Chapter 23

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     Bella POV

     I eventually walk out of the room with a slight blush on my face from what Roxy caught us doing. Harry must've known because he didn't seem to be too happy at the moment.
     "Okay, first," Merlin began, "we need to find out their other agents and where they are located. They can't just have that mini shop in downtown Worcester and, if that was all they had, then we wouldn't have to worry about the threat. So, I will take care of that while you guys go back down there and look around for any movements or any suspicions. Good?"
     We all nodded in agreement.
     We were just entering the headquarters and Harry insisted on never leaving my side. By that I mean that he insists on me not being close in proximity with Eggsy. Ridiculous.
     "Watch your step, darling." Harry gives me a hand as I step through broken glass.
     "Thanks, Harry." I smiled and continued on my way.
     We turned a corner where there should've been a bunch of dead bodies everywhere. Should've.
     "Fuck." Harry muttered.
     "Where could they have gone?" I questioned to myself.
     "This isn't good, Harry." Eggsy spoke up. "Someone must've picked them up."
     "Let's just look for fingerprints and stuff like that." Harry calmly instructed. "Pair up just in case."
     Harry reached for my arm, but Eggsy beat him to it.
     "Let's go, Bell." He smiles before taking me along the hallway.
     Harry must really not approve of Eggsy.
     "So, how's your day been?" Eggsy smiled.
     "Pretty average. I got shot in the arm so that isn't good. What about you?"
      "Pretty fucking amazing. I kissed the most beautiful girl on the planet." He beamed.
     "And who may that be?"
     "You." He pushed me up against the wall and pulled me into a kiss while smiling. He's awfully cute and cuddly today.
     "Not now, Eggsy. We've got stuff to do." I pushed him by his chest.
     "Fine." He gave me one last peck before continuing on his way.
     I like this side of him. He's not that douchey. He never was exactly 'douchey', but people could easily interpret that when first meeting him.
     "Eggsy, watched out!" I yelled as a person jumped out of nowhere and started shooting.
     I pushed Eggsy out of the way and aimed at the person until they were dead.
     "Are you okay?" I knelt down beside Eggsy.
     "Yeah, never been better." He smiled holding his shoulder.
     "Did he shoot you?"
     "No, I just hurt my shoulder when I was shoved." He coughed in a way that was supposed to be accusing.
     "I'm sorry."
     "Kiss it to make it feel better."
     I pulled his hand away and went to kiss it, but he grabbed me by the back of my neck and kissed me on the lips instead.
     "Eggsy, stop being a boy and let's get our job done." I laughed. "There will be plenty of time to do that later."
     "Oh really." He winked.
     "Not that way, you nugget. Let's go."
     I helped him up and we smile at each other before examining the guard I shot down.
     It was a she with short brown hair and she looked in her mid twenties. She had a tattoo on her thumb which read, '45'.
     "Eggsy, could this have anything to do with Fortuna?" I asked while pointing to her thumb. Of course this would have something to do with Fortuna, idiot.
     "Yeah. It could be her age, although I highly doubt it by the way she looks. It could also be the number guard she is, something like that." He guessed.
     "Should we take her back to Harry?"
     "It's worth a shot." He shrugged and we reached for her together.
     He had her arms and I had her legs.
     "1...2....3." He counted and we lifted at the same time before we heard a click.
     "Stop it right there, motherfuckers." A man voiced.
     We dropped the body and turned around.
     We came face to face with a man with a gun.
     And the gun was pointed right at us.

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now