Chapter 20

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     Eggsy POV

     "What?" We all screeched.
     "That's right, Harry Hart is alive and he's fucking watching you right now. He's proud of you, Bell." The man laid down.
     "Why the hell is he here?"
     "Valentine gave his body to us to dispose of him. We didn't. Valentine merely hit his ear. Didn't kill him. Idiot. He was too focused on the blood factor that he didn't notice there was barely blood."
     "Why wouldn't you let Harry go?"
     "We couldn't let Harry go! He's very valuable. Although he's been too stubborn to help us, fucking prick."
      "Can we see him?" Bella asked, her eyes wide with hope.
     "You'll have to find him. I'm dying. Good luck." He shuts his eyes and we watch has his chest slowly rises and falls before it stops completely.
     "He's dead."
     "No duh, Bell." Roxy snaps.
     Bell lifts her hands in a surrender.
"We've gotta find Harry and take him back to Merlin." I speak, grabbing more guns and making my way down the hall.
"Where do you think he'd be?" Bell asks.
"I don't know, but Merlin said there were very few agents at this HQ and those were a lot of agents back there. Maybe there's none left." I responded.
"So, you're saying that we took down every agent in Fortuna HQ?"
"Possibly, but I bet there's a few guarding Harry so he doesn't try to escape. The man said he was watching us, so let's try to find the security room.
"You mean this room?" I turn to see Roxy pointing at a door with a sign that says 'Security Room'.
We walk in to see bodies on the floor and an empty chair.
"He was here, at least."
"So, he must be roaming around somewhere then."
"Yeah, how about we split up?" I suggest.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Bella asks.
"It's the fastest way we'll find him. Don't worry, Bell. You'll be fine." I kiss her gently and pull away smiling.
She smiles back and that reassures me.
Bella POV

We decide which way to go and we agree to meet up at the security room.
"Harry?" I called taking a turn at the end of the hall.
There were, again, lifeless bodies scattered around the floor. Where the hell could he be?
A man barged from an opened door and slams himself against the wall. Blood pours from his mouth.
"You" he raises a bloody finger in my direction. "You're her."
"What do you mean?" I ask getting my gun out of my pocket.
"You're the one he's so persistent about."
     "Who's he?"
     "Harry. He's been talking nonstop about you and how you will destroy us."
     "Well, most of your guards are dead, so it looks like I might destroy you."
     "You don't know what your messing with, lady. It's bigger than you know. You guys are in danger."
     "You're not the first one to say that." I raise my gun.
     "Wait!" He shouts.
     "They are planning on destroying Kingsman. You are their biggest threat right now. And for half of America? It's a distraction. They'll raid every state on the East coast and, while they're doing that, they'll be taking down your HQ in England."
     "How can I trust you?"
     "I've got nothing to lose. My leader's probably dead. Besides, you're gonna be dead anyways."
     "How can you be so sure?"
     "Because I'm gonna kill you myself." He holds out his gun and shoots randomly.
     "Fucking dick!" I shoot him in the chest twice and in the head once. "Asshole."
I continue walking down the hall when I hear shoes scuffing in a nearby room.
     "Harry?" I checked every room until I got to the last one and the noise was very evident now.
     I walked in to see a man with his back towards me.
     The man turns around swiftly.
     I smile and run towards my uncle, flinging my arms around him and standing on my tip-toes to reach him even when I'm wearing heels.
     "I thought you were dead." I mumbled.
     "Surprise." He laughs.
     Since I never had a father  growing up, Harry was the closest thing I had to a father figure.
     "I missed you." Tears were pouring down my cheeks by now.
    "I missed you too." He squeezes me tightly without letting go. I wasn't complaining.
     "You made it into Kingsman." He pulled back with a smile. Proudness filled his eyes.
     "Yeah, I followed after your footsteps."
     "I watched you fighting those guys. I must say, they taught you well. Who was your trainer?"
     "Eggsy." I blushed and looked down.
     "Oh, and I saw that kiss between you two. I don't know how I feel about that relationship, but he did train you well."
     I sighed. "You never let me have boyfriends."
     "I never let you have your heartbroken."
     "Will Eggsy break my heart?"
     "It's not a matter of if he will, it's if he could and he most definitely could."
     "Anyone could break my heart, Harry."
     "We'll see, Bell." He smiles. "Now, let's go find them."
     I reached into my pocket and pulled out the trash phone Merlin provided for us. I pushed on Eggsy's contact.
     "Are you alright, Bell?" He panicked.
     I pushed the phone towards Harry and urged him to speak.
     "Wow, I'm gone for years and no 'how are you, Harry'?"
     "Oh, you wanker. Is that really you, Harry?"
     "Why, indeed it is, Eggsy. Bella here found me."
     "There you go, Bella!"
     "Now, I assume you want to meet at the security room?"
     "Yes, how'd you know?"
     "I trained you myself, Eggsy."
     "True. I'll ring Roxy and we can head back to Merlin."
     "Okay, see you then."
     Harry hands me back the phone and I smile up at him.
     He offers me my arm and we walk out of the room together, heading back to the security room.
     Eggsy and Roxy were already there when we rounded the corner of the hallway.
     "I can't believe you're actually alive!" Eggsy exclaims, doing the same as I did to Harry when I first saw him.
     "Yeah, yeah." He hugged him back.
      Then Roxy hugged him and we stood awkwardly staring at each other.
     "Okay, let's go." Harry sighs.
     Off to Merlin.

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now