Chapter 16

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     Eggsy POV

     Bell has been on my mind these past few months and it's about time I actually get on with my job. She's not going to be going out with me anytime soon and I'm wasting precious time either trying to win her over or thinking of her. I think I have a problem, but it's a problem I don't want to necessarily fix.
     "Eggsy, we have a problem." Merlin told me as he walked into the room with a folder in his hand.
     "Yes?" I responded.
     "The American spy agency, Fortuna, has released a threat to our HQ and to most of America. By most, I mean the east coast to the Midwest. California and states around there have remained unthreatened and aren't our main priority for the time being. But, states from Maine down and Oklahoma forward are threatened and will remain effected until we stop them. Fortuna's base is located in Massachusetts with a surprisingly small amount of agents working there. We can only assume that there are more agents around the world. Why our HQ is a target? I don't know. But, I need you, Roxy, and Bell working over to Massachusetts. You'll need your best American accents and slang. I'll be there too along with other agents, but you're the main part in this whole process. Questions?"
     "Is this mission safe enough for Bell to take part in? Isn't it a bit early for her to be doing this?"
      "Not at all, I believe it's time she do a Kingsman task."
     "Okay, and what is the task exactly? Besides going to Massachusetts, what are we doing?"
    "You will 'fall upon' their HQ which happens to be disguised as a fortune teller shop, real clever. You will then find as much information as you can. You all are just three best friends having a good time."
"This doesn't seem that planned out, Merlin. You sure we're ready?"
"Of course. Now, you leave tomorrow. Get ready and get some sleep. Gonna be a long plane ride."
He walks out of the room, leaving the folder on the table. I open it to see various pictures of both men and women in suits with serious looks plastered on their faces. Nothing we can't handle.
     "You guys got everything? We probably won't be back for awhile." Merlin called out.
     We all called back our responses. This mission seems very laid back for some reason. We don't really know the seriousness of the situation yet, but we were threatened so that's got to mean something.
     "Where are we heading?" Bell asked me.
     "Massachusetts. I don't know where though."
     "I think Worcester." Roxy sat next to Bell. She had a difficult time pronouncing Worcester. 
      "What kind of name is Worcester?" (I chose this randomly, please don't get offended) Bell made a face.
     "I don't know, but we're gonna have to learn how to say it."
     We all practiced our American accents and tried to fit it with the Massachusetts accent by looking up phrases online.
     "Pak the ca in Havad Yad." Said Roxy sounding ridiculous.
    "I'm pretty sure they don't actually talk like that."
     "They seem to use the word wicked a lot, but in their vocabulary, it's a way of saying a lot or great. Like, 'wicked smart' or 'that was wicked!'. That's odd." Bell looked up from her phone.
     "Wicked odd." I smirked while trying to hold in my laughter.
     "Oh shut up." She scolded.
     "Interesting. I like that. 'That was wicked!'. That'd be a great catchphrase." Roxy thought.
    I guess so.
     The plane landed and we all were exhausted.
     I stepped off of the plane and into the terminal, Bell right behind me and Roxy helping out Merlin.
     "Here we are. Home sweet home." I said in my best American accent. I made sure to pronounce my r's and I'll have to remember to do the same with my th's.
     "This isn't really a busy airport. I wonder why." Bell too had her accent.
     I checked my phone to see a message from Merlin. He gave me the address to the place we'd be staying in.
     "Merlin wants us heading to the apartment, I'm guessing. Let's go." I motioned.
     We picked up our bags and head out. There were no taxis and we had to walk. Awesome.
     "This place is cozy." Bella smiled as she put down her bags and leaned on the wall.
     "It sure is." I put my arm around her shoulder as we both looked around the place.
      Maybe one day Bell and I will get a house together.
    "What'd you say, Egs?" Bell looked up at me.
    "Just wondering about getting a place of my own."
     "Don't you already have one with your mum?"
     "Oh, yeah." I chuckled. I must've looked like an idiot now.
    Bell laughed me off and took her bags to her room.
    I sigh and bring my bags to the room across from hers.
     The closest I'll probably ever get to her.

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now