Chapter 22

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Bella POV

My eyes widen. "No, no thank you. I don't want to be Arthur. I don't even know enough about Kingsman. And a terrible death? Hell no."
"You are the next Arthur, Bell. It's your destiny." Merlin says.
"Yeah, okay." I roll my eyes. "What does Arthur even do?"
"Well, he, or she in your case, runs the meetings and keeps track of the agents. She is the leader and decides who does what. It's not a bad job, really. And I'll be your assistant. The one thing is that you don't go on missions."
"What?! I want to go on missions!"
"I know, it's just too dangerous for the leader to do that type of stuff."
"How'd the other Arthurs die then?"
"Either of old age or, if they turn to the 'dark side', we killed them. But, we have absolute faith that you won't do that, Bell."
"I don't want to do that, Merlin. I want to go on missions and save people and be with you guys. And, if I send you on a mission and you don't come back, I'll feel guilty and it'll tear me apart for the rest of my life. I can't take that, Merlin."
"It's okay, Bell, you'll be fine."
"I'm going on missions."
"Bell," Merlin sighs, "you can't."
"I'm the leader aren't I? I control the whole thing as you said."
"It's a better position for you, Bell. C'mon."
"I'm honored, I really am, but I don't want to sit around all day organizing ways to kill and save people. I want to save people."
"We'll talk about it later, okay?" He smiles.
I nod my head with a frown. He better not think he's getting his way.
"Bell, you need to rest." Eggsy insisted as I paced the floor.
     "Rest is the last thing I can think about right now, Eggsy." I snapped, but felt really bad when I saw the look on his face. It looked like I just broke his heart.
     "Well, it may be the farthest thing from your mind, but you need it. Come, come lay with Dr.Unwin." He said in a weird voice.
     "You're lucky you're cute." I laughed before plopping myself on my back being careful of my shoulder.
     Eggsy wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my arms around his before leaning my head onto his chest. My back was to his chest.
     He kissed my forehead as his arms practically engulfed me.
     "No, no." I mumbled.
     "You missed."
     "Missed what?"
     "My lips."
     I leaned up and kissed him on the lips.
     He groaned and cupped my face with one hand while the other traced circles on my bare skin.
     I pulled away slightly and stared up at him.
     "You're beautiful." He smiles.
     I smile, bringing my nose up to meet his. "You're handsome."
     His grin goes from ear to ear as he kisses me again. Ugh, I love it.
He gently turned me around the rested my back on the bed with him hovering over me. My hands rested on his sides while his were on my face.
"I need to take you on a date." He breathed in between kisses.
"I'd love that." I responded.
Eggsy wraps an arm around my waist, arching it so it molded with his body perfectly. The other arm was then placed underneath my head and we couldn't get any closer.
It was when the door opened that he pulled away from.
"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something, but there are more important matters at stake like how we are going to deal with the threat." Roxy walks in. I'm just glad it isn't Harry, he'd flip for sure.
"Right, sorry." Eggsy got up kneeling. "We'll be out in a second."
Roxy nods and shuts the door on her way out.
"I told you I'd kiss your face off." He smirks down at me.
"Shut up." I smiled, leaning up on the bed.
He smiled too and brings me in for one last kiss before walking out the door.
This man.

A/N this is a bit of a filler and I assumed since I updated 4 times yesterday, you may not mind. I hope you guys are really enjoying the book. It's been amazing writing it and I have more I store. After this book, I might make a sequel after I write a Taron Egerton fanfic, not an Eggsy one. We'll see haha. But, remember. Like! Comment! Follow! Share! Peace✌🏻️

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