Chapter 2

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    Merlin POV

     "It's fucking her, George! Bella Hart!" I shouted, excited to have found a possible new recruit.
     "I knew I recognized her. She's still got the necklace Harry gifted her, so that gave it away. She seems like a bright young woman."
     "She is indeed. Her files show outstanding leadership and intelligence. She's just what we need in Kingsman, but I'm afraid her mother won't allow it. I know Harry wouldn't like us disobeying his sister no matter how much we'd like to have Bell. She's just got so much potential."
     "I know, and she's oblivious to all her uncle did for her and her family. She would be an excellent add-on, fulfilling everything Harry didn't get to do."
     "There's gotta be a way. I'm sure if we told her about Kingsman, she'd like to join and then her mum wouldn't be able to hold her back."
     "We sound like adolescents when we talk like this, thinking about a plan to get a girl."
     "Oh, whatever, George. Eggsy is rubbing off on me."
      "How's Eggsy doing? He hasn't come in awhile."
     "Very well, just very busy. I'm sure he'd like Bella."
     "He'd like Bell a little too much, I'm afraid."
     "You're right. Better keep her a secret for the time being. Or at least keep him away from her."
     "In order to do that, we'd need to actually have her, sir."
     "She hangs out at the bar Eggsy always went to, don't ask me how I know. I'll go down there tomorrow morning and ask for her."
     "If that's what you want."
     I nod my head before grabbing my jacket and heading home. Bella would do well in the recruitment tests. I'm afraid I might have to disobey her mother.

Bella POV

My mum refused to talk anything more about the men in the shop and dinner was cold AND awkward.
     "You want the usual, Bell?" Max asks behind the bar.
     "You know it, Max. No ice this time, though please." I smiled while he made me my drink, Coca Cola and Pepsi. I'm not really a drinker, I tried a sip and ran basically.
     The bell above the door chimes, signaling that another person has entered the bar.
     "Martini, please." The man asks, sitting a few bar stools down from me. It was Merlin from the Kingsman shop.
     "Good morning, miss Bell." Merlin nodded.
     "Isn't it a bit early to be drinking a Martini?"
     "Isn't it a bit early to be at a bar at all?"
     "I'm not drinking. I'm just having soda."
     He nods and Max gives us both the drinks.
     "I've got a proposition to make." Merlin speaks after a long pause of silence.
     "This is quite a private conversation, so how about we go to a booth?"
     I nodded and took my drink to the booth in the corner.
     "Your uncle was a very bright man, Bella."
     "Yeah, about that. How do you know him?"
     Merlin holds his hands up, "I'll get to that in a minute. He was very bright and very determined. You may think he was an officer of some sort, which is sorta true."
     I furrow my brows.
     "Okay, he's a secret agent. That's the term you're most familiar with. And he was the one to give you that necklace you wear. He had very high hopes for you and your future, Bell. And he hopes to have you follow the same path as he since his sister, your mother, failed to do so. I understand you've been accepted to multiple incredible schools, may I ask why you're still here?"
     "We've been tight on money, and I didn't want to take any more away from my mum. I've gotta take care of her and help her with the bills. Since my dad left, she's been trying really hard to give me the best life I could ask for, but it's just not gonna happen. I want to help her. So I stayed home."
     "It must've been really difficult to do that."
     "Um, yeah. So, what's this proposition?"
     "Now that I think of it, it's not really a proposition. I'd like to give you and your mother some money. Enough to pay for school and to pay off any debt you may have."
     "No, I can't accept that. I'm sorry. Thank you, so so much. But, I'd feel guilty taking it."
     "You're acting quite polite for a 19 year old, I'm impressed."
     "Way to change the subject. Im sorry to say this, but I'm usually extremely sassy. You just seem nice, so might as well act nice."
     "I'd much rather have you act yourself around me."
     "You sound like a boyfriend."
      "Anyways! Your uncle was part of Kingsman an-"
     "The tailoring shop? Are you serious?"
     "The Kingsman agents are famous for wearing suits made specifically for them on their mission."
     "Oh, okay." I rolled my eyes.
     "And your father had a very high position in the agency. I was his assistant and helped train the recruits."
     "Every time an agent dies, someone needs to take their place. Multiple agents pick recruits and they go through tests, some are quite difficult. They go until one remains. That one recruit becomes the agent. We have code names, so, based on the previous recruits, we were looking for a replacement for Agent Lancelot. A young deserving woman is now Agent Lancelot."
      "What happens to the other recruits?!" I asked, getting freaked out.
     "I'm not gonna lie to you when I say this, Bell, but some recruits could die. Last time, only one recruit died. I promise you it's a safe environment, the recruits that simply didn't pass the test go home."
     "Good to know."
     "I want you to be my recruit."
     "I've never begged for anything ever and this is probably the most vulnerable I'll ever be. Please be my recruit. I want to do your uncle proud. You were going to be his next recruit, but he died, unfortunately."
     "Did he die on a mission?"
     "Yes." My eyes widen. "But, I can guarantee your safety."
     "I don't want to leave my mum, Merlin."
     "And your mum doesn't want you  to leave her. I knew this would be a long shot. Your mum was refusing to let you go, but I figured I'd give it a chance."
     "I'm sorry. I just don't want to leave my mum."
     "I get it. Just please accept this." Merlin handed me a rather thick envelope. "You're a bright girl, Bell. Don't put it to waste. And, if you need anything, come down to the Kingsman shop, I'd be happy to help you with anything-money, advice, a ride- I've got you. And call the number on the back of your necklace if you're in trouble. Say "Oxfords, not Brogues" and I'll know it's you."
     I nod. "Thanks, Merlin."
     Merlin sighs before getting up and leaving the bar.

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