a tray full of drinks.
     "You guys look like fools. There are better ways to catch a girl." The waiter said, but I wasn't able to catch the last part very quickly because I started to get drow-...
     Coldness overwhelms me when I wake up feeling restricted. My hands and feet were tied down on what looked like train tracks in a dark tunnel.
     "Holy fuck." I whispered. "HELP! SOMEONE!" I yank on the ropes trying to loosen them and nothing works.
     "This knife can save your life." The same waiter from the party appears in front of me. "Just gotta answer my two questions."
     "Okay, okay! Please!"
     "What the fuck is Kingsman and who is Arthur?"
     "You fucking heard me, bitch! Now answer me or you can kiss you life goodbye."
     *CHOO CHOO*
     Blinding lights appear to the left of me and there is a fucking train coming down the tracks.
     "Not the answer I wanted. Now, WHAT THE FUCK IS KINGSMAN?"
     "I DONT FUCKING KNOW! I DONT FUCKING KNOW WHAT YOU'RE ON ABOUT!" I yelled, tears coming down my face as the train chugs closer.
     "Fine, be that way. Just one more question, though. Is Kingsman really worth dying for?"
     "FUCK!" I screamed before shutting my eyes, preparing for the blast of a train to put me out of my misery. But, it never came.
     "Well done, Bell." Merlin's voice spoke, but I couldn't see him. There was only two metal panels above me and I was in a hole. Then, the two panels pulled apart and I was pushed above the ground.
     "What?" I panted, fresh tears still on my cheeks.
     "You've passed the test. Good job. Now let me help you."
     Merlin steps over the track and cuts the knots of rope off of me and helps me up.
    "I'm sorry to put you through that, but we've gotta make sure you don't say anything about us even when you're threatened with death." Merlin put an arm on my shoulder and probably feels me shaking right now. My makeup was probably a mess.
     All I did was nod and he took me to the room where he watched my test. Eggsy was there too, but didn't seem make an effort for any eye contact with me. And to think I almost liked that kid.
     "How did the other people do?" I croaked, still looking at Eggsy. His jaw clenched and he looked pained.
     "Mike succeeded. Maggie's next. You can watch if you'd like." Merlin responded.
      Mike came into the little room and his face turned into a sneer once he saw me.
     "You fucking made it?"
     "Yep." I shrugged.
     "Oh, and you cried! Must miss your mum, huh? Your dad too? Oh, wait! You don't have a dad." He pouted.
     Merlin was about to do something when Eggsy stepped in, chest out and coming face to face with Mike even though Mike is a couple of inches taller.
     "What did I say about you talking to her like that, bruv?" Eggsy spoke in a low, almost threatening voice.
     "You're saying he's brought up her family before?" Merlin asked. "You said you'd tell me if anyone gave you a hard time, Bella."
     "Oh my gosh! Merlin's your mentor? Wow, no wonder you're still here. You're a favorite." Mike piped up.
     "I suggest you pipe it down before I smash your face in, dickhead." Eggsy said.
     "Do it, Egghead."
     Eggsy made his second assault on Mike since recruitment begun. He punched him in the gut, the face, and his balls. He obviously couldn't do too much damage because then Eggsy'd be in trouble.
     "You're lucky Merlin's here because I swear I would've twisted that leg and shoved it up your arse. You're an annoying, selfish prick that has no respect for himself nor others. Be fucking grateful." Eggsy literally spat, sitting down in his chair while Mike struggled for air.
     "Maggie's turn is up. I'll deal with you later, Mike." Merlin called.
     Unfortunately, Maggie didn't make it. As soon as she saw that train, she came out with it. That means I'll have to go against Mike.


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