Chapter 29

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Bella's POV
I stared at Eggsy's aching body beside me taped onto a chair. I was tied down with rope because apparently non-aching arms can remove tape very easily.
"I didn't think we'd have to do this so soon." The woman that jumped us earlier spoke.
I was on the platform Richard previously stood on and am in front of everyone at the party. They're looking at me with such disdain that I feel embarrassed.
"I figured there'd be more people and more weapons, if you will."
"Can't always get what we want now can we?" I scold at her.
"Shut up you bitch. You're in no place to be making snarky remarks at me. I've got your life in my hands. You can either have a few extra hours or just minutes."
"I thought you wanted to torture me? Make Kingsman not want to get revenge?"
"We've got plenty of things that will make a few minutes of pain feel like hours. But, I don't really want to see your nose of the floor just yet."
Our glasses were taken from us and crushed so I don't know if Merlin knows what's happening. He definitely should know that something isn't right.
"But, until then, how about we start off with something easy?"
I furrow my brows before someone walks up the stage with another woman with a bag over her head. Her legs and hands are tied and she's thrown to the grown. The scent is familiar and I shut my eyes at the thought of it being who I think it is.
"Oh, Mommy!" The threatening woman in front of me smiled.
The bag was ripped off of the poor lady's head and there was my mother, mouth bleeding from a split lip.
      "Hey, Sophie!"
      "Lexi." My mom spat.
       "What?" I responded.
       "Oh, did she not tell you?" Lexi had a look of mock shock on her face. "I can't believe my own sister would do that to my niece."
      "Mum, what is she talking about?" The accent doesn't matter anymore.
      Mum went to speak when Lexi aimed a gun at her.
      "Keep your mouth shut you fucker. I'll tell this story."
     Tape was put over my mother's mouth and tears streamed down her face.
      "Little Sophie, Harry, and I grew up together across the pond in England. The three amigos and the three musketeers were two of our many nicknames. Until Kingsman came into play. You see, Harry was destined to be in Kingsman, everyone could see it. But, it was between Sophie and I that people didn't know who belonged. Three people of the same family in Kingsman was unheard of, but definitely possible."
      I yawned a bit before Lexi gave me a glare and I had to stop mid-yawn.
      "So, we went head to head. Who made it? Oh, Sophie of course. But, she didn't want it. Said it was too dangerous and that she wanted kids one day, so I graciously stepped in to take her place. But, what happened then? Harry abandoned me saying that Sophie should have taken the damn job and that he didn't want to have to worry about protecting me. He knew Sophie could take care of herself. So, like any sensible sibling, I hired Valentine to get rid of him. Obviously didn't do a good job since Harry Hart is in fact still alive."
      Gasps were heard around the room. Shocker.
"Yes, the three amigos are still at it. The Harts are together. Sophie had a child as you can see named Bella. Bella Hart. The other firstborn Hart that was destined for Kingsman even more so than Harry. Harry practically raised her which made her even more impressive. Excellent grades, understanding, and leadership. Incredible agility. Everything a Kingsman could need."
       I feel flattered.
      "And now she is the next Arthur. Her smarts got her here, but Harry created those smarts. If I get rid of you, Fortuna stands a chance against Kingsman and Kingsman will know its place. Easy. But, we can't have three Harts against us, can we? We get rid of you, and that solves the problem. But, we want to take our time with you, Bella, so let's settle for this."
       Lexi cocks her gun and shoots. My mother's body falls limp and the horrifying sight of a bullet wound in her forehead oozing is printed in my mind.

a/n this book will be ending soon! xx
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