Chapter 11

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Bella POV

Eggsy goes to the wall lined with guns and chooses the pistol.
"I'm sure from your previous training, you've learnt how to shoot a gun correctly, but what if under pressure? There will be a few men helping us and you will aim for them." Eggsy explained.
When he was my eyes widen he made sure to reassure me. "They will have bulletproof everything, don't worry. We aren't that destructive."
I nodded and he handed me the pistol.
"They won't just be standing there waiting for you, they'll be trying to kill you as well with knives, not guns. So, this is kinda like combat training. Just be careful, alright?" He winks before standing in the corner of the room, his smirk evident. Fucker wants me to die.
There was a loud beep and a big metal door opened, men in all black lining up in front.
One by one. I took on the men until there was only one left. He came after me, slicing underneath my eye with his knife. I slammed my gun and smashed it against his head and "shooting" him in the chest.
Slow clapping was heard in the background. "Well done, Bell. Actually, great for your first time. I hope to witness a lot of your first times." He winks.
The "dead" men on the ground started to chuckle, but quickly stopped when I aimed my gun at them with a warning look on my face.
"Right, Eggsy. You'll be the last person to get my first time. You can have a seat." I sassed.
"We'll see how that works out, dear."
"Fucking stop with the pet names!"
"I'll call you whatever the fuck I want to, Bell. You don't always get what you want, princess."
"I thought I'd at least be able to choose what I'd be called by my co-workers." I groaned.
"Oh, shut up."
"What the fuck's your deal, Eggsy?"
"Just, go back. You're done for today." He dismissed.
"No, I wanna know what's up with you."
"And I want you to go back."
"You can't always get what you want, princess."
Eggsy rolled his eyes before walking up to the door. "Fine, I'll go. Don't get yourself killed here."
I tried to protest, but was given no chance when Eggsy slammed the door.
I ran to the door, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU EGGSY?" I yelled down the hallway, him stopping in his tracks.
"Don't fucking talk to me like that, Bell." Eggsy turned around and stormed towards me.
"I want to fucking know why you've got a stick shoved so far up your ass that you can't fucking answer me."
"I don't need to tell you anything." He growls, now face to face with me, our bodies touching.
"Back away from me."
"I'll do whatever the fuck I want." He pushed himself closer.
"Eggsy, fucking tell me what's your problem. Why're you acting like this?"
"I have no fucking idea why I need to tell you."
"BECAUSE I FUCKING WANT TO KNOW!" I yelled. "If you are going to be my trainer," I started to walk towards Eggsy causing him to back away with each step. "I need to know why you decide to treat me like shit. I'd fucking rather have Mike as my trainer at this point because at least I know he's a douche. You, you are different. You're acting different. Now fucking tell me why." His back was against the wall now.
"Fall out, Bell." Eggsy grit his teeth.
Eggsy grabbed onto my waist and shoved me to the other wall across the hallway, me landing on my bum.
Eggsy brushed off his shirt and continued his way down the hallway.
Fucking prick.

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now