Chapter 21

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     Bella POV

     "What the fuck is this?" Merlin asks, disbelief written all over his face.
      "Hello to you too, Merlin." Harry smiles.
     "Oh my fuck!" He gives Harry a hug which surprises all of us. Merlin isn't a hugger.
     "I'd really love to have everything be about me right now, but we've gotta protect America and the Kingsman."
     "Okay, did anyone get information?" Merlin turns towards us. "Your glasses cut off when you guys were taken."
     "Yes, the America threat is a distraction. They will raid each state one by one so that no one will notice about the Kingsman disappearing. He said Kingsman is the biggest threat." I spoke.
"Did he say why we were their biggest threat?"
"No. I killed him before he could."
"That's my girl." Harry mumbled.
"I hope you had a damn good reason for killing him because he could've been a vital part to this mission."
"He started shooting at me sir." I cleared my throat.
Harry's eyes widened and I felt everyone's eyes on me.
"He shot at you?" Merlin asked.
"Yes, what's the problem?"
"He shot at you."
"Yes, I signed up for being shot at when I started the recruitment tests. I don't see what's the big deal."
"You're not the least bit shocked?"
"No! Why should I be? Who cares if I got shot at or not? I'm a Kingsman! I could die! I'm fine!"
"Bella, your back." Eggsy squeaked.
"What's wrong with my back?"
"It's drenched with blood."
This caught Harry's attention and he stood behind me, taking off my jacket and looking at my back.
"Oh," he mumbles, "this isn't good."
"What's wrong?"
"I'm gonna need you to take off your shirt, dear. We need to see the wound."
I was hesitant to do so, but knew it could help me, so I took off my shirt and held it to my chest as they looked at my back.
"It looks like you were shot in the shoulder." Merlin said, his fingers grazing my right shoulder.
"How? My back wasn't towards him."
"I don't know, but there is for sure a bullet wedged in there. Lay down on the table."
"I don't feel anything." I said as I laid down.
"Well, you're probably in shock. Or it was the adrenaline."
I shuddered as I felt hands press on my wound. He moved my bra strap just past my shoulder and grabbed some gauze.
"This may hurt a bit, Bell. Be careful not to move." Merlin said.
The gauze cleaned up the blood around the wound and that stung a little, but nothing prepared me for the feeling of the gauze in the wound.
"Agh." I clenched my teeth. It sounded like I was being strangled.
     Eggsy stood in front of me and held his hand out. I took it and I smiled at him.
     "Okay, we're gonna take the bullet out, Bell." Merlin handed me a rag. "Bite into this if you need to."
      He took some type of tweezer and dug it into my skin. It must've been bad because Eggsy cringed.
     "I need more gauze." Merlin spoke calmly as I felt blood pour out of my shoulder and drip onto the table.
     The rag in my mouth didn't stop me from screaming.
     "Almost there, Bell. Steady."
     I feel my shoulder burning as Merlin tried his best not to hurt me too much. I'm shaking as I physically feel the bullet being moved in my shoulder.
     "Quick, Merlin." I struggle.
     "I know, Bell." Merlin soothes as he places his other hand on the space between my shoulder-blades to hold me down and to comfort me. "Just a few more pulls."
     Tears pooled out of my eyes. "Fuck." I breathed into the rag.
     Finally, the bullet came out and I let a breath of relief. Eggsy squeezed my hand and kissed my head. I could feel Harry's eyes focused on us.
     "It seems to be a normal bullet, but we can't be too sure. We'll take a look at it later, but now we've gotta fix you up." Merlin smiled before putting the bullet into a baggy.
     He grabbed even more gauze and cut it in half, using one half to clean up the blood around the wound and the other half to cover up my wound after he stitches it.
     "Good job, Bell." Merlin helps me sit up. I just look horrific.
      "How you feel?" Roxy asked.
     "Like death." I laughed and wipe the tears from my eyes.
     "You did good, Bell." Harry smiles. "Now, how about you sleep?"
     "But, it's 3?"
     "You still had a long day."
     "I'm not tired."
     "It doesn't matter, Harry. She's a Kingsman now, we can't hide it from her forever." Merlin interrupts.
     "Hide what from me?"
      "I don't think this is a really good time, Merlin." Harry insisted.
     "Nonsense. Bella, this is important."
      Harry tried to step in, but Merlin out his hand up. "You are more important to the Kingsman than you know."
      I cocked my head questionably.
     "When you were born, since you were of relation to Harry, you were deemed as a Kingsman from the start. That's why I was insistent on you being a part of Kingsman."
     I nodded even though I was surprised.
     "And, when a future Kingsman is born, we ask a person dear to us to tell us the turn out of this certain Kingsman. And that person said you'd be the greatest Kingsman to ever live, but you'd die a terrible death."
     Eggsy's eyes widen as we make eye contact.
     "And they said that you are to rule over Kingsman."
     "What are you saying?" I asked.
     "Bella," Merlin paused, "you are the next Arthur."

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now