Chapter 13

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     Eggsy POV

     "I was afraid you wouldn't show up." I smiled as Bell walked in with black leggings and a grey muscle tee.
     "Why would I want to not show up to a place where I can beat your ass?" She smirked.
     "You are very confident, aren't you?"
     "Well, if I'm gonna be confident, I'm gonna have to act confident. It's part of the job."
     "Yeah, oka-" I grabbed her arms and held them behind her back with my arms.
     "Try and get out of this one." I whispered in her ear.
     She struggled and struggled until she suddenly stopped.
     "Couldn't get out of my strong arms, Bell?"
    She put her arms on top of mine and put force on them somehow causing immense pain and me letting go.
     "What the fuck was that?" I breathed.
     "A pressure point." She smiled.
"That's not fair!"
"Oh, so if a person has a knife to my neck and I have the perfect opportunity to hit the weakest part in his wrist, I shouldn't because it wouldn't be fair to that person?"
"Okay, Y-"
"I guess I'll just have to let that person kidnap me then, or worse! Kill me. But, if someone asks me why I didn't do anything, I promise to give you a shoutout."
"That was a very bitchy answer."
"I try."
I couldn't help but look at her smiling lips and crave them. This craving was so sudden that I didn't know how to deal with it and I ended up punching her in the chest.
"What the fuck, man?" She coughs holding her sternum.
"I-uh, I was testing your reflexes. Needs some work." I coughed.
"Gee, thanks for looking out for me."
"No problem! Now, how about we wrestle?"
"You're serious?" She laughs.
"Yep, and I'll let you make the first move."
"Wow, you're so generous."
"Thanks, now let's go."
We start circling each other on the mat and Bell grabs me in a headlock. I elbow her in the stomach and put my leg behind hers, tripping her with her landing on her back. I go to straddle her, but she wraps her legs around my neck and flips me over with extreme force, hurting my neck.
"Agh, son of a bitch!" I hold my neck.
Bell straddles me and sits on my stomach. Holy fuck.
"Give up yet?" She smirks.
"I don't think so."
I leaned up and head-butt her, pinning her to the ground with her arms above her head. This is an unnecessary way to keep her down. Why am I enjoying this?
"Very nice, Eggsy."
"Why thank you, Bella."
"But, there's one slight problem."
"And what would that be?"
Without saying anything, she squeezes her fingers around mine and somehow bends my thumb inwards.
"Ow!" I yell, letting go of her hands.
She takes ahold of my hands and wraps them behind me before straddling from behind.
"I suggest you give up, Egghead."
She pulls my hair and brings me face to face.
"You sure?"
She lets go of my head and it smashes against the floor.
"Fuck." Blood flows from my nose and she starts tugging on my arm, putting my wrist in between my shoulder blades. Not this again.
"Fine! Fine! You win!" I yell.
She lets go and lifts my head again.
"Thanks, Princess." She smiles and kisses my cheek before gently laying my head back down and leaving the room.
     "I heard Bella whipped your ass." Merlin spoke from behind me.
"I guess she did." I mumbled.
"Poor you. You got blood on the mat."
"I know. She slammed my head on the mat."
"Ha, she'll be an excellent Kingsman."
I go to say something, but the door opens and I hear the clicking of heels.
I turn around to see Bell standing their in navy heels with a navy strapless dress that was short. Her hair was pushed to one shoulder and she had dark red lipstick on. I happened to notice she had a diamond stud in her nose. I never thought I'd like a nose piercing that much.
"I like the dress you had made for me, Merlin. Thank you." She smiled.
"You look stunning. That's perfect for tomorrow." Merlin complimented.
"Tomorrow?" I asked.
"There's a full Kingsman dinner tomorrow for both Bella and Mike so they can meet the other Kingsman. Bell just tried on her dress for it."
"Oh, I assume I'll be attending it." I spoke.
"Yep. Now, Bell, don't ruin that dress. I suggest you change."
"Yes, sir." She saluted and walked out of the room.
She didn't leave without sending a wink my way.

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now