Chapter 4

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Bella POV

Merlin rested his hand upon the mirror in dressing room 1 and it started sinking, the dressing room getting farther and farther behind.
"I always wondered what you did in here all the time and why it took you so long." I laughed.
"I hope your imagination didn't wander off." He raises an eyebrow at me.
"Ew! What the fuck, Merlin?!"
"Sorry, couldn't resist." He chuckles.
I cringe and the platform stops in what looks like a subway station with only one subway transport.
Merlin gestures for me to enter and he does too after me. Pressing a button, the doors close and we are launched to wherever this HQ is.
We come to a stop and the doors open, revealing a large window with a view of airplanes, cars, helicopters, and probably every transportation vehicle known today.
"Nice lair." I mumble.
"Fuckin' hell, Bella." He groans.
"Oh, you love it." I smile and he chuckles.
He opens a heavy metal door, leading the way down a dimly lit hallway before he stops in front of another heavy metal door.
"This is where you'll be staying along with the other recruits. Someone gives you a hard time, tell me and I'll deck 'em."
I laugh before nodding and reaching for the handle.
"Bella." Merlin calls.
"Yeah?" I turn around.
"Good luck."
I can't help the smile that comes across my face.
Every recruit was dressed up in either a posh sweater and khakis or skirt. There was only one girl and she didn't seem very friendly.
"Where'd they pick you up?" A dude with a smirk asked.
"London. Where'd they dig you up?"
"Brighton." He answered in a 'duh' tone.
"Fill in." Merlin walks in with what looks like a tablet. Everyone gets in two lines and I struggle to find an empty space.
"I'm sure you're all very aware how dangerous this is. This is the most dangerous job interview you'll ever experience. And might be the last job interview for some of you." Merlin speaks. The funny Merlin is gone and is replaced with a threatening one.
"Can anyone tell me what this is?" He asked while holding up a folded green bag.
The guy I was talking to earlier raises his hand. "A bodybag, sir."
"Yes, Mike, I believe."
"Yes, sir." Mike smirks at me. Little does he know that Merlin's my mentor. Sucker.
"By writing your name, blood type, and your next-of-kin, you are acknowledging the dangers of this job. And if you fail to follow the rules, you and your next-of-kin will be in this bag. Got it?"
Everyone seems cool with this. I'm fucking not. I guess I'll nod anyways.
"Fall out. Get some rest, tomorrow's a big day."
Without another word, Merlin walks out of the room, sealing the door behind him.
Mike sends a glare my way. "What's your name?"
He laughs. "Well, Bella, I would be careful around here. Don't want you getting hurt."
"Okay, I literally haven't said anything to you except where I'm from. What's so far up your ass that you need to be a dick to me?"
"You common people are all the same. I don't need you getting diseases everywhere. You'll be gone soon enough." With that, he turns away.
"We'll see about that." I mumble before going to change so I can go to bed.
I wake up due to a cold feeling around my arms. I go to put my blanket over my shoulders when I feel it soaked. I woke with a jolt, eyes widening. Water is flooding the room and as it grows, more people wake up.
"Everyone, the toilets and shower heads!!" The girl, who I found out is named Maggie, yells.
Everyone makes a run to the shower heads when I go towards the door not thinking about how Merlin sealed it probably for this reason.
When that didn't work, I started swimming towards the shower heads when I saw Mike tangled up in his sheets, not moving.
'Fucking hell, do I have to do everything?' I thought.
I reach over to untangle him and pull him out of the bed, handing him to the other boys who quickly shoved the shower head pole into his mouth and holding his nose so he wouldn't breathe in water.
I go to reach for a shower head pole myself when I see a difference in the mirror. I swim closer despite feeling drowsy.
It's worth a shot, so I held onto the sink and pounded my fist against the mirror until it started to crack. Black dots clouded my vision and one more punch did the trick. The mirror shatters and all the water rushed onto the other side. One-way glass. Fuckers.
"Well done, recruits. Maggie, good job with the toilets. You get an unlimited air supply by doing that. Bella, well done noticing the one-way glass AND saving Mike in the process." Merlin appears on the side, congratulating us.
There was another man, more like a boy, who was definitely younger than Merlin and who had a nice pair of glasses resting upon his nose.
"This is Eggsy Unwin. Last time we did this drill, he was like you guys, a recruit. Now, he's one of the best agents."
"I thought you said a woman was Agent Lancelot, sir." I spoke up.
"Yes, that's right. We made an exception for Eggsy since his mentor was very persistent."
"Who was his mentor?" Maggie asks.
"Harry Hart." Eggsy spoke. "I called him old man, but that's a different story."
Gasps were heard around the room, but I think I was the most shocked by far. Merlin looked at me knowingly, nodding.
"You guys will be sleeping in that room over there while we dry off your bunk." He points toward yet another heavy metal door across the hall. "Fall out."

Merlin POV
"Who's that girl that noticed the one-way glass, again?" Eggsy asks.
"No one you need to worry about." I respond, knowing what he's trying to do.
"Oh, is she your recruit?"
"Yes, and I'd much rather have you stay away from her. Thank you."
He goes to respond, but I shut the door behind me and expected him to return home.
"She's quite fit, ain't she?" Eggsy yelled through the door.
"She won't fall for a guy like you, Eggsy. She's smart. Now, go home."
"Whatever." Eggsy grumbled.

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