Chapter 14

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Bella POV

As I continue to try to put my ridiculously heavy earnings on there is a knock on my door.
     "Bell, I'm your escort." Merlin walks in with a smile on his face. "Harry would love to see you right now. You're beautiful."
     "Thank you, Merlin. I'm so ridiculously nervous." I smile.
     "No need to be. Everyone's excited to meet you. Mike, not so much."
     I laughed and Merlin held out his arm for me to hold onto and I did.
     "Where's this dinner?" I asked as we made our way down the hall.
     "It's in the ballroom. You haven't been there yet, but I'll tell you right now it's extremely fancy." Merlin explained. "There's this big grand staircase that you would often see in the movies and that's where we will be entering. It's like you big entrance. All eyes will be on you and it'll be like a first impression, so do good."
     "I'll try!"
     Merlin goes to say something when we come behind two very large doors made out of glass.
     "This is it." Merlin smiles. "Good luck and don't be shy. Kingsman aren't shy." He kisses my cheek and I take his arm before two guards open the doors for us and we walk in.
     It really was like in the movies. We had a big view of most of the room and it was breathtaking. Chandeliers, music, lights, and waiters were everywhere with food. Lots of food.
     All eyes turn to Merlin and I and I immediately feel self-conscious, but keep a calm look with a smile.
     We start to decent and Eggsy is at the bottom of the staircase looking handsome as ever with his tux, bow tie, and rimmed glasses.
     "You look amazing, Bella." He whispers, looking me up and down not in an uncomfortable way, but more like an admiring or adoring way.
     "Thank you, Eggsy. You do too." I smile.
     "Bell." Merlin cuts in. "To be a real Kingsman, you must own a pair of our very own glasses. So, it is with great honor and pleasure that you except these." He holds out an eyeglass box and I already know what is.
      As I take the box and open it up, Eggsy looks at me with a proud expression. He's been training me for so long and is the reason for me being here to accept these glasses. He made me.
     I put on the glasses with a big grin from ear-to-ear.
    "You look very studious, Bell." Merlin speaks, kissing both of my cheeks. "Now go and have fun. Dinner is in a few minutes."
     "You look amazing, Bell." Eggsy repeats.
      "Thanks, Eggsy." I blush.
     "Do you wanna dance?"
     "Uh, sure."
     I never was much of a dancer. 
     I took Eggsy's hand and of course! Right when I can want to go out, a slow song comes on.
     "Oh, we can come back after this song." Eggsy mumbled before grabbing my hand and leading me back towards an empty table.
     "No, no. Let's go. It's fine." I reassured him.
      "Are you sure, Bell?"
     "Of course, Egghead. Let's go!" I tugged him back and we were right on the dance floor.
     He stood awkwardly in front of me, his hands reaching for my waist as mine went for his neck.
      "This isn't so bad." I said as we swayed to the beat. His blue eyes were so beautiful.
     "No, it isn't." He smiled, pulling me closer and resting his chin on my head. "You're a Kingsman."
      "Thanks to you."
     It was like we were in our own little bubble. No one could hear us and we felt together. It felt amazing.
     "I'm glad I pursued you even though you didn't accept my date." He fake pouts.
      "Awe, Eggsy. It's no hard feelings. You're an amazing guy and any girl would be lucky to go out with you. I just don't want a relationship getting in the way of my work."
     "I want you to be that girl, Bell."
     "I'm sorry."
      "So, are you not going to date for the rest of your life? Never going to get married?"
      "Eggsy, it's no-"
     "Why can't you fucking give me a chance, Bella? As cheesy as it sounds, I want to show you how much you mean to me."
      "I've only known you for a few months, Eggsy."
     "Yeah, and I've been watching your every move completely mesmerized." His voice starts to get louder.
     "Eggsy, babe, people are staring." I whispered not noticing my pet name for him.
     "I would fucking love hearing you call me babe every single day for the rest of my life."
     "Eggsy, a date is one thing. What you're saying is not what you told me."
      "Well, as time goes on, my feelings grow and I've grown to love you and I would really like to see if that love can go anywhere."
     "Just fucking do something! I can't wait!" He blurts out.
     I take a hold of his neck and kiss his cheek before pulling his face to rest in the crook of my neck.
     "Not here, Eggsy." I whispered.
     His grip tightened around me and he sighed deeply.
     "I don't want to wait."
     He sounded so helpless. I didn't know he could feel this way towards me. I didn't know any guy could feel this way towards me.
      "I'm sorry, Eggsy, but you'll have to."
     "Fuck." He choked out.
     I think my heart broke.

     A/N is this too dramatic? In the way I'm imagining it in my head, this is so beautiful and I almost cried writing it haha. I don't know if I'm moving too fast or what. If you would like to give feedback, please do. Tell me what you think of the book and what you'll like to happen next. Thank you! Comment! Follow! Like! Share! Peace ✌🏻️

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