Chapter 31

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Bella POV

The knife fell out of my hands at his statement.
"What?" I screeched.
"Bella," Harry tried to cut in, but Richard interrupted him.
"You didn't tell her who I was? Very upsetting." Richard punches me square in the middle of my face sending me backwards in the process.
The scene in front of me scares me to my bones. Eggsy is on top of Richard with a piece of wood from the broken chair.
The room was cleared out, the Kingsman agents going to take care of the unconscious Fortuna agents. Harry, Eggsy, Richard and I were the only ones left.
Harry knelt beside me making sure I was okay. Richard quickly flipped Eggsy over and the knife I was going to kill him with was in his hand.
"Go help Eggsy!" I yelled at Harry. He was more concerned about me when my father was attacking my boyfriend.
Harry tore Richard off Eggsy and the three of them began to battle it out. The gash in my stomach prevented me from moving too much and I saw black dots in my vision.
"Bella, look at me!" Eggsy yelled while Harry currently took care of Richard. I did as I was told. "Think of when we met, how annoying I was. How badly you wanted to kick my ass. And look at us now. You were persistent on not being with me, but I was persistent to be with you. Right now you don't seem to be persistent on living, but I'm persistent on you living. I won last time, let me win again."
I groaned and rolled over. "That was very unnecessary, but very cute." As I got up, I noticed how soaked my dress was in my own blood. The slice in my stomach wasn't big, but it sure did bleed a lot.
I took out two bobby-pins from my hair and ripped off the two beads at the opening. Turning around, I lifted up my dress to look at the bleeding cut. It wasn't pretty.
      I used Eggsy's jacket sleeve to wipe off the majority of the blood and took a deep breath before grabbing one of the bobby-pins and bending it straight. I pushed one end through the cut and nearly passed out from the pain. The same was done with the other bobby-pin. They acted as stitches.
      I pulled my dress down, turned around, and made my way over towards the bar. Eggsy and Harry were winning the fight as of now, but Richard was doing a pretty good damn job.
       I grabbed a bottle of alcohol and rubbed it on the cut before taking a swig of it myself. Sighing I walked up to the three men fighting and shocked Richard with my Kingsman ring.
      Blood was still in my mouth and was coming out of my nose because of Richard's punch earlier. I spat at him and kicked underneath his legs and grabbed his head before banging it against the floor.
      He grabbed onto my hair, pulling on it and digging into my cut.
Struggling out of his grasp I said, "Wouldn't want to kill your daughter, would you?" Taking my head and head-butting him hurt a lot, but was worth it because of the satisfying crack his nose made.
Blood poured from his nose too. Like father like daughter, I guess.
Richard pushed me off and punched me in my chest causing me to wheeze and he went after Eggsy once more, but with a gun this time.
I forced myself up and watched as Harry called for the Kingsman agents to return to the ballroom. His glasses were crushed on the floor beneath him.
Richard was firing at Eggsy causing Eggsy to be using his agility to dodge the bullets. But, he wasn't quick enough because Richard shot him in the shoulder.
Eggsy fell to the ground groaning and Richard slowly made his way towards him.
"No!" I screamed and ran towards Eggsy, grabbing him and looking at the wound in his shoulder.
     He breathed out and winced. "I'm okay, just a shoulder hit."
     "For now." Richard spoke and he was two yards from us. "Eggsy, you've been a great boyfriend to my daughter. Thank you." BANG Richard shot at Eggsy's chest.

Kingsman agents flooded the room and Harry was yelling orders to them. I watched as Richard fell to the ground with blood leaking from his mouth. It was then I realized that my poison blades were peaking out of my heels.
      Eggsy's hand came to my face. "Bella, please. Please look at me." He placed me laying in his lap and I looked up to him with heavy pants.
      He slowly moved his hands to the bullet wound in my chest. Tears leaked from his eyes and landed upon my cheeks.
      "Why would you do this?" He cried out.
"I'm the only one allowed to kick your ass, Egghead." I smiled through the searing pain.
"I love you so much. You're going to make it, don't worry." Eggsy kissed my cheeks individually and rested his head beside mine. He adjusted himself so he was kneeling and my head was in his lap.
I brought my hands that were covered in my dried blood to Eggsy's hands that were now covered in my fresh blood. "I love you, Eggsy. Thank you for being so persistent." Everything I said came out in a whisper and in a very slow manner.
"No, don't say that. You're going to be fine." The tears that he had soon became my own. His came feverishly while mine slowly leaked from the sides of my eyes.
"You're the best thing that's ever happen to me. Tell Harry I'm going to be with mom. I love you." My eyes focused on his before drooping slightly.
"I love you." He choked out and sobbed. My eyes shut fully and my grip on his hands loosened. The last thing I felt was the smoothness of Eggsy's lips on mine.

Eggsy held the love of his life's body in his arms as she took her last breath. Choked sobs were released as he repeatedly said the word "no". Taking her face in his hands, he gave her a final kiss and rested his forward against hers. The feeling was unbearable and Eggsy didn't want to imagine waking up tomorrow and not seeing her beside him.
     Eggsy took Bella's hand and intertwined their fingers.

      Eggsy Unwin and Bella Hart's love story is one to remember.

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