Chapter 9

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Eggsy POV

"I can't believe she didn't just shoot the dog!" I exclaimed.
"Let me remind you, Eggsy, that you didn't either." Merlin added.
"Oh, piss off, Merlin. I was stupid, wasting away the opportunity of a lifetime by not shooting that damn dog."
"Maybe she made the same mistake you did, but she loves that dog. I-"
"I love J.B.!"
Merlin sighs. "I see what's the problem."
"Oh, what's that now?"
"You're mad because now you won't get to hangout with her anymore. Eggsy's got a crush."
"I don't fucking have a- I have a crush."
Merlin shrugged knowingly.
"Why you looking smug? You probably knew this all the time when you were begging me to stay away from her."
"Yep, and we made an agreement that if she didn't make it, you'd leave her alone."
"But, I said I'll probably not listen to it."
"You did indeed." Merlin smiles.
I can't help but smile back. "Can I pull a Harry and take a recruit back to save the world?"
"There's nothing to save the world from."
"Oh well. There'll probably be a time soon."
"Then let's wait until then."
"But, we want her to be prepared."
"Okay, whatever, Eggsy. Go do it, but you'll train her yourself."
"I ain't got a problem with that. I'll get extra close." I winked and ran out the door towards a beautiful future Unwin.
I knocked on the door somewhat nervous. I've never been this nervous over a girl before and I haven't even got her yet. Yet being the keyword.
A young woman, not Bell, opened the door with a small smile on her face.
"Can I help you?" She asked.
"Uh, yeah. Is Bella Hart here?"
"Can I ask who you are?"
"Eggsy Unwin." I reach to give her a handshake. "Pleasure to meet you, I assume Mrs.Hart."
"Ms.Hart. Um, you're Eggsy? Harry Hart's Eggsy?"
"Yes, mam."
"Please, call me Sophie. Come in, I'll get Bell."
"Thank you, Sophie." I smiled, walking in to a relatively nice apartment. Better than mine, anyways.
"Hi, Mr.Unwin. What brings you here?" Bella asked when she left her room. 'Mr.Unwin' has got me feeling a type of way.
"Eggsy. I've got a proposition to make." I said.
"That's what Merlin said before he asked me to join Kingsman." She snorted.
"I guess Merlin and I have a lot in common."
"Are you serious?"
"Dead serious."
"You'd be a great add-on to the team! And we certainly can't deal with Mike on our own."
"So, you guys are basically depending on me, right?"
"Yea, basically." I chuckled. "I'll be the one training you....and maybe even a little more."
"Uh, I think training will do."
"You sure?"
"Okay. Whatever you say. We'll see how you're feeling later on."
"Okay, big-shot, I'm in. As long as you keep your dick away from me."
"Why's everyone talking about my dick?!"
"Who the fuck was talking about your dick?"
"Eggsy, I didn't kno-"
"No, it wasn't that way."
"Then what way was it?"
"That doesn't matter. Would you like to start your training now?"
"If possible."
     "Anything's possible."
     "Yeah, except for me going out with you."
     "Oh, c'mon, it'd be fun. I promise to treat you right."
      "Yep, whatever, not gonna happen. So, let's head to HQ and practice....."
      "Combat. Luckily for you, I'll go easy on you."
      "Like I need it, I'll take you any day."
      "Be careful what you say, Bell." I smirked. "Let's go."
      "Bye, mum! I love you!" Bell yelled before following outside, back to Kingsman.
     Bella POV

     "Don't get too caught up in my attractive good looks, okay, Bell?" Eggsy said in a way a father would talk to his child. We were back at Kingsman on the training mats.
     I looked up at Eggsy with innocent, round eyes and said in the purest voice, "Yes, sir."
     This caused Eggsy to visibly shudder with delight and I gladly elbowed him in the stomach before grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back, his wrist lined in between his shoulder blades. One tug and his shoulder would be terribly dislocated. Seemed like Eggsy had a kink. (Wtf am I writing)
     "That was a lucky shot, Bell." Eggsy grit his teeth, trying not to move his arm.
     "Sorry, sir. I was bad." I said in the same voice.
     "Holy fuck, Bell, knock it off or I will take you on this mat." Eggsy growled.
     I was back to my normal, sassy voice, "That's a very unprofessional thing to say, Mr.Unwin. I am your trainee and I cannot have my trainer desiring me in such a way. Maybe I should get Mer-"
     "None of that will be necessary Miss Hart, I'm capable of putting my feelings aside."
     "Good, now let's go. And please don't get too caught up in my attractive good looks, Mr.Unwin. Would hate for you to get hurt." I winked. Eggsy seemed flustered.

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