Chapter 3

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Bella POV

I walk home feeling bad about turning Merlin down. He seemed very excited for the thought of even having me as a recruit. But, he even said my mum didn't want me going to Kingsman and I didn't want to do that to her.
"Mum, I'm home!" I yelled to her.
"Bella, where've you been?"
"Down at the bar."
"Was everyone good to you?"
"Yes. Merlin from the Kingsman shop actually came by and we talked." I squeezed my eyes shut, not knowing what the reaction from her would be.
"You what?" Her head popped up from the couch.
"Yeah, he told me about Uncle Harry and how he was an agent."
"That fucking pri-"
"Why'd you keep it from me?"
"I didn't want you getting the wrong idea. I-"
"What wrong idea?"
"I didn't want you thinking you had to join the agency to make him happy. He was your father figure growing up after all."
"Well, I turned down Merlin's offer of being his recruit."
"What? Why?"
"I couldn't leave you. I know how much you need me and I need you just the same. Leaving you wouldn't be right."
"Oh, sweetie." She walks up to give me a hug.
"He also gave me this envelop which I'm assuming is the money that I tried to deny. He's really nice and wants to help us mum."
"That's very nice of him. I'm just glad he didn't try pressuring you into joining."
"It would be really cool, but I don't wanna die, you know?"
"I don't think anyone really wants to die, Bell. If you really want to join Kingsman, go ahead. I know you'll do great. Whatever you want, go do it. I'll be fine."
I sighed. "I'm gonna head back out for a bit. Just thought I'd give you an update and the money."
"I love you, pet."
"Love you more, mam"
I walk out of the small apartment and walk down the stairs towards the streets, the dirty, dirty streets.
"Hey, Bell! Long time no see." A deep accent calls after me following with obnoxious laughter.
"What do you want, Bradley? Still can't go a day without traumatizing me?"
"I traumatize you? I'm flattered." He rests a hand on his rather pudgy chest.
"Get it over with, man." I shrug and he takes a step towards me. "I just can't promise I won't fight back."
"I'd recommend you not fight back, young lady."
"Now you classify me as a lady! What happened to bitch and hoe? Got bored of those like your mother did of you?"
"Don't fucking talk about my mother like that."
"I just did."
"You better shut your mouth, princess."
"These rankings just keep on getting higher and higher, I'm flattered honestly."
"Stalling doesn't look cute on you."
"You think I'm stalling? Ha. Stalling. That's a funny word."
"Oh, you fucking bitch!" He lunges at me and I duck.
"And we're back to bitch." I punch him in the gut before his two minions grab my arms, forcing them behind my back.
"You're just too easy." He growls and lunges a punch to my face, but I duck my head and it ends up hitting probably the scariest minion he has, knocking him out.
"Teamwork is the most important thing, Bradley. How dare you take out a teammate?"
I raise my foot to kick the other and final minion where the sun don't shine and he crumbles to the ground, groaning.
"Come at me, bro." I smirk while getting into my "fighting stance".
"Agh!" Bradley manages to get a punch to my shoulder, but my aim is too good. Knocking my head against his, there is a sickening cracking sound before he tumbles to the ground. I groan, holding the bridge of my noise.
"Fucking dick."
I wandered around aimlessly, nowhere to be and nothing on my mind. I look up to find myself in front of the Kingsman tailor shop. I always end up here somehow.
"If you really want to join Kingsman, go ahead."
I'll just see how it is at first, I guess. I'm sure I'll be able to back out at any time.
I walk inside, preparing for probably the easiest thing I'll do for the rest of my life. That is if I get into Kingsman.
"Bella Hart. Long time no see." George smiles. I cringe at the familiarity of those words.
"Hi, George. I was looking for Merlin."
"Yep, he'll be right up. He's been hoping you'd come back."
I nod before sitting in the same seat I sat in when I first came here.
"Bell, awesome seeing you here." Merlin pops out of the first dressing room again. "What'd you need?"
"I wanna join Kingsman."
He gives me a look. "Are you sure? It's very dangerous."
"I trust you and I want to do my uncle proud. It also seems awesome!"
"As long as you're sure, but, if you wanna back out at anytime, you can."
"I've just got a question." He gestures for me to go on. "If you're training the recruits, it doesn't seem fair that you choose the recruit."
"I get this question every year! I don't warn the recruit of the tests. I just give advice. Every mentor knows what the tests are, I'm just supervising the recruits. Now, I better show you to the Kingsman HQ and where you're gonna be staying for the next few months"
"Like a lair?"
"Most definitely not a lair."
"It's a lair."
"It's not a lair."
"But, it sounds like a lair."
"It's not a lair."
"Okay, whatever you say. Just bring me to the lair, okay?"
"Oh my gosh!" He groans, but I can definitely see a hint of a smile. Got him.

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now